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Sunday 13 November 2016

Sunset over St Michael's Mount before the supermoon.

Beyond the Mount Newlyn enjoys yet another stunning dusk in preparation for tomorrow night's supermoon.  For anyone unable to visit in person, follow the Newlyn webcam after 4.30pm tomorrow as the moon rises behind the Mount.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Brexit: an opportunity to modify relative stability

This article appeared in Industriasesqueras.com - under the heading, Brexit: an opportunity to modify relative stability - tranlsation courtesy of Google so excuse the odd error!

The Brexit, the output process UK EU referendum approved by the British people last June, could have an unexpected positive side effect for the Spanish fleet. And, in the opinion Graduate Institute of European Studies Salvador de Madariaga , could be the solution to one of the historical demands of fishing in Spain since joining the EU: relative stability. This was moved to the Department do Mar area of the Galician regional government sector in the full Galician Council of Fisheries, held in Santiago de Compostela. In fact, the Ministry of the Sea announced that urge the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment "to explore the path of the revision of the principle of relative stability." The trick, as stated in the report, is that " the withdrawal of one of the countries that has benefited from the system for allocating fishing opportunities on relative stability, as is the case in the UK, could be the opportunity to review this criterion "individually or reviewing the management system TACs and quotas.

The Xunta remember that this principle was appealed on numerous occasions by the Government of Spain "never get a satisfactory resolution." However, the Brexit would "open a new opportunity" . "If circumstances allowed relative stability and enabled its continued application in time, these changed profoundly with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom. Changed circumstances, a change of law would be justified ", collects the report was already submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment. It is the second time this year that the Xunta de Galicia poses a resource to this principle, as it also pointed to the inconsistency of the relative stability discard the new regulation of the CFP.

The negotiation of quotas for 2017

In addition to this, the full Galician Fisheries Council discussed the proposal from the European Commission on the TACs and quotas for 2017 . In relation to it, the Regional Minister Rosa Quintana said that goes beyond the scientific recommendations of ICES in reducing share in some key species for the Galician fleet, especially in the Gran Sol and in the Northwest Cantabrian hake. In this regard, he recalled that the regional government argues that taken into account "in equal level of environmental, social and economic aspects, as established by the new regulation Common Fisheries Policy" when setting quotas. So he appealed to the reflection of the technical services of the European Commission in the task of counseling that this premise is present in the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the EU summit in December and in which the fishing opportunities shall be decided Member States for the 2017. the Xunta de Galicia, the hand of the State Government, will seek that in these negotiations "can reverse this proposal, achieving an increase in fishing opportunities and get one deal quota the most favorable possible to the needs of the sector ".

Another of the topics discussed was the implementation of the reduction coefficients in the offshore fleet and high stature . One aspect recalled the acting head of Mar, which was corrected by the central government after the efforts from the Ministry of the Sea, so that vessels return to their coefficients of 0.40 immediately. In addition , the central government announced its intention to review these coefficients once the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the characteristics of fishing vessels, affecting the records of the data are taken is adopted to determine the reduction coefficients.

Fresh off the press: Study on Seafood Industry Integration in the EU

The aim of the study is to provide the Members of the Parliament's Fisheries Committee with a clear description of the corporate structure of the EU seafood industry (fishing, processing and the retail market). It provides a description of both the horizontal and vertical integration in the industry through the use of case studies. The research utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in order to provide an in-depth and nuanced picture of integration in EU fisheries.

Friday 11 November 2016

To apply to join the Responsible Fishing Scheme, click HERE to download the Application Pack.

How to Apply:

To apply to join the Responsible Fishing Scheme, click HERE to download the Application Pack.

You must also read the RFS Compliance Support Guides which explain the best practice that must be complied with to become a member of the RFS. There are 5 guides which cover different fishing operations – Demersal, Nephrops, Pelagic, Scallops and Shellfish – and one guide which applies to all sectors as it covers health and safety, welfare, food safety and the environment. Applicants should read all guides that are applicable to them before submitting their RFS application.

The CSGs are available HERE

Once you have completed your application, send it to our RFS audit partners Acoura Marine. You can either e-mail this pack to rfs@acoura.com or post it to Acoura Marine 6 Redheughs Rigg, Edinburgh, EH12 9DQ.

