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Monday 29 November 2010

Snow of sorts.

For a short time the world went white......
so keeping on the move was an imperative, although it was probably warmer inside the market than out......
big men in the world of bass discuss tactics.......
the most tropical looking of north atlantic fish courtesy of the Ben My Chree........
Roger's new command has been out chasing his favourite JDs........
DNA sampling, more to come on this story soon......
keep that hot chocolate hot........
more green boxes of black to wash.

Friday 26 November 2010

Messin' about in a boat - not always a good idea.

Three lucky teenagers were found drifting by a New Zealand fishing boat in an eleven ft 'tinnie' after being blown 1100 kilomtres from their home island of Tokelau, 30 miles north of Samoa in the Pacific.

Mitch Tonks' iPhone app for fish lovers everywhere.

How to prepare a squid for cooking - here's an example of one of the many helpful videos to be found in the app.

Sou'West chef Mitch Tonks loves his razor shells and lives at the razor edge of new technology - for all those with mobile hones capable of running iPhone apps he's just launched the fish fancier's guide to chosing, preparing and picking the right recipes with fish.

Download the app from an iTunes store near you!

Weather watching with Windfinder.

As the winter begins to deliver increasingly inclement weather it might be a good idea to explore some of the more indepth tools available from the guys at Windfinder that feed weather data to the Through the Gaps home page.

Clicking on the super forecast link will bring up a forecast for the next three days - like this

Local wind: Just above the data you'll see a link that says Google Map - clicking on this will bring up a maplet of Cornwall including the Isles of Scilly - and dotted all over the maplet are individual weather station data feeds giving the live windspeed - very useful for ascertaining just how fickle the local winds around the coast might be at a given moment.

Regional wind: Clicking on the forecast link gives a wind chart that covers the entire south west, including Wales and the Englsih Channel - the chart is colour coded and uses the standard wind symbol to indicate the wind speed in knots.

Azur at the ice.

Sign of the time of year, best quality scad headed the Smarts way......
even the rays get a second look from the William Stevenson.........
after putting ashore a dozen tubs of cuttles its time for the Sapphire to go through the gear and take on fuel in readiness for the next trip......
seems the weather is still holding up the survey work as the Meridian is back against the quay.......
and there's plenty of gear to go through........
alongside the ice works is the big stern dragger from St Malo, the Azur........
enjoying a quick smoko in the stern, its good to see a young face in the crew .......
on call early this morning was Mr Munson........
the prom is still festooned with lights, one good blow would see the end of them no doubt!

Sandy Cove MkII.

Fresh plans to develop Sandy Cove (where Harvey's Shellfish tanks are) have been put on the table again. The ground is owned by the Harbour Trust and they have been in talks with Edward Iliffe from MDL, the same people who are hoping to turn Penlee Quarry into a huge marina complex. The new plans may resemble the original concept as can be seen here on the Fish Industry forum site.

Thursday 25 November 2010

FishFight's on!

Hugh's FishFight continues to attract attention - especially after his cook in in front of the House of Commons. There are some interesting comments on the RiverCottage blog.

It will be as well to be mindful of just what impact this fight being brought to the attention of the public will have on all the parties concerned as it has come via a significant TV food personality with a track record of tenaciously tracking down those responsible for making ehtically and environmentally challenging decisions - remeber his free range chicken fight taken to the big supermarkets?

The response added to a post on the Independent's blog makes for interesting reading.