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Monday 9 September 2013

Movers and shakers on Monday morning's market

Heavy rain and squally winds have just passed over the Land's End peninsula...

and the market has a good selection of beam trawl, trawl, net and handline caught fish...

some of which get the measure of...

the man from Cefas rattling his light sabre...

like these convoluted conger...

Cornish hake...

all ready to be dispatched across the country...

putting the finest fresh fish on the nation's tables...

there's a good run of monk tails coming ashore...

as the grey morning skies lift...

the latest addition to the Nowell fleet, the Karen-N waits to go to sea...

looks like there's a few hours mending to be done on one of the Crystal Sea's nets...

there's still plenty of passing yellow-welly traffic...

bow shapes - the two inside boats sport their French flare contrasting with the rather bluff bow of the Scottish designed and built Charisma - possibly representing national characteristics...

one of the beam trawler's whose fish was on the Monday market...

the Newlyn Framer's Gallery opposite the fish market has a good selection of seascapes in their current show.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Brixham Fishstock Festival 2013 - Passionate about Fish

Live video of the Passionate about Fish fish display and filleting demonstrations thorughout the day!

Welcome to your guide to Fishstock Brixham The annual Seafood and Music Festival in the beautiful seaside town of Brixham, Devon will take place on Saturday 7th September 2013

We are proud to present another year of award winning entertainment raising money for The Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen, known as The Fishermen's Mission.

Come and join the team who gave you 2012's Fishstock Brixham, winner of the Herald Express Torbay and South Devon Tourism Event of the Year 2012 and Winner of the Fishermen's Mission Fund Raising Event of the Year 2012.


The skipper of a French fishing vessel has been ordered to pay £11,155 in fines and costs after pleading guilty to endangering his vessel and crew together with failing to keep a proper look-out after falling asleep.

On the afternoon of Wednesday 28 August 2013 the fishing vessel ‘Scuderia’ sailed from Roscoff in northern France towards fishing grounds off the Lizard Peninsula. At about 10.30pm the vessel ran aground at Lankidden Cove between Cadgwith and Coverack.

The AIS track shows the course of the Scuderia, from when she was fishing, returning to port and then sailing on a course that took her aground off the Lizard.

Falmouth Coastguard was contacted at 11.01pm and an emergency response activated, with the Lizard RNLI lifeboat attending together with the Porthoustock Coastguard Rescue Team. None of the 5 crew was injured but the forward fuel tank had been ruptured, with the loss of approximately 10 tonnes of diesel. An anti-pollution and salvage operation was put in place and the vessel was refloated on Monday 2 September 2013. Pollution was minimal with no longer term problems anticipated.

The 38-year-old skipper, Gilles Lemaitre, stated the grounding had been caused by him falling asleep on the bridge after having had little sleep when off-watch and self prescribing Codeine tablets.

Mr. Lemaitre appeared before Truro Magistrates' Court today where he pleaded guilty to both offences. In sentencing, the court took into consideration his full cooperation with the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) in this matter as well as his early guilty plea.

Tony Heslop, the MCA's Area Operations Manager (Survey and Inspection) for the South West said:

"There are no excuses for the person responsible for navigating the vessel to fall asleep on the job. More so when that person is the skipper who has taken medication that could impact on him staying awake and alert. He could have called one of the other crew members to come to the wheelhouse and take over.

"This was a serious incident which could have had much more severe consequences."

Break down of the fines and costs:

£2,800 for conduct endangering ships structures and individuals £2,800 for failing to keep a proper lookout £5,435 in costs to the MCA £120 victim surcharge

Friday 6 September 2013

Newlyn's Old Man of the Sea looks forward to plenty of DIY around the house!

Andrew Munson, has been at the helm of Newlyn Harbour for 30 years!

NEWLYN’S harbour master, said to be the longest serving in the UK by the port’s commission, is to step down after 30 years of service. 

Andrew Munson, who first joined the team as a trainee clerk in 1969 and was appointed his current position 10 years later, will retire from his post towards the end of the year. ​

Andrew wil remain as French Consul for the port
which will be some consolation for any visiting French fishing boats 

He will soon oversee his last boat...
up going up the slip
The town’s harbour commissioners have appointed Rob Parsons to succeed the position. Having joined up with the board this month Mr Parsons is currently serving as harbour master designate alongside Mr Munson for a transitory period. He will be instilled fully at the end of the year. Mr Munson said he has faith in his replacement and said he is sure “he will have the harbour at his heart. “As far as I’m concerned Rob will do a good job - I think he will do well,” he said. “He’s now working with me to ensure he’s the right man. At the end of the year the intention is to hand over completely. “It’s a new beginning. 

It’s a sweep clean - he may have different ideas, but I would like to think that he will continue to further development of the port.” Originally from Basingstoke, a move to the Isle of White for the soon-to-be harbour chief was followed by a career in the Royal Navy. Now the ex-serviceman is excited about the move to west Cornwall with his family and a new chapter. 

the boats have always been in a safe pair of hands...
steering the harbour through some pretty turbulant times
Mr Parsons first visited the port on HMS Gleaner in 2010 and said he immediately fell in love with it. Before taking on the role, he said: “It’s a dream come true,” and added he is “looking forward to integrating and working with all those involved and interested in the port as this is an exciting time for Newlyn Harbour.” 

No doubt Andrew will hand over his regular Tuesday morning appearances on James Churchfield's Radio Cornwall Breakfast show to new man Rob Parsons.

His predecessor has been paramount to a number of changes and welcomed numerous visitors to Newlyn’s quays over the years. The stalwart oversaw the building of the Mary Williams Pier in 1980 and its expansion in 1988; the fish market; the pontoon system in 2006; and slipway facility developments in 2006. He also hosted a number of royal visits during his tenure, including The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh, the Duke of Cornwall, the Prince of Wales and the late Diana, Princess of Wales. 

Andrew personally towed many of the port's fleet to be scrapped as part of the EU decommissioning schemes

Although his job is now coming to an end, Mr Munson said he will certainly be kept busy. “My wife has got plenty of things lined up for me,” he said. “There’s some decorating to do and I will spend more time with my grandchildren. “I shall still keep on the French consular position and as Penlee operations manager at the lifeboat station.” 

He will continue as Operations Manager for the Penlee Lifeboats
The Newlyn man also noted the work he has done over his 30-year stint. “I have had several big projects - I came in when the commissioners decided they wanted to improve the facilities here. “I have seen some major developments. I would like to think I have benefited the harbour.”

Wednesday 4 September 2013

Sailing by

Taking advantage of another gorgeous evening, the ketch Irene took a short cruise from Newlyn across to the Mount and back this evening...

the flags over the Jubilee Pool enjoyed the same evening sea breezes...

as did the local Penzance Photographic Club making the most of the warm evening light that bathed the inside of the pool... 

providing endless subjects for their work.

Lizard RNLI releases video of the Scuderia that ran aground off the Lizard last week.

See a previous post for more information on the grounding.

Hake netting abaord the Sparkling Line from Newlyn

Fishing for hake on board Sparkling Line with gillnets 120mile from Land's End. Skipper Simon goes on a short tour of the deck and introduces the happy boys hard at work!