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Saturday 28 May 2011

Greek night tonight - haddock marinated with Rosemary garlic red onion White wine vinegar & dry White vino

On Guard!

 Back in the Bay, good to see the Anglian Princess on station again.......
 to celebrate the Jubilee Pool opening there's a new set of poolside flags this year......
 if you haven't seen this before it will make you smile!.........
 German engineering on tour........
 over to take ice after landing.......
leaving the shore staff to engage in a spot of Celtic wrestling, one for you Yan.......
where's the water gone?.........
Bucaneer 16' commercial fishing boat for sale with a 'full' licence, see the Fishing Boats For Sale page for further details.

Slow Fish 2011 Opened in Genoa by European Fisheries Commissioner Maria Damanaki and Slow Food President Carlo Petrini.

The fifth edition of Slow Food’s celebration of sustainable fishing opened today in Genoa.
The event was officially inaugurated on Friday May 27 by Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries; Carlo Petrini, President of Slow Food; Claudio Burlando, President of the Liguria Regional Authority; Pierluigi Vinai, Vice-President of the Fondazione Carige and Silvio Greco, President of the Slow Fish Scientific Committee.
Slow Fish 2011 runs from May 27 to 30 at the Genoa Fiera, with a special focus this year on the small-scale fishers whose livelihood is threatened by industrial fishing and whose activities help protect rather than devastate the marine environment.

Friday 27 May 2011

Maria Damanaki - Where does fish come from?

Maria Damanaki - Where does fish come from?
European Commissioner for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries

Speaking earler today at the Slow Fish Conference in Genoa, 27 May 2011- before she goes on to announce tonight that she will take part in the launch of the European Fish Fight Campaign next week in Brussels - the sequel to Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall's UK battle to end discards at sea - one to watch!

"Minister Romano, Mr. Burlando, Mr. Petrini, authorities, ladies and gentlemen, It is a real honor to address an audience of informed citizens who care about what we eat and how it gets to our table. And I know that when it comes to fish, many of you are not just informed citizens, but rather concerned citizens. We hear that fish resources are depleted. That fish contains dangerous pollutants. That it is sometimes sold under false labels. We hear that big amounts of fish are thrown overboard because they were caught by mistake.

So what should we do?

Pixel8 Film Festival - sail aboard the Lady Hamilton and catch Chris Bean's story.

From dugout to Nelson's mistress and Rowney's Muse, step aboard as Chris Bean  charts his fishing career through a succession of boats he has steered a zillion times around Carrick Roads and Falmouth Bay in search of his daily fish.

Cornish Captain Bean's (whose woolly hat has the appearance of having been with him from birth) intimate narration of a fisherman's life which, after a promising career start at the renowned Camborne School of Mines, eventually ends up with him on, rather than under, the surface of the world.

This, the second of two fishing story movies shot by two adventurous University College Falmouth students for their end of year project - all the films will be premiered at Pixel8 in June. Hat's off to Alex Hudson and William Darby for not only committing to a full week aboard a modern fishing boat (as in filming The Beamer) but also in showing enough commitment by obtaining the same safety certificates as is required for all fishermen these days - so if the degree fails to get you a job guys you won't have any trouble finding work aboard one of the Cornish fishing fleet!

'Toughest Place to be a Fisherman' - are you up for it?

Here's a unique opportuntiy and real challenge thrown down to the fisherman of Cornwall - check out the clips below from the previous series to see what you could face:

BBC2 is looking for a fisherman to take part in the second series of the current affairs documentary: Toughest place to be…a Fisherman.

This series takes British workers to do their jobs in some of the most challenging and difficult circumstances in the world, and this time we’re looking for a fisherman! It’s an exciting opportunity to experience and learn about a culture far removed from your own and to try out your job on the other side of the world.

If you’re interested in this challenge and in finding out more then please contact Emily for a chat about the project. All calls are confidential and you will be under no obligation whatsoever to take part.

Emily.lawson@bbc.co.uk Tel 0208 0085966

Here's a few comments to wet the appetite from the previous series:

"I feel that the crew were very good professionals with a big heart, and always open to suggestions".
"The experience was unforgettable! To have a camera filming your every move, changes your way of seeing things".
"If they asked me if I would do it again, I wouldn't think twice, the answer would be yes. Thanks for the opportunity"!

Here's the BBC2 web page devoted to the series - obviously they want someone who is willing to accept any challenge that comes their way - and it could be in any part of the world - sounds like something any self-respecting adventurous fishermen would stride through in their waders no worries!

What are you waiting for!

Ken Rashleigh RIP.

Part-time fisherman, full time Chemistry teacher for many years at Mounts Bay school and all round lovely guy Ken Rashleigh passed away recently - but can you identify the well known Newlyn face alongside the man - taken in 1982 aboard Ken's tosher, Galilee which he co-owned with John and Frances MacWilliams.