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Thursday 14 October 2010

Ray's bream.

A brace of bream, one rarish Rays (left) caught by the Imogen and bought by Wings......
the inspectors were a little behind schedule on the market this morning - sort of after-sales service......
twenty seven bins made the Lyonesse top sardinier last night.......
more painting still to be done aboard the Jacoba.......
Royden will have to get his brush out again as the Fishing for Litter scheme doesn't seem to extend to the boats when they are ashore.........
three of the sardine fleet........
Debbie extends her grattitude.......
seems the James R may be looking at the Mount for some time......
another ex-fishing boat, this time anchored off the back of the harbour wall at Penzance.

Valentine Warner opens Falmouth Oyster Festival today.

 Chef Valentine Warner kicks off this year's Falmouth Oyster Festival.......
Photo courtesy Dawn Runnals
one of the greenest fisheries in the world, hand dredged and powered only by oar or sail.......
Photo courtesy Dawn Runnals

when the town gets to celebrate with a huge oyster eat-in!

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Red hues.

Fill in the missing letters......
ex-fishing vessel in pillar box red......
it takes two vans to fix one cat......
another red ex-fishing vessel - with an ingress of water that needs to be stemmed.

The lights are in on the Mish'.

It's dark outside these mornings......
but there's plenty of hustle and bustle inside the market......
whilst outside, is a very still harbour in front of the fish market.....
the unmistakable hue of fresh pillar box red paint gleams all over the Post Office, apart from the bottom half of the door which remains with its undercoat......
Badock's gallery's latest showing is from artist Alsion Mumford......
the Jacoba has a fresh lick of paint and her gear back aboard......
long may the light's shine forth from the Mission in Newlyn.

Tuesday 12 October 2010

Much mending to do.

More than a day's work aboard the Dayspring........
last call before sailing aboard the CKS.

Monday 11 October 2010

Only the best of Cornish fish good enough for London's sushi bars.

 Three boats and thirty tons of Cornish Sardines coming ashore.....
 and waiting on the quay.....
 are top Sushi suppliers T&S on a guided tour of the area to see where their line caught bass and Sennen jigged squid come from........
 looks more like a longliner's wrecking trip than a beamer's trip from the Cornishman.......
 looks like a promising start to the day over the harbour.......
 the very latest in haute-couture W&S style.......
likely to cause chaos over the next few days for users of the Coombe road.

Sunday 10 October 2010

Wiron 1 and Wiron II.

The three coasters anchored of Gunwalloe were joined in the night by the mid water boats, Wiron I and  Wiron II.