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Sunday 8 March 2009

Storm video from the Spirit of Mystery's blog

The full force of an ocean storm can be judged from this video shot from up forar'd on the Spirit of Mystery as she shows off her sea-keeping capabilities at the start of their two and a half day ordeal - gives you some idea of what the guys must have endured running before the wind during the hours of darkness when they could not see what was coming!

Spirit of Mystery update - Rodney it is now.

Having put crew member Mark Maidment ashore the Spirit of Mystery is now bound for Melbourne as originally intended - at least that way Mark made the voyage to Oz by boat all the way instead of having to suffer the ignominy of being airlifted ashore by helicopter as they planned at one stage. The rescue services there were obvioulsy not familiar with the deck layout and rigging of a traditionally rigged lugger or they would have known that there was no clear deck space from which to work a hi-line as an SAR helicopter would have done back here in the UK.

After undergoing several hours of surgery, Mark, now nicknamed Rodney on account of the metal rod pinning his broken leg (in two places) together! - read a full account here from the BBC.

UPDATE! Pete Goss has just posted this account of the knock down on the blog - you can sense the enormity of the event from the highly charged narrative.

End of another neap - a poor ride home for the boats.

The CKS lands to the back of a waiting truck under very heavy skies, the netters that arrived this morning enjoyed avery uncomfortable steam back home in gale force winds.....
with Sennen lifeboat station undergoing work their boat takes a spin out with the Penlee boat on exercise......
out in the Bay the MCA's Anglian Prinsess rides at anchore......
in port for the first time this year, regular on the local crab grounds the en Glas from Salcombe......
just in through the gaps and no doubt glad to hit calmer waters of the harbour, St Ives man Barney Thomas' Ajax.....
one of the biggest beam trawls in the UK......
a good trip from the CarolH will later be on sale at Plymouth market.

It is that time of year again, the mackerel are coming!

The first post to the 'Through the Gaps' blog using a mobile phone - uploaded from the quay seconds after the photo was taken - the wonders of modern technology - a Samsung i900 Omnia for those who are interested!

Seems there's a crucial piece of kit missing aboard the boat at present.

Saturday 7 March 2009

Spirit of Mystery update

The Spirit of mystery has made an earlier has expected landfall to drop the injured Mark Maidment - check out the Mystery blog for the full story.

Mousehole's harbourmaster waits in the wings.

The stern countenance of trawler skipper Edwin, Mousehole's new harbourmaster-to-be graces the Mission dining room in Newlyn.

Newlyn bags the litter bug!

Sarah Henshall, from the Cornwall Fisheries Resource Centre has masterminded the litter campaign here in the west of Cornwall.

Next Friday, March 13th, Fishing for Litter South West, an initiative to help clear the sea of rubbish, will be officially launched at Newlyn.

Fishing for Litter South West is enlisting the help of local fishermen and encouraging them to bring ashore litter caught in their nets during fishing.

Local fishermen are supplied with special large hard wearing 0.5t or 1.0t bags which they take out with them so that they can easily collect marine litter that they find at sea. The bags are then brought into harbour and deposited on the quayside where the rubbish is collected and recycled or disposed of responsibly.

The project is based upon Fishing for Litter Scotland which has been in operation for over 3 years. Scotland's fishermen, from 16 major ports and from over 110 vessels, have removed over 150 tonnes of litter. As well as being harmful to the marine environment, litter can pose a serious risk by causing entanglement or breakdown of vessels at sea.

Fishing For Litter South West is coordinated by Seafood Cornwall Training Ltd, Newlyn. Further information can be found at http://www.fishingforlitter.org