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Monday 20 September 2010

Monday's market - as ever, top quality Cornish fish.

 There was a high percentage of the very best in quality fish on the market this morning starting with more gold than red, red mullet.....
 the shiniest of line caught pollack......

and a huge shot of line caught bass.....
 a growing number of big squid......
 and the western end of the market was full of net fish......
time for tea after putting seven tons of ice aboard the Breton trawler Maranello whose ice machine had packed in......
after a quick check of the log book the skipper says cheerio to the team from the MMO.....
and Andrew gets to let go the stern rope......
before the skipper uses a bow spring to kick the boats stern from the quay.....
when its time to let go the spring.....

before heading for the gaps.....
and off to complete the rest of the trip.......

always an answer from Debbie in the Star Inn.

Sunday 19 September 2010

As the season changes......

 The end of the main holiday season is reflected in the tired looking flags on the promenade as Cornwall heads for the 'shoulder months'........
 time to move the ILB......
 the new mast rigged aboard the little Breton yacht from Carantec just doesn't look right somehow....
 Scottish scallopers are in over the weekend nearing the end of their summer season......
 a very rare shot of the woolly hatted grey back gull......
 eat and take a drink on one of the few pubs on the front......
 Kier Meikle, the man with his name above the door of the Navy Inn has built quite a reputation for his fine seafood menu.......
 if nothing else, going to the viewing of this coming sale at W.H.Lane's auction with picture by Miller and........
 Robert Lenkowicz are on offer.....
 the sun manages to catch the well-worn flags......
over the Jubilee Pool.

VesselTracker.com - complete coverage off the Cornish coast.

VesselTracker.com's receiving stations in the south west now provide complete coverage around the key ports including Plymouth, Falmouth, Mount's Bay and the Scillies. Of interest to the fishing fraternity are the working patterns of the Breton fleet, many of whom are currently working in the Bristol Channel.

Vessel Tracker provides a unique range of ship tracking features and services - all of these are comprehensively explained in short video demonstrations. The one key feature of the tracking software allows email or text alert messages to be sent when a boat moves, enters or leaves a port or passes a waypoint - ideal for owners, crew or engineers who need to know of the whereabouts of particular vessels.

Smoked fish trials continue.....

Three monk tails were given a hot smoking - pending taste tests and flavour feedback!

Saturday 18 September 2010

RNLI lifeboat Ivan Ellen is kept busy but not the only boat to rescue vessels in trouble.

 There's a mix of fresh and block frozen bait going aboard the crabber Emma Louise.......
 the chaps aboard the privately owned Bristol based Douglas Currie get busy scrubbing down the deck under careful scrutiny.....
 Trawler Wars star currently undergoing a makeover.....
 the low sun at this time of year picks out the flags on the prom in the evenings......
 in a busy week that saw several big tow jobs, three Bretons and their boat which now sports a replacement mast of sorts, made it as far as Newlyn eventually under tow from the Ivan Ellen......
 the classic boat Ruth, star of several films, suffered a serious main engine problem while on passage, at the same time, the Danmar was returning from Mevagissey after towing the ex-Newlyn netter Huers to her new home, answered the Ruth's distress call and towed her to Newlyn where she awaits moving on to Penzance wet dock.......
 plastic punt picked out in the morning light.......
 not one to miss out on things, it seems even John Lambourn's Ripple entered the Ivan Ellen's log book as another tow job for the busy station.......
 a tow of different sorts, George uses the W&S workboat Chickadee to pull the bow of the James R H away from the quay so she can get to sea......
 meanwhile, the port side derrick gets the heat treatment......
 from the welding team.......
never a dull moment in the Star Inn it seems.

Friday 17 September 2010

Friday is Farmer's market day in Penzance.

 It's not the only wet fish shop in Newlyn, but it is the nearest to the market.....
 there are signs that the squid are moving in on the inshore grounds......
 no doubt the smaller ones will be keeping a watchful eye out for the huge sardine shoals......
 the weather will dictate when the scallop season comes to an end and the visiting Scottish dredgers make their way up North again.....
 heading off for a feed, a juvenile gull not quite finished losing its baby feathers.....
 Badcocks Gallery's current show, Safely Gathered, by local artist Marilyn Browning which compliments the pottery pieces underneath......
 their are still a few leisure boats passing through......
 while the crabbing fleet wait for bait......
 it's good to see the Emma Louise back in action again after having a new main engine fitted.....
 where do all the wooden warp drums go?.......
 pile 'em high, Cornish Sardines stacked skywards......
 a man happy in his work putting up the stalls for the weekly.......
Penzance Farmer's Market, now moved outside St John's Hall and held every Friday.