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Friday 7 November 2008

Prime fish and more paint and pots

A late landing for Barney Thomas' Ajax......

reminding the buyers that the monk tails aboard the Sadia Louise having been kept in slush ice are A1 quality...

at 13p a tag this fishermen need to know that his line caught fish will make top-dollar...

Friday's market had fish end-to-end....

and included boxes of 7-8 kilo hake from the netter Ben My Chree....

these should be called golden mullet, such is the quality...

rare variety of black speckled gurnards...

not many cuttles about at the moment...

haddock in perfect condition from the netter Sowenna...

almost there with the paint job on the Emma Louise...

heavy skies with heavy showers on the way...

JST Services from Ayr is at anchor in the Bay...

some final touches involve still more welding aboard the crabber.

Paint and pots.

Waiting for new tenants, the Abbey Slip development.....
and waiting for a soaking, the new pots aboard the Emma Louise.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Hot off the press - Fish

The ideal Christmas present for the chef-cook in your life!

Served up at a breakfast launch today in the restaurant Tom's Kitchen, Fish - a new cookbook written by the chef Tom Aikens. A must for any seafood fan, especially as many of the dishes for this book were inspired by Tom Aikens' work with fishermen down here in Cornwall. This is more than just a collection of fish recipes, it includes sections in detail on the preparation and handling of fresh fish and shellfish through to catching, handling and observations on many apsects of the industry in its current setting.

With many fishermen keen to supply chefs and other outlets with tagged and traceable fish the book explores the developing relationship between the catcher and the customer. For anyone in the industry, there are plenty of familiar faces and scenes to be seen in the specially commissioned photography used in this lavishly illustrated book!

We can thank Keith Floyd back in the mid 1980s with his series 'Floyd on Fish' for being the first chef of any repute for starting the ball rolling - we saw him escape from the kitchen to celebrate cooking with the people whom actually catch fish for a living - especially in Cornwall. Floyd the gastronaut's sense of adventure, enthusiasm and willingness to broaden people's culinary experience made a lasting impact - if you can get hold of a copy of the paperback 'Floyd on Fish' (a BBC publcation) you'll see how things have developed.

Wednesday 5 November 2008

Not a breath

A late-night-ice for the Geordie boys on the Valhalla....
in a clear berth, the tug Vulcan from Falmouth waits for sailing orders....
not to be missed, a celebration of the Arts in Newlyn from the 5th of November to the 9th this weekend....
Tom looks out over a Bay with not a breath of wind.....
as Robin Turner holds court again with a visiting group on their tour of the port....
modern versions of what are known, for obvious reasons, as 'inkwell' pots.....
boxes of bait to go and a few bongos of crab come ashore....

on go the backing ropes, a maiden trip draws ever nearer!

Monday 3 November 2008

The spirit encouters the tall ship Gorch Foch heading for Maderia

Enjoy some photos and a video clip from the Spirit of Mystery on their website now that the guys have sussed how to transmit using the satcom kit aboard the boat! With rather more than a gale of wind forecast, information courtesy of the passing tall ship Gorch Foch , Pete Goss decided to be prudent and hole up under the lee of a large rock, off the north east of Madeira. Unusually, when this satellite image was taken of the island it inluded a visible contrail from an aeroplane overhead!

At a distance

In Mounts Bay, one takes a break and shelters, another enjoys the strong Nor' Westerly breeze.....
way out on the horizon a big square rigger (Roald Amundsen), possibly dodging, waiting for a more favourable forecast (curently giving NW5-7 occasionally 8), before heading round Lands End...
final stage of the mussels and monkfish cheeks dish with a hot tarragon sauce, courtesy of BBC's Saturday's Kitchen.....
first thing Monday morning and the lights are shining on the Cornishman....
the trees now well established in what was Keel Alley have a distinctly autumnal look about them....

another driver gets some shuteye before heading off to France, not much trade on a very quiet market this morning....

Saturday 1 November 2008

Saturday's, sun, steam, sleep, smoke and some Inspiration

Steamy conditions in the land of crab cooking at Harveys as the temperature outside drops...
and someone manages to sneak a ciggy break on the doorstep......
its an early start for Hop Oils as the driver waits for the crew on the Ben My Chree to show.....

must have been a hard night!.........
the shadows are shorter in the mornings at this time of year......
almost there on the Emma Louise.....
aboard Quentin's Sea Spirit what looks like a still has taken up residence in the side deck....
on the quay, something more akin to a radioactive flask....
detail of the new fitted deck boards on the Inspiration....
complete with new engine box and newish mast, she must be nearly ready for action.....
still providing stirling service for all things nautical now that South West nets have closed their shop.....
alongside one of several fresh fish outlets to be found in Newlyn.