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Saturday 30 July 2011

Saturday by the Sea, Sun, Sand, St Ives 'n Sennen

Hot place to eat in St Ives, the Alba restaurant......
Rick Stein and Spain, if you want to meet the man himself and get your own signed copy of his latest book then head to St Ives on Thursday .......
a great place to catch Cornwall's spectacular sunsets and relax.....
while eating at the en-pleine BBQ at the Beach Restaurant, Sennen Cove.....
don't forget to put your handbrake on in the steep car park though.......
the colours shift as the time changes......
so best to stick to the real thing.......
along with other classic curves.

Saturday morning.

Pirate Day down Penzance's pedestrian street, Causewayhead brought out a sea monster at Waves restaurant......
the new Travelodge doesn't look as though it is going to make any architectural shortlists other than Prince Charles'........
the Anglian Princess in silhouette off Wherry town beach.......
is passed by the French trawler Trecher after taking ice in Newlyn.......
an early morning dipper off the prom.......
the swan flotilla pass by.......
a set of well-worn steps.......
racing for the gaps, the CKS and the Sparkling Line......
Penzance Dry Dock company is kept busy with the dredger Sand Pit.......
Through the Gaps Penzance dock........
the grey mullet are looking fat and healthy at this time of year giving the local anglers something to aim for........
skipper Roger checks to see if the new name has been spelt correctly.......
plenty of dolphins to see on the boat trips at the moment.......
polished square ended prop ready to go aboard the survey vessel Flat Holm.........
landing time for the Sparkling Line........
scrub down on the CKS.........
trepidation, off to sea for the first time in three months for 'Arnie on the Elizabeth N.......
while Phil rolls his first ciggy for the trip.

Friday 29 July 2011

Sky brings Fish Town - but it's Brixham.

Sky TV brought a new series to the TV screen this evening in the shape of Fish Town - here's the low down from the Sky web page for the 10 part series. 

Brixham - one of England’s oldest and greatest fishing ports - is celebrated in a 10-part observational documentary series produced by Mentorn Media for Sky Atlantic HD.

With unique access to the town and it’s welcoming residents, each 60-minute instalment immerses the viewer in the lives of the people living and working in Brixham, providing an eye-opening insight into the community of fishermen and traders from the point of view of the great characters who live and work there.

This documentary series is filled with spectacular photography, accompanied by poetry and lyrical narration to help encapsulate the port’s beauty and the warmth and good humour of the characters at the heart of the town.

Meet The Locals.A hard working fishing port and summer tourist hot spot, the town is looking forward to a new era in its history having recently completed a multi-million pound regeneration project. As the summer season begins, the life-long ‘Brixhamites’ as well as more recent residents and business owners prepare for the busiest six months of the year.

In the first episode, spring is in the air and Brixham is a hive of activity as skippers prepare to return their pleasure yachts to the water after wintering in the dry dock. Overseeing proceedings is Deputy Harbour Master Dave Bartlett whose deft management will see twenty boats safely launched.

Meanwhile, in town the pressure is on for Brixham to look its best for the arrival of HRH The Princess Royal who will officially open the new £20million fish market. With public areas to be painted and shop fronts to be primed for spring opening, there’s no rest for locals who are keen to impress the visiting royal.

While the fish market’s straight-talking chief auctioneer Barry Young makes final preparations for Princess Anne’s walkthrough, Roberts Fisheries owner Robert Simonetti and his wife Kelly plan to present the royal guest with a box of Brixham’s finest fish.

And the pirates!In another part of the town, all eyes are on another kind of visitor – the arrival of Brixham’s first summer tourists. Planning furiously for the lunchtime rush, chip shop owners Steve and Bridget know their customers want value for money and are famous for giving them Brixham’s best fish and chips. But will the arrival of a trendy new fish restaurant have an impact on business? 

Beautiful, filmic and brimming with real stories and characters, Fish Town gets to the heart of a bustling town though the stories of the people who live there.
 What the viewers think will be revealed as the series gets underway - first reaction from Bembridge fish on the Isle of Wight - was not impressed!

Fishy Friday for some.

 Back to black, the MCA's guardship Anglian Princess seems to have undergone a colour change and lost her MCA logo in the process......
 making her way in through the gaps, the netter, Govenek of Ladram makes for the fish market......
 landing pole up and ready to land.......
 Sarah Beth heads off to sea.......
 time for the skipper to make a quick brew before landing.......
 then the boys begin to pull out the boxes in the fishroom......
 with the weather warm, more ice is needed for the fish to go into cold storage over the weekend.....
 up, up and away.........
 things are chilly down in the fishroom......
 but soon clear........
a steady hand is needed to get the stack of fish ashore to the fish quay......
 fine specimen lobster in the on board vivier tank........
 ready to go........
 inshore cod, spending their lives hiding in the seaweed gives these cod their distinctive gold colour......
 measure that monk, although as the monk fish landed on Newlyn are headless this is not an exact science as every fishermen heads a monk differently!.........  
 like big stitches, the winch housing has been put back together........
 Rowse's new crabber should be off to sea today for a weekend shakedown trip pending the MCA's 'jobs' list getting the nod of approval.........
 coley or blackjacks......
 top and underside of ling.......
 quality tagged line caught wild bass offered for sale from Mr Turner again......
 a fine selection of fresh Friday fish......
 a very rare ess shark.........
 quality by the box load.......
a slack night for the Cornish Sardine boats........
 with the score on the doors looking like 6-3 to Heather.

Thursday 28 July 2011

Fish 'n chips.

 Sometimes the best laid plans go awry, so when a fillet of line caught  cod ends up hanging at your front door the planned tea goes out the window and the idea of cod and chips suddenly becomes an imperative.......  
 with the addition of a few choice ingredients a..........
 home-made Tartare sauce is quickly produced to accompany........
goujonsof Panko encrusted cod -the simple fish dish wins again - thank you Phil!

Lyonesse landing sardines.

After sailing from Newlyn around 9pm the previous, the ring netter Lyonesse puts ashore her last few tubs of Cornish Sardines from her latest. The fish are held in insulated tubs aboard the boat, once ashore more ice is added for the road journey before processing begins at FalFish.