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Thursday 4 November 2010

Newlyn Family day coming soon.

A chance for anyone with connections or just plain interested in Newlyn families - did your great aunt sit for Stanhope Forbes or Laura Knight?

Weather system that the Nova Spero and Fryderyck Chopin endured last Saturday.

This NOAA chart shows the weather system that moved across the Western Approaches on October 30th. The mid-Atlantic area of high pressure to the south west registered  1027 millibars - a difference of 47 millibars against the centre of the low that hit boats in the area including the Fryderyk Chopin and the Nova Spero. 

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Just doing his job for a beautiful ship.

It appears the a certain Newlyn skipper has become an unlikely hero over in Poland. As events unfolded far out to sea over the weekend, at the business end of the Fryderyck Chopin's towing line aboard the Nova Spero, was skipper Shaun Edwards, known better in Newlyn as 'Wordsy'.

Shaun, along with a handful of other young bloods, learned his craft mackereling and dogging  in his formative days aboard the port's record breaking Boy Gary under the awesome tutelage of cricketing skipper John 'Janner' Thomas. In the early 80s, dogfish following the huge shoals of mackerel provided the Boy Gary and a handful of other small netters with huge trips that led to her grossing just short of £40,000 for a trip smashing the port record. As one of a new breed of young skippers who saw a future in fishing with monofilament nets he then moved on to co-own the Bonny Mary with current St Piran skipper Shane Liddicoat, before the two went their own ways with Shaun becoming skipper and owner of the longliner turned netter Bonny Mary (ex-KimBill) before bringing the trawler/netter Crimond II down from North of the border and finally moving on to the current, Nova Spero.

Not one to keep his emotions or thoughts to himself, Shaun is passionate about catching fish, as can be seen from this picture of him with the finest quality Cornish Tuna, now marketed by supermarket Morrison's as Coruna tuna.

Filmed after a 10 day tuna trip, here's a short video of the Nova Spero landing at Newlyn with Shaun enthusing over the quality of his fish - beware, the soundtrack contains one or two old Cornish fishing terms!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Blog visitors following the blog from Poland during the Fryderyk Chopin rescue.

The map shows the visits from people living in Poland during the rescue of the Fryderyk Chopin over the last few days. The two concentrated areas are the port of Gdansk in the north where the boat was built and the capital, Warsaw in the centre of Poland.

Fryderyk Chopin moves to Falmouth's County Wharf.

The Fryderyk Chopin has moved from her original mooring out in the river to a berth alongside the docks at Falmouth on County Wharf.

Tour guide.

That's it for another year for the Scillonian III........
Debbie's doing her bit looking for donations for another good cause.......
with the weather interrupting fishing over the weekend the market was over quickly this morning.......
with the odd quality fish about......
time for one of Newlyn's famous guided tours to head down the quay......
pausing alongside the Nova Spero.........
with the only visible signs of her three day tow being a highly polished stern rail.......
and whiter-than-white whaleback, all credit to Mr Edwards for completing the mission and returning the youngsters to dry land in one piece.......
displayed for all to see on the side of this survey vessel, her IMO number which give her unique ID for AIS tracking........
despite all the sophisticated modern technology aboard a boat, the regs still require a ship to have a ship's bell in order to emit a continuouss sound as one of the many internationally recognised distress signals......
the survey vessel lays outside the visiting Scottish scalloper, Kestrel........
who carries a ready supply of tooth bars on deck.......

Monday 1 November 2010