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Monday 15 August 2016

Monday morning's massive market in Newlyn.

Just the one landing of beam trawl fish this Monday morning, so plenty of the very best quality foish from the inshore boats plus some huge landings form the netters, Ajax, Govenek of Ladram and the Karen of Ladram with some of their fosh landed to Brixham at the same time...

typical of the inshore landings, best big monk tails from the Helford's, New Harnmony...

with their approach to responsible and sustainable fishing the netting fleet land seriously big fish, like these cod from the Ajax...

with summer here the inshore boats get to grips with pelagic fish like mackerel...

and scad...

while the Goveneuk of Ladram put ashore the biggest trip of rays seen in over 40 years on Newlyn market, the huge haul included stars...

18 boxes of owls...

and nearly 100 boxes of blondes and thornbacks...

even a scalloper got to land first thing...

and of course there were hake from the Ajax...

for the buyers to ponder...

all 300+ boxes of them, with half going to Brixham to spread the market...

line caught pollack form Padstow...

and net caught from Newlyn!

Saturday 13 August 2016

Fishing stops for nothing at the weekend in Newlyn.

Make hay while the sea is calm - scallopers fish better in calm seas...

it's gold again for @HelenGloverGB from Newlyn - so the huge celebration sign tells us in the famous Jelbert's Ice Cream shop...

bound in with the big pots...

the stern access ladder on the new sardine boat are almost complete...

the day has come, the Lisa Jacqueline finally gets to take ice at the end of her massive refit...

emblems of  Cornwall...

bound away to sea...

bound in from sea...

and again...

time time land the morning's work...

these guys make the most excellent bisque - if you have never had it before head for The Shore Restaurant in Penzance and sample some of chef Bruce Rennie's velvet crab bisque...

all in a morning's work for @Cornish_Lobster... 

before they are popped in the store pot.

Friday 12 August 2016

#FishyFriday is here again!

A good mix of trawl, inshore and net fish this morning...

a few big cod...

came under the spotlight of the Bloomsberg reporter...

along with lemon sole...



red gurnard and red mullet...

a smattering of John Dory...

and even a few boxes of langoustine...

to go with a big run of hake...

and a smattering of summertime blue sharks...

old and new hull shapes in wood and steel...

the weather is fine enough to see Arthur at Goonhilly on the Lizard...

both rigged beam trawls are back on the Lisa Jacqueline...

sporting their new huge rubber wheels which are designed to roll rather than drag along the seabed  to reduce fuel consumption and costs...

the Twilight III is still in the process of sorting out teething problems after her mammoth refit...

50% of the UK's border patrol boats are in Newlyn today...

out with the old...

in with the new, Penlee's new ILB, Mollie & Denti...

Victoria Ann off to sea on a quiet morning...

bow on of theRadiance...

with one of her trawls on deck for mending...

there's the Scillonian III in there somewhere...

nights on a mooring are not always so calm...

at the PZ Gallery...

the current show...

of prints and slides...

celebrates the best summer in living memory, The Summer of '76...

a date for later in the month.