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Friday 12 August 2011

Friday is fish day.

Abbey Warehouse apartments enjoy basking in the warm glow of the morning sun.....
as the cloud lifts from over Mount's Bay........
the weather was distinctly changeable......
as the cloud descended again in the space of minutes.....
the Medical launch dropped into Newlyn to take on board fuel.......
as the last Lyonesse landed her night's work.......
keeping the sardines well covered with ice.......
and sea water.......
before they are taken off to FalFish.......
with hake prices still on the floor, with even the larger grades of fish going for just over the £2 per kilo mark......
not so big turbot.......
or this fine tub gurnard specimen.........
the sky has that glassy look to it which generally means rain is on the way.......
some boats are doing a good job.......
other's like the Algrie won't be fishing for anything until the restoration work is completed.....
customer's at Tonkin's Fish Shop opposite the market can take advantage f some excellent prices on offer for a fishy Friday.

Thursday 11 August 2011

Cornish Sardines.

With the Cornish Sardine fishery in full swing the local fleet of rin netters are enjoying the occasional good shot of fish. At this time of year, the boats head out through the gaps around 9pm in the evening to search for the shoals of sardines. The tide, weather and activity of other predatory species like dolphins can make finding the fish marks to shoot their nets on a challenging task. In this short video, the latest boat to join the fleet, the White Heather has had a successful night's fishing and is landing an exceptional haul of around 20 tons. The fish are kept in top condition with the addition of slush ice, a mixture of sea water and ice.  

Wednesday 10 August 2011

After the fight.

The response to Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall's latest TV programme, the fight sequel has highlighted the need for more education amongst both the media and the public. Seafish's Phil MacMullen gives a more balanced view than some of the press who, yet again, took much of HFW's programme at face value without appreciating the highly complex nature of managing fish stocks - after all, if it was that simple we would not be in the position we are today.

At the moment, as you are reading this fishing boats off the Cornish coast are in the process of dumping perfectly good haddock back over the side - dead.
Some of the media reports are linked here:

The Mirror

Cornish Fishmonger of the Year 2011 - can you cut the mustard?

The hunt is on to find the finest, fastest fish filleter in the West.

At this year’s Newlyn Fish Festival, taking place on the 29th August at Newlyn Harbour, Seafood Cornwall Training Ltd will host and sponsor the first ever “Cornish Fishmonger of the Year Competition”.
The competition aims to highlight the expertise of filleters and fishmongers from across the county, at the same time, promoting Cornish Fish and the profession to a wider audience.

Commencing at 3.30pm, individuals will compete on behalf of their company / employer for the coveted title. The competition will be judged by a panel of experts, including 5 x National Fishmonger of the Year, Duncan Lucas.

Competitors will be required to demonstrate how to prepare a variety of species and will be judged on their technique, speed and presentation (see full guidelines attached).

· Individual and company will be awarded with the title “Cornish Fishmonger of the Year 2011”
· £100 cash
· A Zwilling J.A. Henckels Filleting Knife kindly donated by “Pots n Pans” of Barnstaple

Runner up
· Dinner for two at the Navy Inn, Penzance, kindly donated by Chef Keir Miekle
· A Zwilling J.A. Henckels Filleting Knife, kindly donated by “Pots n Pans” of Barnstaple

To enter:
Please print off the entry form and guidelines attached (pdf) and return to Seafood Cornwall Training. 
Entry to the Fish Festival and the competition will be free of charge for all competitors.
Closing date for all entries: 22nd August 2011

For more info:
Telephone: 01736 364324
Email:  sarah@seafoodcornwalltraining.co.uk
Visit: www.seafoodcornwalltraining.co.uk/news

Mid week pickings.

 Fishing for litter on the prom......
 the two training ships, TS Victory and TS Liverman in Newlyn.........
 freshly zinc painted.......
a red trio........
 Butts been in bass action again.....
 more quality inshore fish.......
 the local Cornish Sardine fleet have been joined by the Silver Star.......
busy landing her night's work......

as is the Lyonesse.......
alongside the ice works.

Tuesday 9 August 2011

Plenty of yachts pass Land's End.

The VesselTracker AIS system picked up a huge number of yachts making their way past Land's End, a sort of Monday morning get away!

In fact, the fleet are on their way to Dún Laoghaire on the second leg of the Le Figaro - La Solitaire race that takes in France and Irleand.

Visiting yachts fill pontoon berths at Newlyn Harbour.

 No sign of any faces in these clouds over Mount's Bay this Monday morning.......
 looks like the Mission has been thrown a lifeline.......
 the White Heather is down by the head again.......
 as the fish are brailed from the tanks......
 at low water......
 before dropping in to the waiting bins......
 lined up on the fish market ready to go to the processor.......
 blocking out the sun.......
 inside the fish market here are a few langoustine on offer......
 while Roger has been dory bashing with his new rig.......
 and their is a good run of haddock - which will see many discarded as the current quota can be caught easily in 24 hours by even small trawlers like the Imogen II........
 at 3.4 kg this must be one of the biggest tub gurnards landed on the market this year - a great fish when baked buried in a mound of damp sea salt........
 a box of bass gone to the man on the South coast.......
 Mario has a few bongos of brown crab on the quay.......
 there's plenty of work to be done aboard the beam trawler Algrie.......
 it doesn't seem to matter how many berths are free these days there are plenty of passing yachts to fill the spaces.......
 back in through the gaps, the Billy Rowney makes her way to the quay......
as the visiting ring netter Silver Star heads for the gaps.