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Monday 16 August 2010

Monday's business.

 With the new market consigned to the bin, the truck drivers may have a long wait before they get to pick up fish from a loading bay .....
which means the practice of leaving boxes of fish in the midday sun will continue for some time to come........
 or a big attraction for the harbour gulls......
 are the boxes of frozen bait that could do with their own storage area......
 typical sight - le French, le Breton, et le gaulouise........
 Chloe T heads for the gaps......
 and its all hands on deck for the french yellow welly.......
 but Shane and his band of merry gamekeepers head out for a day's enforcement on the high seas.....
 a whole year on the bus pass......
 says what it is at the Tolcarne Inn along with an Irish welcome behind the bar.....
 the Bay's finest bass ready for the table......
 Plugger measures the back chains for the hard ground doors - look out the Dorys!......
 ice and no slice.....
 a solid weekend's work saw Ollie and the boys put the gearbox back together aboard the scalloper Manx Ranger......
one half of Slash and Burn pauses for an update.

Bookmark your diary for this year's Blessing of the Fleet.


An invitation is extended to all Fishermen, their families and friends and all visitors to join in the traditional


This important event in the calendar of Newlyn Fishermen is held every year to commend the men and boats of our fishing fleet to the care and protection of God.
The service will take place in the LORRY PARK of NEWLYN HARBOUR on SUNDAY 29th AUGUST 2010, commencing at 7.00 p.m.
The message will be given by
Reverend Andrew Wright

On completion of the short service refreshments will be provided free of charge at Newlyn Fishermen's Mission.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Plenty of mackerel about - why not smoke some at home.

Head, gut and wash your fresh mackerel.....
soak them for 40 minutes in a brine solution - 150g to each litre of water, brought to the boil and cooled......
for hot smoking the temperature inside the box needs to be at around 100˚.......
and will take from 30-60 minutes depending on the size of the fish and to personal taste......
time to spark up the BBQ as well - don't forget the BIG K charcoal - it is the best.......
the colour and smell are divine......
prepare a few salad leaves from the garden......
a few seconds to contemplate the plate.......
and within minutes it's all over.

Checking the gear.

Two very different sail rigs.......
the Still Waters has need to check the trawl gear.....
so the net is run off the net drum......

and the process of measuring the bridles and wings begins.

Danish breakfast.

George gets to pull the boat named after him out to join......
 the other big boys......
one of this year's youngsters contemplates the future.....
the danish sail boat Tectona is anchored off Mousehole.......
where the IRB is keeping an eye on a canoe club.