RFS Application Pack:

Part One of the application pack helps you identify what documents you will need to show the auditors when they visit your vessel. You may already have many of the documents needed and it is perfectly acceptable to use existing documents. A table at the front of the pack will help you identify which documents you may already have and where to find them.

Where you don’t have all the documents needed we have created blank documents for you to complete. These are available to download from the RFS website – a link in the application pack will take you to any documents you need. There is a tick box list in the pack to help you make sure you have everything you need.

The below diagram explains how part one of the pack works.


When you have ticked every box to show you have all the documents you need, these documents must be kept on board to show the auditors when they visit your vessel.

Part Two of the pack collects information about your vessel (types of fishing operations, crewing levels, home port etc) that our audit partner, Acoura Marine, need to know before they can arrange your audit.

The third and final part of the pack contains clauses from the RFS Standard that must be complied with in order to become a member of the scheme. You must sign a declaration to confirm that you fully comply with these scheme rules. There are links to the Compliance Support Guides so you fully understand what best practice is expected of RFS members.

It is important to note that where a vessel has more than one skipper, all skippers must sign the declaration before sending the application pack to our audit partners Acoura Marine.

A copy of the vessel’s insurance policy must be included with your application.

The Vessel Audit:

Once the application pack has been returned to Acoura, they will contact you to arrange an audit on board your vessel. At the end of the audit the findings will be reported back to the skipper. If any issues (non-conformances) are raised, you are given 28 days to put these right.

Inspection of the Catch:

As well as inspecting the vessel and checking your documents, the audit involves an inspection of the catch. Ideally this will be done at the same time as the vessel audit but there may be exceptional reasons for this to be done separately. This should be discussed directly with Acoura Marine.

Confirmation of Membership:

Once all parts of the audit are complete and the auditors are satisfied that there are no outstanding non-conformances, the auditor’s report is reviewed by Acoura Marine’s Technical Review Committee. When you membership is confirmed, you will be issued with a Certificate which is valid for two years. It is important to note that there will be a requirement to undergo a surveillance audit at the mid-point of the two year period shown on your certificate.

Help and Advice:

For help and advice about preparing for or arranging an audit please contact Acoura Marine’s RFS Manager Isla Paterson either by e-mail on isla.paterson@acoura.comisla.paterson@acoura.comor by phone on 0131 335 6624

#FishyFriday is here in Newlyn!

If your names not on the board you don't get to auction...

there's black gold in them there fridges...

beam trawl and net fish on #FishyFriday's market...

including lemons...


large megrims...

lovely ling (great fish for fishcakes)...

and smem wholesome (literally) monk...

a few tubs...

and a solitary bream, but which one?...

plenty of hake form the Britannia V...

and the Ajax...

along with plenty of cuttles...

good to see the harbour investing in new resources - especially when they are made just a few miles down the road by a local firm, world famous for their net haulers Spencer Carter...

time to take off for breakfast...

as the guys on the Lisa Jacqueline continue to mend their gear through the night...

the harbour looks set for a quiet day...

which will allow the welding to continue apace aboard the new Rowse crabber, Harriet Eve...

Jewsons, gone.

Wednesday 9 November 2016

The acid test, when the USA went from blue to red.

Ther market reflected the news coming out of the USA across the pond...

in the early hours of this morning as the UK woke up to the news that Trump is the president elect...

something everyone will remember about today no doubt...

when the was the finest monk on the market...

along with pollack...

and haddock...

Dover sole...

and liner caught bass from the Storm Petrel...

name these fish...

big blondes...

and pollack...

the odd ling, which used to be landed in huge quantities when there was a fleet of longliners working from Newlyn...

gone to the dogs...

plenty of hake from the Karen of Ladram...

and a good run of ray...

are swiftly taken away from the market...

on a morning of deeply foreboding skies...

good news for the boats landing to the market, one of the new cranes has been fitted.

Monday 7 November 2016

I want to be a fisherman!

Join the inshore potter Three Jays as she heads off into the night to work her pots.  Beats a dull, dry 9-5 job anyday!