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Saturday 7 July 2007

Gill-netter sailing day

Pete and Lionel clear some stinking dogs (mor ki's)
Lost his dog?
Badcock's latest exhibition, Simeon Stafford - more dogs!
Ex-lifeboat bounders...
as is the Charisma bound away.
The mission girls are hard at it early Saturday morning on the teas...
Looks like the Ben Loyal is leaving the port for good..

First day of the new extension at the Orion Gallery, Newlyn.

Penzance's Exchange Art Gallery opens to rival the Tate. St Ives!

Local MP, Andrew George was just one of the notable guests attending the private viewing before Saturday's official opening of the Exchange in Penzance.The stunning wave-form glass edifice reflects more traditional buidlings in town.
A real splash of colour hung overhead....
and provided refuge for gallery staff taking a breather...
as did some of the guests, in face of the new smoking ban
and still they flocked in.....
some making last minute adjustments to the hair.... the constantly changing light is captured by the glass....
We will be looking to see how many local influences come to be represented in the coming exhibitions.

Friday 6 July 2007

Drew on the big screen!

Cameraman and Drew discuss the day's shooting schedule...
and gets final instructions from the shore team...as Drew brings the CKS astern...
and heads for the gaps....the cameraman gets down to business.....

Apparently the film, shot for the big screen and primarily an American audience, will tell the story of the plight of the Blue Fin tuna which is fast becoming an endangered species - bit like fishermen really!

Things are shaping up around the Orion Gallery as work continues to clear the site.
Back on the market, Newlyn Fish Company's Jo Clive is busy spending some money on today's catch.
The Carol H's trip included a couple of Porbeagles.

Thursday 5 July 2007

Two major jobs near completion

Work continues late into the evening to clear the site of debris surrounding the Newlyn Orion Gallery extension.
Young Nathan Marshall hurries back aft aboard the Carol H after putting her fish ashore.
At the end of the road (well, quay), the Cornishman buildsher smaller than normal gear
Two boats lay to the market.

New feature of the blog under trial - a short animated video clip.

Wednesday 4 July 2007

Art Barn - Newlyn Orion Gallery extension nears completion

Gulls hunt for scraps!End elevation of the Orion extension....
Some locals view the new build as a scantle slate clad barn
resting on an enormous glass brick!

Monday 2 July 2007

Come rain, wind or snow.... they will smoke on!

Newlyn's Star Inn ever mindful of its customer's needs has provided a serious smoking shelter. Perry (in orange overall) and the rest of the troops show their appreciation in the rain.

Nigel does his 'Titanic' impersonation on the bow of the George Johannes as she makes her way to the slip cradle.Harbour Master Andrew Munson watches from the winchhouse.
The starboard derrick has been dropped to keep her steady.Hardy French crew enter Nelwyn after what must have been a poor passage given the forecast!
The Bryan D is nearly 'burnt' down to the waterline.
What a cracking little sailboat this one is - modelled on a Falmouth Pilot boat perhaps?

Sunday 1 July 2007

Its fresh today!

Penzance pub, The Peruvian Arms made the national news a few weeks back when it attempted to become the Peruvian Embassy in Cornwall in order to bypass the no smoking law due July 1st. However, landlady Debbie's bid to remain a smoking pub failed - hence the enormous stainless steel ashtray that now hangs the outsde of the pub!
A fresh breeze blows across Mounts Bay this morning.