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Wednesday 16 November 2016

All quiet of the fishy front.

All done and dusted, just a handful of boxes were on the market this morning...

as Lionel gets on down to some dirty-dancing with his pressure washer...

high water on one of the bigger tides of the year sees the netting fleet all tied up...

and for the first time in days, what's left of the supermoon puts in an appearance...

as work on the handrail of the port's newest crabber nears completion...

as guests of @HeatherKoldewey at the Zoological Society of London from Mozambique, the Philippines and Senegal get a dawning tour of the harbour...

from local fishy people, Andy Wheeler and Clare Leverton...

talking about small-scale fishing from the port...

especially handlining and sustainable methods...

and recycling old nets to create income, as pioneered by @Farinozd...

who helped set up Net-Works...

on the kind of morning...

that makes you...

realise just how lucky you are to live and work in such an amazing place...

as the last supermoon for 60 years fades over the top of the harbour...

as the sun begins to break cover from the horizon...

and flood the harbour with light.

Tuesday 15 November 2016

The cost of fish, Margaretha Maria, lost in 1997 with all hands.

Somewhere between the 11th and 17 of November 1997 the Newlyn based beam trawler, Margaretha Maria was lost.  Skipper Rob Holmes, mate John Todd and his son Kerry along with Vince Marshall all went down with the boat.  

Today, the Newlyn memorial acts as a memorial to all those fishermen, like Vince, lost at sea and whose bodies are never recovered.

Japanese fishing boat at Rockall

The Japanese longliner Daikichi Maru No1...

240 miles west of Barra Head...

is currently fishing a few miles south west of Rockall - when the UK exerts its 200 mile limit again the waters around Rockall might prove to be an interesting case!

Monday 14 November 2016

Monday morning's market.

Three beam trawlers, one inshore trawler, a handful of inshore netters and line boats and net fish from the Govenek of Ladram make up this morning's Monday market...

along with some fish from the Helford boat, New Harmony...

there were plenty of flats including lemons...

and this pair of kissing plaice...

and dozens of their friends...

someone took the trouble to keep the livers form the monk, they make excellent fishy frois gras...

the cod has a huge mouth to match its voracious appetite...

the omnipresent haddock booked down to the inshore trawler, Shiralee....

the were plenty of bass...

amongst the boxes of superfresh line caught fish...

like these pristine squid...

to complement the other eight-leggers...

from the net trip there were plenty of hake...


also with big mouths...

the light was very different this morning with the sun kept behind the heavy cloud...

at least until it broke through...

the first of the village shops gets with the Christmas spirit...

about to leave the port after a weekend stopover...

and the inshore lifeboat heads out of the gaps...

followed by a Southampton cat ferry...

the tug, MTS Valour makes for the new quay...

with a big tide, heralded by tonight's supermoon, all the big net boats are in port...

Newlyn's memorial to the fallen.

Sunday 13 November 2016

Sunset over St Michael's Mount before the supermoon.

Beyond the Mount Newlyn enjoys yet another stunning dusk in preparation for tomorrow night's supermoon.  For anyone unable to visit in person, follow the Newlyn webcam after 4.30pm tomorrow as the moon rises behind the Mount.

Saturday 12 November 2016

Brexit: an opportunity to modify relative stability

This article appeared in Industriasesqueras.com - under the heading, Brexit: an opportunity to modify relative stability - tranlsation courtesy of Google so excuse the odd error!

The Brexit, the output process UK EU referendum approved by the British people last June, could have an unexpected positive side effect for the Spanish fleet. And, in the opinion Graduate Institute of European Studies Salvador de Madariaga , could be the solution to one of the historical demands of fishing in Spain since joining the EU: relative stability. This was moved to the Department do Mar area of the Galician regional government sector in the full Galician Council of Fisheries, held in Santiago de Compostela. In fact, the Ministry of the Sea announced that urge the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment "to explore the path of the revision of the principle of relative stability." The trick, as stated in the report, is that " the withdrawal of one of the countries that has benefited from the system for allocating fishing opportunities on relative stability, as is the case in the UK, could be the opportunity to review this criterion "individually or reviewing the management system TACs and quotas.

The Xunta remember that this principle was appealed on numerous occasions by the Government of Spain "never get a satisfactory resolution." However, the Brexit would "open a new opportunity" . "If circumstances allowed relative stability and enabled its continued application in time, these changed profoundly with the withdrawal of the United Kingdom. Changed circumstances, a change of law would be justified ", collects the report was already submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment. It is the second time this year that the Xunta de Galicia poses a resource to this principle, as it also pointed to the inconsistency of the relative stability discard the new regulation of the CFP.

The negotiation of quotas for 2017

In addition to this, the full Galician Fisheries Council discussed the proposal from the European Commission on the TACs and quotas for 2017 . In relation to it, the Regional Minister Rosa Quintana said that goes beyond the scientific recommendations of ICES in reducing share in some key species for the Galician fleet, especially in the Gran Sol and in the Northwest Cantabrian hake. In this regard, he recalled that the regional government argues that taken into account "in equal level of environmental, social and economic aspects, as established by the new regulation Common Fisheries Policy" when setting quotas. So he appealed to the reflection of the technical services of the European Commission in the task of counseling that this premise is present in the Council of Fisheries Ministers of the EU summit in December and in which the fishing opportunities shall be decided Member States for the 2017. the Xunta de Galicia, the hand of the State Government, will seek that in these negotiations "can reverse this proposal, achieving an increase in fishing opportunities and get one deal quota the most favorable possible to the needs of the sector ".

Another of the topics discussed was the implementation of the reduction coefficients in the offshore fleet and high stature . One aspect recalled the acting head of Mar, which was corrected by the central government after the efforts from the Ministry of the Sea, so that vessels return to their coefficients of 0.40 immediately. In addition , the central government announced its intention to review these coefficients once the proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and the Council on the characteristics of fishing vessels, affecting the records of the data are taken is adopted to determine the reduction coefficients.

Fresh off the press: Study on Seafood Industry Integration in the EU

The aim of the study is to provide the Members of the Parliament's Fisheries Committee with a clear description of the corporate structure of the EU seafood industry (fishing, processing and the retail market). It provides a description of both the horizontal and vertical integration in the industry through the use of case studies. The research utilised both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies in order to provide an in-depth and nuanced picture of integration in EU fisheries.