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Tuesday 9 October 2007

New St Ives boat makes good news for Newlyn

With only a couple of days to go work continues on the fisherman's memorial....

more hot air in Newlyn, this time some repairs to the bow after a shock collision off Mousehole Island this morning - and the submerged object hit? - remains a mystery - and no, it wasn't a floating rock as some wit suggested!

the Jacoba's new scallop handling gear is nearly complete....

at 3pm, the first big whitefish trawler for the port since the Dumnonia in 1988 and the first Steven's family boast since the newly built Rose of Sharon in 1968...

and steams up the harbour to the fish market....

a view of her fish handling gear starboard side...

a spacious starboard side mess will keep her crew happy at mealtimes....

meanwhile, down the end of the new quay the Intuition is landing her shellfish to a waiting lorry...

through the eye of the water hose....

SS118 Crystal Sea takes 7 tons of best Newlyn Ice Company frozen water, flaked of course!

Saturday 6 October 2007

Grimmy's old winch

any offers for Grimmy's old winch?
with only a week to go the granite blocks are in place for the memorial...
with no market on a Saturday there's some cleaning going on...
the Ripple's foremast is ready for the adze treatment.

Friday 5 October 2007

Grimmy's new winch

The Children's Friend Stevenson's replica lugger now boasts a clean bottom....
and Grimmy Mike toasts his brand new winch.....
on the quay is the familiar site of Spanish monofilament longline, probably caught in a trawl...

home at last after the final Albacore tuna trip of the year, the Nova Spero rests alongside the New Quay. She landed over 500 tuna to Lorient fish market in Brittany on Thursday after steaming back from 400 miles out in the Atlantic.

Ripple on wheels

a conversation in the early morning sun.....
Probably the finest line-caught squid in the UK......when buying fresh squid look for the brown membrane on the outside of the squid's body - now that's fresh!
as fish and merchants bask in the early morning rays on a busy Friday morning market
The Ripple now sports an unusual feature - wheels! Let's hope the Pirates Rugby boys are man enough to pull her down to the sea on the 14th as intended!
Some fishermen have dreamt about being aboard their boat, but 'riding' it through familiar streets like a car - strange but true!

Thursday 4 October 2007

A plinth is born

The newly cast plinth for the Fisherman's memorial has now been cast......
and is about to be landscaped at the edge of Newlyn Green. The green is one of two areas of land where local fisherman are still entitled to spread their nets. The other is to the wet of the village on the side of Bowjey Hill.As the sun goes down the Valhalla steams into port.

Wednesday 3 October 2007

Lady Hamilton crew taken off by lifeboat

The crew of the Lady Hamilton were taken off this morning after she was thought to have hit a floating log two miles off Falmouth.

Rinnetting for Cornish Sardines

'Trelawney Fish' boxes wait to go back aboard the George Johannes....
The smallest vessel in Stevenson's flrrt, the Cathryn makes landing at the fish market with young Edwin manning the pallet truck.
Just off the gaps, ringnetters Prue Esther and the Pride of Cornwall have shot their nets for Cornish Sardines. You can see the headline floats strecthing away from the boats. The Pride of Cornwall missed the fish on this occasion and had to shoot again. The Resolute, seen later in the video clip below, gets a shot in even closer to the gaps off Newlyn.

A short video of the boats ring-netting for sardines as the sun goes down.