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Friday 4 May 2012

French fishermen are 'dining on our dolphins' caught illegally off the Cornish coast

This story was covered in the Daily Mail today:

Callous French fishermen are eating steaks carved from dolphins which have been illegally caught in the English Channel, conservationists claim. Experts believe the animals are being hauled on board trawlers after becoming trapped in nets off the Cornish coast. Fillets of flesh are then sliced off to be eaten before the bodies of the highly intelligent mammals are callously tossed back into the water.

Since the beginning of January, Cornwall Wildlife Trust's Marine Strandings Network has examined and recorded 50 dead dolphins and porpoises. Just under half, 23, showed distinct signs of having died in fishing gear.

A common dolphin, examined on the beach at Mousehole in early April, one of five discovered in the same week, showed scars typical of a large trawler net from which it presumably tried to escape. A spokesman for Cornwall Wildlife Trust said: 'A large fillet of flesh had been removed from the back - presumably for eating. 'This is a known practice on French boats and French pair trawlers were working close to the south coast at the time. 'The dolphin's tail had been cut off in the course of cutting the animal free from a winch strop which was used to lift it over the side of the boat. A common dolphin discovered on the beach at Mousehole, Cornwall, shows signs off having been trapped in trawler nets 'Local people were very upset to see what had been done to this beautiful animal and to hear that this was just one of many.' 

TtG editor's note: It's a shame the photo the Daily Mail have used is one of the Falmouth registered Peter John II and as far as we know, the boys aboard the Peter John II are not in the habit of eating dolphin or any other cetacean!

Cetacean researcher, Nick Tregenza, added: 'UK mid-water trawlers have been pushed outside the 12 mile limit by national fishery regulations but French vessels are allowed to come in closer. 'Some research is underway by the Sea Mammal Research Unit at St. Andrew's University in Scotland they're hopeful of finding an acoustic deterrent to keep animals out of the nets but there's no EU requirement on fisheries to use such a device. 'In the present situation we believe that EU mid-water trawlers should be subject to video monitoring to assess the size of the bycatch offshore of these animals that are so highly valued by people here and across the world.' Dolphins that died in gill nets were also recorded by the network and four porpoises that had been caught almost certainly by local boats were also found stranded. Nick Tregenza added: 'Many people are unaware that porpoises were a common sight quite close to shore in the recent past but they suffered a major decline that was almost certainly caused by pesticide pollution of the sea from agricultural run-off on land. 'That problem has diminished substantially and if pingers were widely adopted, we could expect to see porpoises along the coast and in our estuaries again. 'In the 1800's they were commercially hunted in the Fal estuary and it would be great to see them back. 'However the data from the Trust's Marine Strandings Network indicates that accidental capture in fisheries for other species may be doubling their natural death rate and we're concerned for their welfare.'

A spokesman for Cornwall Wildlife Trust added: 'Cornwall Wildlife Trust is encouraged that some inshore fishermen are showing an interest in using the acoustic pingers that are known to greatly reduce the accidental capture of these animals. 'Cornwall Wildlife Trust is grateful to the public for contacting them about the strandings. 'We urge people to continue to report stranded marine animals as quickly as possible to the Marine Strandings Network's Hotline on 0845 201 2626, so that they can be examined and recorded by the volunteer team.' Freshly dead animals may be retrieved for post mortem examination by the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency, Polwhele in Truro. 

 Read the article as it appears in the Daily Mail here:

Danish fishing vessel low in the water

At first you might be fooled into thinking this is dramatic footage of a fishing boat sinking at sea. Watch closely and you will soon see different. The Danish sandeel fishery has been the subject of much debate over the years - many feel that the fishing effort and huge huge catches were having a negative effect on fish stocks like cod in the North Sea - sandeels being a crucial member of the food chain, right at the bottom.

All in a day's work

A shot of the St Geunole registered trawler, Le Murex taken from the deck of the  netter Ajax during her last trip. The photo is a graphic example of conditions experienced at sea when working over 170 miles away from Newlyn.

