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Thursday 25 October 2007

Fifteen months since the last trip.....

Little Pearl sets off for an evening shot of Cornish sardines......
while the Silver Dawn gets a blast on the slipway.....
while it's all hands to the pump - a wise precaution as the Marie Clare prepares to steam out for her first trip in fifteen months....
the engineer makes last minute checks down the engine room.....
as mate Juicy adjusts the starboard beam bridles....Skipper Billy Worth and the boys are about ready to let go the ends as the evening sun sets just after high water. Although she hasn't been to sea for over a year the boys will be back aboard the St George which is currently in Holland for repairs.

Wednesday 24 October 2007

End of the neap tide, last of the netters...

One ton on board, and still more pig iron ballast waits on the quay for the Ripple......
as the Ajax discharges her trip of net fish.....
check out the cranning pole John has rigged as a temporary measure....
time to close the main hatch......and tuck the Ripple in for the night....
a few tools get passed aboard ready for tomorrow's jobs....as the moon rises over the Crystal Sea, still in port.....

back in the market the Ajax is landing....
alongside the Valhalla, Gary M and Huers....
coming out the fridge doorway.....
off go the Ajax's fish boxes....
as more are lifted out of the fishroom....
..stack 'em carefully......
and then get rid of the ice from the fishroom.....
followed by a brief chat....
and then ready for the next lift of boxes....
This is where they breed warp, the first photo ever of a warp's nest!lifted off for the Valhalla....
blue flashing lights!......

Tuesday 23 October 2007


Currently, the swans and their cygnets are making regular visits to the harbour rather than Drift Dam a local resevoir which is their normal base....
after landing, its time for the beamer crew to overhaul their trawls - or, "gear before beer" as they say in the trade....
on the other quay, the Crystal Sea prepares to start her third trip - with well over 300 boxes from two short trips, boy David and crew must be well pleased with how their new boat is performing....

at the market another St Ives boat, Wayfarer makes ready for sea.

Saturday 20 October 2007

Heavy skies

With Xmas coming the newly arrived Crystal Sea makes her second landing.....
as heavy clouds hang in the early morning sky.

Friday 19 October 2007

The light at this time of year.....

Up on the slip, the Excellent....
as the Intuition heads off for another day at the pots....as Stevenson's boxes line up patiently to get......the steam treatment....

someone grabs a quick tea on the market.....
as Newlyn's latest blogger, Mr Robin Turner hold's court on the market floor.....
another silhoutte strikes an interesting pose.....
as another makes an entrance.....
James' buys some cracking red mullet......
bags of scallops at the back of a waiting truck......
and Falfish wait in the early sun.....
two very big Porbeagles from the Ajax's trip.....
the Ripple looks at home back in the water......
as a beamer warp snakes its way up the quay.....
as another Mike Rowse crabber puts her catch ashore to the vivier lorry.......
the Swordfish looks inviting on a Friday evening at dusk....

Monday 15 October 2007

Newlyn Orion Art Gallery - the Lineage Show

Now showing at the Orion Gallery until the 6 December, Lineage gives current Newlyn Society of Artists a chance to explore now, and then.
A busy evening market....
as the landing gear comes down....
the Resurgam goes through her gear...
and now, all that is left of the EAW is the accommodation section in the stern....
brand new kit aboard the New Dawn.