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Friday 5 August 2011


 On guard in the Bay.......
 the eye of the hake.........
 undercover langoustine..........
in tandem.........
 is alive and well and catching mackerel it seems.........
 four at at time go back aboard the sardine boat Lyonesse........
 it's FF..........
full steam ahead for the angling boat.......
 hung out to dry.........
 Ollie overends the sardine net after it had been somewhere it shouldn't........
 master of all he surveys........
in reflective mood........
Heyl Town Band will be kicking in with their Proms by the Pool on the prom on the 14th of August........
 one ex-French fishing boat en route.........
one oddly named French yacht en route.......
new paint job looks good on the Harvest Reaper........
end of the line for the netter.

Thursday 4 August 2011

Karin Schepers update.

AIS view of Roterdam courtesy of VesselTracker.

The Karin Schepers has just docked in the Prins Prinses Beatrixhaven dock, Rotterdam with a lucky escape after grounding on one of the few sand banks along the North Cornish coast between St Ives and Sennen beach. Maritime authorities will no doubt be speaking to the skipper and crew to get to the bottom of the ships failure to respond to frantic calls from MCA Falmouth Coastguard after she was spotted by them on the AIS not complying with the traffic separation scheme off Land'sEnd in the early ours of yesterday morning.

Wednesday 3 August 2011

An idyllic Wednesday morning.

Unique Seafood Ltd parked up for the night......
a fairly slack Wednesday market greeted today's visitors........
though there were a few boxes of superb inshore fish.........
black and white crosses..........
what an idyllic morning greeted the visiting yachts.......
good fishing with the Cornish Sardine fleet with Ollie doing his bit to boost supplies........
whereas the mackerel seem to have gone quiet over St Ives way.........
time to move the St Georges around to paint the other side of her hull while she is up on the hard........
one fish quantification kit hung up to dry..........
the William bound in.........
Through the Gaps.

Quick 'n easy - scallops of monk and pesto.

In the pestle grind a big handful of fresh basil leaves along with garlic cloves to taste.......
add some freshly toasted pine nuts........
finish off with a big dollop of extra virgin olly oil.........
cut a monk fillet across the grain about the size of scallop meats........
and serve with a simple salad of choice - all part of that Mediterranean diet that will add fifteen years to your life expectancy!

Karin Sheper runs aground east of Pendeen Lighthouse.


Sennen Cove RNLI respond to ship aground north east of Pendeen lighthouse

The volunteer crew of the Sennen Cove RNLI all-weather lifeboat were launched this morning (Wednesday 3 August) after a ship went aground. The 9000 ton container vessel went ashore in a sandy cove. There were 13 people onboard. The ships company managed to drive astern and get the vessel off.
The Karin Scheper's route from Cork, including her brief stop off Pendeen Light in the early ours of Wednesday morning.

Close up look at where she ended up briefly on the sand banks near Pendeen, virtually the only sand between St Ives and Sennen - they were SO lucky!

At 04.30am, Falmouth Coastguard noted on their Automatic Identification system that the vessel was not using the traffic separation scheme correctly. All attempts were made to call the vessel by all means but the vessel went aground in the area of Cape Cornwall

The ship had run aground on a beach at Cape Cornwall. Falmouth Coastguard called out the St Ives Coastguard rescue team and North Cornwall sector manager and requested police attendance. The Coastguard tug Anglian Princess was repositioned in case it was required and the St Ives and Sennen Cove lifeboats were requested to launch a rescue helicopter R193 was also scrambled.

Subsequently Falmouth Coastguard received a call 2 hours later from the master of the vessel reporting that he had managed to refloat the vessel after moving ballast water and using his engines to get the vessel off where she had beached.
The vessel was carrying a cargo of containers and has 13 crew on board.

The vessel is now continuing on passage to Rotterdam under its own power and all units have now been stood down. There has been no damage to the vessel, no pollution and no injuries to any of the crew.

Steve Huxley, Duty Area officer, Falmouth Coastguard said:This has been a very fast moving scenario where this container vessel run aground on beach and with the rising tide and the master has managed to refloat the ship. It is now proceeding on its passage.

BBC online news report.

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Misty morn.

One of Penzance's Art Deco buildings home to Lane's Auction house.......
early morning swan cruise......
the comfortable angler.......
let's hope the St Georges doesn't want his gear back aboard before this gull has finished nesting this year......
Rowse's new crabber the Kastel Paol is almost ready for sea......
heading off to sea,the all orange Nazarene.......
heavily built punt joins the race.......
young Roger Nowell's re-fitted and re-named Imogen II is ready to put her trawls back aboard......
classic racing yacht Overlord is one of many yachts using Newlyn over the weekend........
its a close run thing this year mid-season for the two lifeboats.......
a heavy mist hangs over the back of Newlyn Town.......
as another French yacht leaves for the open sea.......
Squirel Signs been busy again painting in boat names and numbers.......
preparing the bait for a fleet of crab pots aboard the Nazarene......
big trip of hake from the Harvest Reaper again......
maybe some enterprising person in Newlyn will open up its own seawater pedicure shop and use Cuckoo Wrasse?.......
a complete dinner party fish, 7.4 kilo turbot........
the reddest of red mullet.

Saturday 30 July 2011

Morning Sunday!

The Breton trawler passes the Anglian Princess after taking ice in Newlyn.......
a team of end-to-enders with the Lemon Plaice shop (assumed to be a fish and chip shop) as one of their sponsors rides across Ross Bridge not long after starting their marathon 11 day ride forthe British Heart Foundation......
this year we will be growing mainly courgettes aboard the Arkincastle......
all set for the early morning anglers......
one of the oldest luggers still regularly still sailing, the Spinaway X,named after a famous racehorse.....
the Jubilee Pool's resident diver in action........
black and white photograph exhibition at the Arts Club,Chapel Street.