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Friday 3 October 2008

One up, one down

Trevessa IV makes her way down the slip with george in attendance on one of the firm's 'tug boats'....
there's a new trawl taking shape down the quay, summer is definately over looking at the headgear.....
up on the slip next is the Filadelfia......

and tomorrow will see most of the netters get away for their next tide hoping the forecast improves for Sunday.

Thursday 2 October 2008

Of mussels and men

Up on the slip the Trevessa is looking spruce....
framed by the bow and stern lines held taught by the fresh nor'westerly breeze blowing down the harbour a punt makes its way back to berth.....
bit-by-bit the paint job is being completed on the Emma Louise, including zinc treatment under the hauler area of the hull....
an interesting modification aboard which boat?......
quest for the name given to this fitting.....
most of the fleet have returned owing to the forecast....
there's a man on a mission on the Mission.....
for a truly delicious alternative to the classic moules marinerre try this simple Tuscan dish - gently warm a couple of sliced garlic cloves in olive oil together with a big pinch of dried chilli flakes, add a couple of salted anchovies and half a dozen halved and squeezed (get your hands messy) baby toms - cook through until the anchovies have'melted' - add enough mussels for two (adjust the other amounts pro-rata) adding a dash of watewr or white wine and a lid on the pan to trap the steam - cooking only takes a few minutes - at about the same time, boil about 4oz/100g of linguine pasta per person in salted water - at the 'al dente' stage, drain the pasta and add it to the sauce mixing quickly before serving with a genorous helping of broadleaf(if you van get it) parsley tossed in at the end....
don't forget, all your mussels should have open shells as above when cooked - discard any that are not open......

serve in a bowl with something handy to place all the empty mussel shells.....in whites to try with these stronger tasting fish dishes at the moment would be a Viognier or Gewurztraminer.

Wednesday 1 October 2008

Finders keepers

With Hope in the air its a nervous time for all concerned especially the owner hanging on to the rail, it's the time of year when all the local sailing fleet in Penzance are lifted out of the water and 'parked' in the harbour car park......
during one of the biggest tides for the year the fleet rides high above the quayside.....
as the weather breaks it'll be touch-and-go whether the paint job will be completed on the Emma Louise.....
reserve boat Volunteer Spirit sits outside the St Piran fisheries patrol vessel......
this week its a simple stir-fry squid dish on the menu....
detail of the Defiant's trawl door - the shoes are removable on this model.....
a lost Spanish buff now being used as a fender on a netter......
this time its a French one.....

view through the cab of a forklift, the auction under Ryan is underway.

Tuesday 30 September 2008

BHS - bass, haddock and spurdogs grace Monday's market floor

A scrap of net picked up by a local boat - mesh sizes don't come much smaller than this.....
just a couple of tubs of Cornish Sardines left for the FalFish wagon overnight from the Little Pearl.....
visiting Barrow all-weather lifeboat James Bibby heads back out to sea in the early hours, with what looks like an ex-Breton crabber anchored off Penzance in the distance.....
Fowey registered stern trawler Defiant takes fuel after landing at the end of the new quay......
a good trip of fish from the netter CarolH included these hake, looking snug tucked up in their bed of ice......
unusually these days, a few spurdogs are offered for auction from the netter Ajax.....
the Defiant's fish included a decent shot of haddock which kept the buyers busy.....
hand-written tallies for one of Stevenson's biggest beam trawlers, the Billy Rowney.....
the buyers will pay top dollar for these squid with their fine brown film coating intact.....
Grey Seal managed to hit on a decent run of bass just as the fine spell of weather looks like drawing to a close this week.

Monday 29 September 2008

Get into Land's End free - feel good and walk from Sennen

The Confide, ex-Newlyn trawler with much colourful local history continues her career up at Land's End, one of the few less tacky objects of interest for visitors to enjoy.....
with the weather continuing in Indian Summer mode a few miles of coastal path from Sennen to Land's End provide an enjoyable Sunday afternoon stroll complete with Pergrine Falcons and giant Ravens.....

others looking for more arduos ways to follow the coastal path were probably not so mindful of the scenery as they staggered to the finsih line after running, walking or crawling the equivalent of three marathons over three days from Padstow to Land's End in the latest VOTWO event. The mix of ages present would indicate that these events have a broad appeal.

Sunday 28 September 2008

Protest to save the beach at Battery Rocks

The fine weather continues into the weekend with hardly a ripple on the water....
the correct way to set the shore rope on the bits.....
the yacht Burnout is a long way from home, Capetown in South Africa....
detail from the heavily worn shoe of a beam trawl.....
with similar from the shoe of a port side trawl door, the heavy scratches indicate the ''angle of attack' of the door as it scrapes along the seabed and spreads the trawl.....
under attack across on the Prom, there are some big plans for the Penzance Harbour area that some local residents are none too happy with so a protest has been launched to save the Beach at Battery Rocks.....
there are two meetings being held in the coming days to give people a chance to ask questions and here from the developers - there are alternative plans being promoted that can be seen here at the Penzance Harbour user's website.....
gremolata, great dressing for end of season....
tuna here being seared on the griddle....
take your choice of Mediterranean veg to accompany the dish.

Friday 26 September 2008

Waves from Mike Mahon felt North of the Border

Grimmy Mike's one-man over-quota dumping scandal gets a mention from Scottish MEP Struan Stevenson in an address at a Fisheries Summit meeting in Edinburgh, Scotland yeasterday. At the moment, Mike's boat is laid-up with rudder problems so there's no free fish for local pensioner's this week!