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Saturday 9 July 2011

Trade enquiry from the US of A

As an UK based seafood company, Ocean Fleet Seafood, we are specializing
in scallop trading to UK and to further EU countries, mainly France, Spain
and Germany.

We would be greatly interested in obtaining more information about your
auction, as well as your activities.Is there an option to purchase
product from the auction online?
We would be grateful for receiving more information about what species are
being sold in the auction. Also, would you mind recommending us scallop processors in the Plymouth region, or even in further UK areas?

As the roots of our company are from the USA and we are still in the
process of getting the UK scallop to know, we would be grateful if you
could share with us some of the harvesters names which we could contact.
There is no better way to get an understanding of the nuances of this
industry than directly from the fishermen.

Thank you very much in advance - we would gladly develop a professional
relationship with you. We are impressed by your work as one of the premier
fish auction in the UK.

Please do not hesitate to contact us via email or phone at anytime, 7days
a week.

With best regards,

Dmitrijus Nikitinas


Cell USA: 617 394 1414

Cell UK: 02032390373

Fax: 208 711 2097

Ben Loyal steams home through gale of wind to land 500 tuna.

Enjoy a slideshow of the landing.
Skipper Quentin Knights watches intently as the first box of Cornish albacore tuna comes out of the Ben Loyal's fishroom.  After steaming home from the fishing grounds south west of Newlyn through a gale of wind to land her first trip, skipper and crew landed around 500 top quality tuna fish in the early hours of Saturday morning.

Enjoy a slideshow of the landing.

Ben Loyal's first tuna trip for the year!

Friday 8 July 2011

Busy night in fishy town tonight!

VesselTracker picks up many of the fleet against the quays tonight.

Jellyfish Rule! - has this man found the Truth?

Has this man just witnessed the beginning of the end of vertebrate ecology?

Last year I began to wonder, this year doubt is seeping away, to be replaced with a rising fear. Could it really have happened? Could the fishing industry have achieved the remarkable feat of destroying the last great stock?

Until 2010, mackerel were the one reliable catch in Cardigan Bay in west Wales. Though I took to the water dozens of times, there wasn't a day in 2008 or 2009 when I failed to take 10 or more. Once every three or four trips I would hit a major shoal, and bring in 100 or 200 fish: enough, across the season, to fill the freezer and supply much of our protein for the year. Those were thrilling moments: pulling up strings of fish amid whirling flocks of shearwaters, gannets pluming into the water beside my kayak, dolphins breaching and blowing. It was, or so it seemed, the most sustainable of all the easy means of harvesting animal protein.

Read the rest of George Monbiot's blog article that featured in the Guardian Online today - here - but be sure to read the comments (85 at the last count) at the foot of the article - from the well informed to the well intentioned to the ill-informed to the dismissive and merely trivial - but starting with - "correlation is not causation" - exactly so iamtheurbanspaceman!


Fishing for the Truth.

An open letter to Maria Damanki from the newly formed Fishermen's Association Ltd begins thus:



At the GLOBE World Ocean’s Day Forum on 8 June it was reported in Fishing News that EU Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki stated she “really needs help and support” on CFP reform. While Lord Deben asked “where will the fishermen be in 20 years time if we do not concentrate on the fish?” and stated “ Fish don’t belong to any one country; they don’t acknowledge borders and fishing nations need to be reminded of that.”

Let’s lay to rest once and for all this nonsense of fish not acknowledging boundaries.

Fish are a “common resource” only in the narrow sense that they are no respecters of national boundaries. That, however, is not the issue. Nobody claims to “own” wild species. What individuals, nations and local communities do claim is the exclusive right to exploit them while they are in the areas under their jurisdiction, such right being qualified only for the purpose of conservation in the more general interest. There is, however, no logical progression from this principle to that of allowing free access to all the waters of member states, which in fact is diametrically opposed to practical conservation.

Neither the Commissioner nor her predecessors, nor Mr Gummer in his previous incarnation of UK Secretary of State for Environment and Fisheries, have listened one iota to what the industry has been saying. In the last 30 years we have witnessed its destruction with the UK fleet having been halved, all in the name of conservation whilst at the same time allowing seal predation to reach mind-boggling levels.
to read the rest of the article and visit FAL's new blog - click here-

Last call for the Taste of the West awards 2011!


Taste of the West are delighted to announce that our 18th Taste of the West Awards programme is now underway. Each year these Awards – the biggest regional food awards in the country – grow in both size and reputation. The awards are highly respected across the region and serve to highlight excellence across the South West’s food, drink and hospitality industry, thus attracting much media attention; not only for the entrants but for supporters too.

Last chance to nominate or get yourself nominated!