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Monday 23 May 2011

Hugh and the DJ.

Courtesy of ThisisDorset.
Dorset chef Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s campaigning Channel 4 series Hugh’s Fish Fight won the Features BAFTA at this year's awards.

The show beat off competition from programmes such as Come Dine With Me, Mary Queen Of Shops and Pineapple Dance Studios.

Fearnley-Whittingstall joked: “Given the amazing competition, it’s nice to know that there are so many fish on the Bafta juries" - the fish man just doesn't look too comfortable in that DJ though!.

Dinner at Heston Blumenthal.

Dinner (now where have I just seen a fork for an 'i' before?!) - a unique dining experience at the other end of the scale and country..........
complete with source of inspiration for the Dinner menu - a time when quotas were definitely not in force on the high seas from whence the fish came........
with oyster, scallops and mackerel all featuring on the starters menu.......
and turbot and cod making the main Dinner dish list.

Heston features (along with Jamie O) in Hartsman's Zeitgeist food guide just published - inspired by Harry Beck's iconic London Underground map that has been copied all over the world.

Sunday 22 May 2011

Down Chapel Street and turn left - Untitled.

Never far from a fish connection in Penzance.......
check out Newlyn artist, Jason Walker at the Stoneman Gallery.......
or press the unprepossessing door buzzer and live the dream at the Artist Residence Hotel.......
a message for anyone with paintings to spare from Barnes Thomas Auctioneers........
after turning left at the Admiral Benbow and housed in the old Zero Nightclub (which was previously the Co-op dairy stables) the restaurant and Tapas bar Untitled headed up by local chef Robert Wright  appear.....
with a choice of eating preferences...........
head for the bar at the entrance where you will be shown to a cosy corner at ground level.......
around the old nightclub dance floor......
where the spirits of late-night revellers still manifest themselves.......
while you choose from a tapas menu spattered and peppered with flavours, textures (and check out the steps leading upstairs to the restaurant proper where until recently Michael Riemenschnieder held court)........
and combinations to please plenty of palates.......
served in small ceramic earthenware dishes........
on the way out in the entrance vestibule, one of several eclectic objects can be found.......
a ceramic developing tank for rolls of 35mm Kodak film no less.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Support your local fishermen- it's a fishy Saturday!

Plenty of trade with the bigger yachts at this time of year......
while there are bottoms to be scrubbed with the punts........
any old shoes.........
something to chill those beers for the BBQ ce soir........
the Sennen smile, what you get for a morning's work that produced 70Kg of mackerel - them Sennen boys a'coming round here stealing our fish!.......
those blues contrast nicely with the orange leggings.......
another bottom that needs a scrub.......
how many men does it take to take ice.........
quality first - slush ice boxes on the punt........
but it's still an uphill struggle........
put it in the diary.......
great to see! - our local restaurants taking advantage of good mackerel supplies........
At Source,  Penzance's only Mac Pin outlet from HFW's mac-bap campaign...... 
while the Blue Snappa goes one better and has locally caught hake and grey mullet on their Specials board.

Make mine a Mac!

 Take a mackerel and fillet - dredge with flour both sides and fry in a little oil in a heavy fry pan skin side first for a few minutes till cooked half way through - easy to see - while cooking sprinkle with chopped rosemary - turn the fillets over and cook for a minute or so - the heat in the fry pan will finish off cooking the top side very quickly.........
keeping it simple - mayo and chip, seasoned with salt, pepper and a squeeze of lemon to taste. Use two fish (four fillets) per person for med/large medium macs or there'll be a fight over who gets what!

Friday 20 May 2011

Old school - Billinsgate style.

Fish merchant Roger Barton with a brace of Ling - Behind the scenes at Billingsgate fish market
Image courtesy of Completely London

An example of a work ethic that many would argue is lost on many today - one man's 50 year life with fish at the capital of fish markets - Billingsgate - tells all. By coincidence it Looks like Billingsgate uses the same supplier of plastic door protection as is used on Newlyn fish market!

African Voices - Cape Verde fishermen on Newlyn fish market.

 African Voices visit Newlyn - Nick Howell (who has done much to support 'artisanal fishing' in Cornwall like develop the Cornish Sardine fishery) talks cod with 49 year old Senegalese fisherman Celestino Oliveira and Issa Moustapha Diop member of the National Artisanal Fishermen Federation of Mauritania .......
 two of three delegates from Cape Verde in Senegal who are visiting the UK as part of their European tour this week......
 seen here lending a hand to land fish from one of Newlyn's mackerel handline fisherman......
 Issa Moustapha Diop was truly impressed that one man had caught all the fish - he thought there must more crew member hiding aboard the boat!.......
 smiles all round for a good morning's work that started at 4am.......
Celestino Oliveira and Issa Moustapha wait as veteran handliner Chris Morley heads for the quay.......
along with hard working Greenpeace delegate, Kiwi Alicia Craw seen here enjoying the delights of all that Newlyn has to offer - later the group will convene in the Fishermen's Mission to meet local MP Andrew George and David Muirehead from the South West Handliner's Association - which represents over 150 fishermen - to discuss their working lives and how things might be different - especially now as the waters off West Africa are being fished by the world's most powerful trawler, the Atlantic Dawn, originally built to fish pelagic fish like mackerel for Kevin McHugh from her home base of Killybegs in Ireland -
she dwarfs these boats - Atlantic Challenge and Western Endeavour 
and would even make her predecessor, the Veronica, look small seen here pictured in Killybegs back in the late 1980s

All fishermen in Newlyn are welcome to come and talk with interpreters on hand to help - unless your spoken French is good of course!......