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Saturday 19 May 2012

Two French fishermen lost off the Le Bara Pemdez

Another bad day for fishing communities. This time on the French coast off Belle-Ile where the search for two missing French fishermen from the inshore boat Bara Pemdez has been suspended.  

"The hopes of finding alive two fishermen whose boat sank off the coast of Morbihan Friday morning are dwindling. The device searches deployed Friday near Belle-Ile was arrested Friday night, "after twelve hours of research" and "with the rough seas and water temperatures, there is little hope of finding them alive," said Saturday the maritime prefecture of the Atlantic. The "Bara Pemdez", a 12 metre potter from the island of Houat, activated its emergency beacon Friday at 9:45 ET and was finally located aground on rocks south of Belle-Ile. The wreckage was found empty. Attorney Lorient has instructed the Coastguard to investigate the circumstances of the sinking."
Full story here courtesy of Europe1

Olympic flame crosses the bridge at Newlyn on its way to London 2012.

Thousands lined the Coombe and New Road in Newlyn to see Roger Smitheram do the honours carrying the torch across Newlyn Bridge. 

Awash with patiently waiting flame fans lining the road and what seemed an endless stream of police cars and outriders.......
 a more official looking car appeared in the motorcade.......
 then a bus full of Olympic Flame carriers, their numbers clearly visible on their white running tops......
 followed by one of the big Games' sponsors........
 and even a spoof team of runners with their own police escort.......
 then the moment all hands had been waiting for since they arrived around 7am.......
 and before they knew it the flame had passed them by on its way to Wherry Town and the promenade run in Penzance.......
in the excitement, Samsung's shiny new electric cart appeared to have run out of battery power......
and needed a roadside charge!.......
 one minutes walk away and it's time for tea in the Mission and a chance to sit back and watch the flame being carried along the prom on the big Mission TV.......
and with Cornwall making the headline news it was only fitting for top Cornish chef, Nathan Outlaw to be cooking bass on James Martins' Saturday Kitchen.

Up for auction

On sale at David Lay's auction Tuesday next - miscellaneous fishing gear. Lots 304 - 309

Ministry in the Workplace – 27th June 2012 – Newlyn

Ministry in the Workplace – 27th June 2012 – Newlyn

A day for workplace chaplains and those with an interest in ministry with people at work.
Meet at 10.00 am for a talk and tour of the centre followed by a Fish & Chip lunch in the canteen.
For those who are really keen there is an option to join at 7.00 am for a visit to the Fish Market!
Wednesday, 27th June 2012
at the Fishermen’s Mission, Newlyn
Ship Institute, North Pier, Newlyn, Penzance TR18 5JB
To book a place on the workshop please contact:
Rosey Sanders, e-mail:rosey.sanders@truro.anglican.org – Tel: 01872 274351 ext 238 (please inform if you wish to be present for the 7.00 am Fish Market and/or the 10.00 am talk and tour). Directions and parking arrangements will be sent out after booking. Payment will be require for lunch.

Friday 18 May 2012

Olympic torch leaves Land's End for Newlyn - tomorrow

Photo courtesy of the 3100 team RNAS Culdrose.

The torch has been delivered to RNAS Culdrose courtesy of British Airways and the Olympic liveried plane.  David Beckham was on hand to do the honours and light the torch inreadiness for the short journey to Land's End and the off early tomorrow morning at 7am. This photo was taken by the boys from 771 Squadron, three of whom make up the 3100 team who currently preparing for their epic 3100 miles cycle dash across the Unites States of America!

The torch will be carried into Newlyn along Newlyn Combe and then turn left over the bridge before heading off along the prom. Why not head on over to the Mission for tea, coffee and breakfast afterwards?

Identify this fish!

Trawled up by the Crystal Sea II, this deep water fish needs a name. The boat was fishing about 50 miles south west of the Scillies in 70 fathoms of water. When the fish first appeared out of the cod end it was quite a strong blue colour. Answers on a postcard, or even better email or add a comment at the foot of the post if you have any idea what this tubby looking chap is.

And there was me thinking that identifying the above as Schedophilus medusophagus - a Cornish Blackfish - was just ironic! We live and learn. So that's what was in the well.

Rock Oyster Festival - June 22nd to June 24th.

Will the Bees, the best band bar none hailing from the Isle of Wight, yes, the isle of Wight - home to the famous Bembridge Ledges, bring down the house on the music stage and put the Rock in this year's Rock Oyster  Festival?.........

Les Pauls, a Hammond C3 and Lesley Horn cabinet - the boys can't go wrong!

To find out more about this feast of fish, fun and sounds check out the really rather excellent Rock Oyster Festival web site - if the festival is half as good as the web site then it should be a good time for all!