Thursday 3 May 2012

Succorfish VME trials in the South West

The Succorfish SC2 vessel monitoring system (VMS) has been developed in collaboration with the UK Government-sponsored Seafish authority to exceed current EU and national UK VMS regulation specifications. More than just a fisheries enforcement device, the SC2 uses next generation technology to allow fishermen maximum access to all coastal and offshore marine habitat areas whilst providing maximum protection to sensitive marine seabed features and species.

More information here.

Wednesday 2 May 2012

Ozzies take a tough line - Fishing boats ordered to port for not following seabird rules 26 April 2012

Four South East Trawl vessels have been caught out not using mandatory devices to prevent seabirds becoming caught, injured or killed in fishing gear. The Australian Fisheries Management Authority (AFMA) has expressed its disappointment with these results following a recent aerial surveillance operation offVictoriaandTasmaniato ensure compliance with seabird rules. 

 Under the rules introduced last year, trawlers must use devices to protect seabirds while trawl gear is in use. A recent survey by Oceanwatch, commissioned by the South East Trawl Industry Association and supported by AFMA, showed over 90 per cent of operators are aware of these requirements. However, the first surveillance operation detected a number of fishers not using the necessary devices and as a result AFMA issued two fishers with official warnings. 

Interesting to note -  AFMA then contacted fishing operators by mail, SMS messages and through AFMA’s vessel monitoring system warning that any further non-compliance would be dealt with more harshly. Despite the reminders, later aerial surveillance operations detected a further two operators not complying with the seabird management arrangements. Both vessels were ordered to port and investigations are continuing. 

Peter Venslovas, AFMA General Manager Operations said that use of the seabird mitigation devices is a mandatory component of seabird management plans, which were developed and agreed upon with each fishing vessel operator. “It is disappointing to see the level of non-compliance particularly when AFMA and the fishing industry association have worked so hard to get these measures in place,” Mr Venslovas said. “AFMA takes these issues very seriously and will be taking strong action against any operators found to be non-compliant with the terms of their seabird management plans”. Since the plans were introduced AFMA has been working with owners and operators to develop a range of measures that reduce fishing impact on seabirds. AFMA will continue to monitor fishing activity in areas where trawl boats operate. 

Any fishing operator suspected of not complying with seabird rules will be subject to strict compliance action which could include an immediate order to return to port, investigation and possible prosecution.

What price fish?

Morrab Library, one of the few, large independent libraries left in England has just been willed £600,000 by a local resident. Started in 1818, the library is adjacent to Penzance School of Art, the oldest art school in the country - booking are being taken for summer courses now - your chance to learn from local artsists making use of the famous west Cornwall light.......
a big heavy swell and onshore winds have left the beaches in Mount's Bay covered in seaweed, no doubt in Brittany hundreds would have flocked to the water's edge armed with bags for a free supply of garden manure.......
one week on and the damage to the prom has yet to be made good - or even cleared, times must be hard for the council.....
the buoy has escaped from its mooring again........
a single line of boxes on one end of the market, no beam or trawl fish today........
and just a handful of boxes at the netter end of the market......
from the Ajax, prices should be good........
basking in the glow of the morning sun. Jean Cabot's, Matthew......... 
with the crew taking advantage of the good drying weather to get some hatch covers painted up.......
one of the prettier sterns in the harbour today........
as ever, the Bay was treated to a display of moody lighting effects.......
maybe someone knows something we don't..........
must be a few boats to choose from - see the for boats sale page.......
Mr and Mrs herring gull, even in the sea bird world it seems it's the male that does all the DIY......
just waiting for something to happen.......
or a sign even.......
out to sea looks like it's henting down out there!

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Countdown to summer - Rocket Gardens winging their way to a you!

Here's a novel idea, deliverd to your doorstep - an instant garden of summer vegetable delights to go with your fresh Cornish fish.....


for more information, don your virtual wellies and visit Rocket Gardens for bags more green goodies.