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Tuesday 16 March 2010

E-tracking for 15m vessels coming next year.

With all vessels in the EU over 24m now running e-tracking attention will turn to the same system being made compulsory aboard vessels over 15m in 2011. Inevitably it seems, with the world's largest fishing fleet to monitor, a Spanish company won the first contract to supply a system in EU vessels. London based INMARSAT supply the satellite etchnology that provides the tracking signal which leaves owners free to choose the hardware to have aboard the boat.

CEFAS tender applications deadline April 2010.

Just a reminder to fishermen in the South and West that five tenders have been published under the Fisheries Science Partnership:

  • FSP Project: Square mesh panel trials on twin or multi rig working inshore grounds: North Thames estuary: FSP 2010-11 (17)
  • FSP Project: Sardine and anchovy survey off South West England: FSP 2010-11 (18)
  • FSP Project: Bristol Channel 100mm cod end trials: FSP 2010-11 (19)
  • FSP Project: Red mullet gill net fishery discard reduction: FSP 2010-11 (20)
  • FSP Project: Modified commercial trawl survey: FSP 2010-11 (21)
The deails of each tender can be read or downloaded from this page.

Monday 15 March 2010

Look out there's a trojan about!

Big trip of monk tails and megs for the St Georges.....
one of the few cod that made it to market get sized up......
more like close encounters.......
ummh, wrong fish Edwin......
red sails in the sunrise......
as the Girl Pamela makes her way to the gaps.....
it seems that Nathan Marshall is the Govenek of Ladram......
hazardous waste the gulls can't resist.....
starboard side view of the fleet's latest acquisition.......
ahead of the small tug, Trojan.

Sunday 14 March 2010

St Piran's Day celebration arrives dreckly!

Owing to a technical glitch, the gallery of images to celebrate St Piran's Day never made it to the site last weekend. All is now running smoothly and the images can be seen in the original post here.

Saturday 13 March 2010

Feels like the first day of spring as the temperature makes for double figures at last!

Bound away again......
a small step for man......
one windy gun and dozens of 'three linkers'........
as the gear aboard the Lady Lou from Brixham gets an overhaul at the end of her trip.....
view from the top of Church Street with its modern take on an adit running down the centre, the hand rail is necessary in snow and icy weather as residents were thankful this winter no doubt.....
the figurehead that adorns the garden of possibly the oldest properties in Newlyn, Matelot's Cottage......
that looks across to the aptly named Harbour View Terrace.

Friday 12 March 2010

Busy market this morning.

Big ray make a rare appearance on the market this morning.......
and at 7.6Kg a single hake would be the perfect fish for a huge weekend feast......
the Lamorna appears to have gone to the dogs.......
while the Tracy Clare has some quality monk tails that Trelawney fish just could not resist.......
the honey fan has the pressure washer powered up......
every dahn has its day.......
today's donkey on the move......
won't be long before the Nova Spero is chasing the tuna again......
surplus to requirements the wooden warp drums are in need of a good home.....
out on the quay, PZ1001 is ready for a scrub.....
when there's a job to be done get the right kit for the job.....
back at last, the Ivan Ellen is now ready to do business.......
latest underground art movement on show at the Orion Gallery......
keeping an eye on the horizon.......
all sorts spotted in and around Newlyn.

Cornish poet Bernard Moore.

Not content with a poem recalling a huge mullet catch, Bernard Moore published an entire collection of poems many with the sea and fishing as a theme. The book, Cornish Catches, can be read online courtesy of the American Library's Internet Archive. Not so many years ago it was not unheard of for youngsters at school to take the odd day off in the winter when the mackerel were thick in the Bay - as a young David Pascoe (skipper of the Little Pearl)was known to do when he should have been sat in his lessons at Mount's Bay School. A copy of the entire book, in pdf file format, can also be downloaded from the same site.

Five of his poems were set to music and are available with songhseets for download.