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Friday 6 August 2010

Meeting this afternoon at 5 pm in the Newlyn Centre.

Last chance to have your say about the new market buildings and new market operations proposed by setting up a Community Interest Group at The Centre, Newlyn this afternoon - starting at 5pm.

Cornwall Council, Commissioners and appointed accountants all give presentations outlining the key features - laying to rest some of the myths being expounded - that the proposed new harbour fees will be 5% not the 10% quoted by some!

Testing tuna times are over - hopefully!

A big smile from seine skipper supremo, 'Gentleman' Jim Nixon as the Ben Loyal gets the nod from the main engine dept to say that all is well with the fuel system.....
all new gear taking shape aboard the Sapphire......
another batch of divers make ready aboard the Cornish Pussy dive charter boat....
 aboard the Argosy, when the going gets tough, the tough lay down on the job.

Thursday 5 August 2010

NCI Cornwall get the Queen's Award.

NCI Cornwall has received the Award for helping to save lives at sea and along the Cornish coastline. Accidents do happen and there is no substitute for a watchful pair of eyes in spotting a distress flare, an overturned boat, a yachtsman with engine failure or an injured cliff path walker. NCI volunteers are trained to spot, plot and report on just such eventualities. There are over 500 watchkeepers and trainees manning the thirteen stations operated by NCI in Cornwall. The numbers continue to grow as volunteers from all backgrounds appreciate the part they are able to play in helping to ensure the safety of our coastline at no cost to the public.

Winners of this year’s Award were selected from 341 groups nominated by members of the public who have been helped personally or witnessed the benefits of a group’s work in their community. 

NCI Cornwall will receive a certificate signed by the Queen and an exclusive commemorative crystal, presented by Her Majesty's representative in Cornwall, Lady Mary Holborow J.P. at a special ceremony at Truro School Yesterday.

 There's now a copy proudly hanging on the wall now of every Cornish NCI watchstation around the county's coastline....
visitors are always welcome and it's easy to tell if a watch station is manned, the Union Jack will be flying......
 as is the case with Penzance's station, which used to be a WWII look out for the army's gun battery.....
 with its commanding position overlooking Mount's Bay.....
 this morning, station commander Brian Jackson has called in to provide a second pair of eyes, checks out a flag being flown by the TS Jan Jerwood that has just steamed in to view.....
 from the myriad of resources to hand, the station has just received accreditation for two-way radio comms and an internet linked computer with broadband is expected any day......
 the morning's watch keeper, Douglas Angwin, identifies the small stern trawler Ocean Star making her way to Newlyn.....
 and updates the station's log.

The NCI are always keen to hear from anyone interested in helping support their work in Cornwall or the rewarding position of watchkeeper - more information can be had from the Penzance station's web site.

Other local stations include Gwennap Head at Land's End, Cape Cornwall, St Ives and the very first look out at Bass point on the Lizard.

Wednesday 4 August 2010

Latest harbour dues now posted.

 Crabs need to eat - so Edwin delivers yet more bait for the Dom Bosco.....
 some work better under supervision, and a man with a tea in his hand can see that all is well with the new flip-up foot ropes for the Sapphire.....
 the second smallest boat in the W&S fleet about to get an overhaul.

Check out the new comprehensive list of harbour dues that are now available - see the link at the top of the page or visit the NHPC site.

The Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners Invitation to attend a meeting to hear the views of the Fishing Industry

The Newlyn Pier and Harbour
Invitation to attend a meeting to hear
the views of the Fishing Industry

Newlyn Pier and Harbour Commissioners are seeking
the views of the fishing industry so that it can improve
the services that are currently offered.

It wishes to assure the long term success of attracting
the highest value of landings into the port and the
highest proportion possible of those landings being
auctioned at the Newlyn Fish market.

NPHC would like to invite you to attend one of two
events so that they can share information, debate and
hear your views and to discuss a new fish market.

Thursday 5th August 1000
Friday 6th August 1700

Both at the Trinity Centre
For more information call 01736 362523
Agenda for the Open Meeting with the Fishing Industry
5th at 10am and 6th August 2010 at 5pm
1000 Welcome and Introduction by Gilbert McCabe: Where are we now? What
decisions do we need to make?
1010 Presentation (DVD) of the Market Design: Andrew Munson
1020 Market Operator: Gilbert McCabe
1025 Presentation of the proposal for the CIC: Nick Howell and John Lambourn
1045 Finances: Gilbert McCabe
1050 Presentation by Winter Rule: Tom Roach
1100 Questions and Answers: Gilbert McCabe
1130 Wash up: Gilbert McCabe

Tuesday 3 August 2010


Plenty of leisure craft making their way from Penzance dock this morning, along with the Scillonian III and the Windcat 4.

Docking the Sand Snipe suction dredger in Penzance Dry Dock.

Good to see some trade for the Penzance Dry Dock in the form of the Sand Snipe, a small suction dredger - follow the action in this short image gallery which starts with the late arrival of the tug boat DanMar's skipper and continues as Mr Murley  supervises proceedings from his prominent position in the bow of the boat.