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Monday 16 February 2009

Lack of Cornish interest sees some salty tales off to Eyemouth Museum

Despite trying for several years since the Pilchard Works Museum closed down in 2006, Nick and Mithe Howell have now found a new home for some of the more significant artefacts that once made up an historic collection of Cornish fishing paraphenalia. For many years British Cured Pilchards and then the museum were the only surviving remnants of the huge Cornish Pilchard industry that have seen thousands of tons of 'Salacche Inglese' exported to Italy since the 16th Century! The collection of fishing and processing items has now been broken up, proceeds from the forthcoming sale at David Lay's will help contrubute to the cost of new seating in Newlyn Fishermen's Mission.

Many of the items from the museum can now be seen at Penlee House Museum and Gallery in Penlee Park, Penzance - with a reminder to all that admission is free on Saturdays! The current exhibition of paintings focusses on both Newlyn and its near neighbour Mousehole - which includes the original artwork by Nicola Bayley for the Mousehole Cat - well worth seeing in order to appreciate the intracacy of her work!
The Eyemouth Museum will now provide a permanent home for major Pilchard Works artefacts including the giant net-making machine and examples of the Victorain pilchard presses.

Meanwhile, round the other side of our planet on 37ft of stout Cornish oak frames

By following the Spirit of Mystery with the tracking software from Sailblogger.com you can now see that the coastline of Western Australia has hove into view.....So its good to see the Spirit of Mystery live up to her name as she ferries Pete, his brother Andy, son Eliot and friend Mark across to Oz in style. Valentine's day was anything but romantic for Pete and his intrepid crew as they were forced to mark the halway point of the second leg of their historic voyage by weathering the worst storm they have yet to experience.

Catch Pete's blog for a fuller account of the last few days as they now begin what must be in their minds, the 'home run'.

What a difference a week makes

One week after the vicious little blow that swept the region last Monday sees barely a ripple in the harbour this morning...
as another porbeagle shark finds its way on to the market, this one from the Newquay netter, Band of Hope.....
on top of things and a chance to discuss the lowest fuel prices for some time on the Heltor tanker fleet....
it seems some mother's do 'av 'em......
evidence that there is now good monk fishing from the Aaltje Adriante ......
while the Little Pearl may have ended her winter sardine season last week there are tell-tale signs on the quay that other's in the fleet are continuing to catch away....
sign opposite the fish market, advance warning that the Fradgan will be closed for a few days next week.....
a tranquil scene looking across to the Jubilee Pool from the prom this morning.......
various members of the cephalapod family are still in evidence with trips from the beam trawlers on the market.

Sunday 15 February 2009

Ice and go

Work continues aboard the Ripple in preparation for her maiden voyage, more carpentry from the steady hand of John Lambourn now sees a set of wooden mounts for the port and starboard nav lights in place.....
sitting alongside relief RNLB Beth Sell, the Sound Diver a dive charter boat from the Lochaline Dive Centre based in the Sound Of Mull 44 miles west of Fort William.....
time to get the boxes back abord the Charisma before she heads out for another neap tide.....
a quick job on the hard for the Dom Bosco.......
as the CarolH heads out to sea on Sunday afternoon.....
in store its time to build up a season's worth of traditional withy pots for the Inspiration.....
and there's a queue at the iceworks this morning.

Friday 13 February 2009

Spring like

The sun comes up over a tranquil Bay, a far cry from the beginning of the week.....
though careful inspection of the waterline along the quay still reveals a ground sea in evidence....
there are only a handful of boats left in port.

Thursday 12 February 2009

Season over

Gurnards for bait covered to keep the gulls away.....
wait on the quay alongside the Emma Louise and Intuition.....
while alongside the market all ahnds guide Royden reversing the trailor alongside the Little Pearl....
so that the ring net can come ashore marking the end of the winter's sardine fishing for the boys.


The Lyonnesse makes her way back to Newlyn.....
while the waning moon sets over the top of the village.....
Thursday's market hall......
plenty of tidying up to do aboard the Resurgan.