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Thursday 30 September 2010

Trawler Wars with a difference - 'All at Sea' - the dirty side of the fishing industry from EJF.

ALL AT SEA-The Abuse of Human Rights on Illegal Fishing Vessels from Environmental Justice Foundation on Vimeo.

Life as a crew member aboard any fishing vessel is a difficult and often hazardous occupation, and widely considered to be one of the most dangerous occupations in the world. However, in addition to the hazards associated with weather and the catch itself, the fishing industry is home to some of the worst examples of abuse in the workplace.  Pirate fishing operations in particular are often characterised by the lowest standards of working conditions and extensive reports of abuse. EJF’s investigations have documented crews on illegal fishing boats working under slave like-conditions, and facing daily exploitation and abuse.

In a new report ‘All at Sea – the abuse of Human Rights aboard illegal fishing vessels’ EJF exposes these human rights abuses, and documents how the lack of international regulation, including the exploitation of Flags of Convenience, allows pirate fishing operators to perpetuate these abuses with virtual impunity.

Wednesday 29 September 2010

SEA Communications' Discovery Day in Newlyn

Along with migrating birds, recent visitors to Newlyn included a team from SEA Communications - not a sales team giving it the hard sell for the latest in digital cell phones, DSC kit or VMS - but a Service Design Agency based at Jubilee Wharf, Penryn whose mission is to 'solve problems creatively'.

Meeting up with a few of the locals, the SEA Comms people (not to be confused with SeaCom as was, also from Penryn) spent the day taking a close look at the current state of the local fishing industry for their aptly named, Discovery Day. A tour round the harbour and its facilities was followed by a heads down in SeaFood Cornwall's office where tuna man Quentin Knights seems to have been subjected to a seabird identification Discovery Day of his own - [well that's what it looks like in the photos] - bit tough on a fisherman for whom the exact species of seabirds are of little significance other than the fact that they always appear from nowhere at hauling time, shit on you from a great height on deck and, in fine weather, constantly make a mess all over the boat - still, he's shown the picture again but somehow the right answer seems to have eluded him and then, in the final shot, it looks like the point where Quentin gives in and says, "you got me beat!" - meanwhile, Nathan looks on, relieved he isn't the one being given the bird degree.

A trip at sea might have proved enlightening for the SEA Comms team where they could have observed at first hand how skippers and crews are constantly driven to 'solve problems creatively' in order to keep their boats at sea, beat the weather and make their gear catch as much fish as possible.

Never mind the weather, as long as we're together....

Early morning diver action in Penzance.....
with only one beamer on the market......
and a couple of inshore trawlers, the merchants were paying top dollar for fish this morning, especially with no boats due the next day......
the heavy sky an indication of the even heavier overnight rain......
not that that will stop Mario and the boys heading out for a day on the pots.......
or Mr Curtis Jnr on the Elisabeth Veronique.

"N'' notices.

 Reminds me of the of the Shrove Tuesday years ago when there wasn't a lemon or egg in the shop.....
let the boys from St Ives lighten up your life this Christmas.....
one of the few boats registered in Truro is up for sale......
make a note of the Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee meeting dates, and take the time to read their service plan for this current year before you attem......
there's a good berth still available aboard the Sea Spray.

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Lights aboard.

 There's power aboard the Tranquility once more.....
 and a pair of BMs in tier......
 all in a day's work for the crabbing fleet....
landing at the end of what must have been a scuffly sort of day.

Monday 27 September 2010

James Bowden, Trawler Wars photographer aboard the Billy Rowney.

Check out the work of photographer James Bowden who spent 8 days aboard the Billy Rowney earlier this year shooting stills for the Trawler Wars series.

Meanwhile, here's another taster video clip - this time its the turn of decky learner Wayne aboard Shiny's Angel Emiel who bears the brunt of the skipper's angst - you just can't get the staff it seems.

Gold fish.

Almost time Monday's auction to start......
with a big shot of bass from the Cynthia sure to make big bucks.......
along with just one box of red mullet which willl make big money for the  Go for It this morning.....
dawn was a dull grey affair.....
with mystery light on the move.......
and the back end of a front passing overhead the Anglian Princess at anchor in the Bay.