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Friday 30 January 2009

Cornwall tops the call-outs and shouts for the RNLI in their busiest year ever

Seems the weather last year helped to up the number of shouts for our worthy friends aboard the Ivan Ellen and other lifeboats boats up and down the South West's coastline. Falmouth's all-weather boat was called out 104 times while the Ivan Ellen's shouts were 23 more than the previous year. See the full story here.

Heavy drizzle

Back in port and landing in heavy drizzle being swept across the deck, the Cornishman returns from her gannet mission.....
and with the weather blowing them back in after a few hauls this fish is in top condition....
so too for the Crystal Sea II who's fish are now safely aboard a lorry from OceanFish and bound for PTA in Plymouth.....

at last, with the advent of a tide big enough to allow the fisroom hatch to be cleared, the Roseland has been successfully pumped out, re-floated and moved to a safe drying-out berth up the harbour.

Wednesday 28 January 2009

No expense spared for a young gannet!

When it comes to animal welfare and the Brits, anything vaguely furry, fluffy or feathery comes out on top. This week a young gannet aftre being rescued by the Navy made the journey from ship off Scotland (HMS Gannet of course) to shore and then via helicopter to RNAS Culdrose before being ferried to the bird sanctuary at Mousehole for some serious R&R. After recovery the release was filmed as the bird was put aboard Stevnson's flagship beam trawler, the Cornishman (maybe that's why she had her day signal replaced!) and then ferried off out to sea for release.

Footnote: The RSPCA was founded in 1824 and the NSPCC was founded 60 years later in 1884 and, to this day, the welfare of our children do not have 'Royal' approval.

Cornwall Maritime Trust - the fishing lugger Barnabus on film

If you are a fan of traditional working boats, get to Falmouth this Saturday as there is a showing of the film telling the story of the Barnabus and her restoration project under the auspices of the Cornwall Maritime Trust.

Tuesday 27 January 2009

Rockin' Roger wades in to support Helford Fishermen and their battle for a jetty

Roger Taylor, ex-Truro School, Queen's drumming legend and long-time resident of the now infamous Helford Village has voiced his support for the proposed new jetty. The story has now graced the pages of the nationals including the Daily Express. There's an interesting comment added to the article at the foot of the page.

Troika fans beware!

Back in Newlyn's recent creative past, ware from a local pottery became popular with tourists visiting the area. The Troika pottery produced earthenware pots in a distinctive style very much of the day 1970s (you either loved it or were only too glad when the vase someone bought you was knocked off the shelf by the cat and smashed). When the company ceased trading the moulds were not destroyed, instead they ended up in a garden shed 'up North'. But now there are concerns amongst collectors that the market is seeing a growing number of fakes available on the auction site Ebay - see the full story here.

On the jobs to do list

Decisions yet to be made regarding the unfortunate Roseland. She was one of the original ex-admiralty MFVs that arrived in Newlyn after the war for Stevenson's along with the Jacqueline and the Efficient. Then named the Alison, she helped to pioneer side-trawling in the port......
there's a few heavy items waiting on the quay to go aboard the Cornishman.....
including a new fishing day signal to replace the rather battered one she has at present!