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Wednesday 23 November 2016

Whitefish, big whitefish.

After last night's episode of Masterchef which featured none other than the country's most sustainable fish, hake!...

the professional chefs' skills test ton tonight's episode includes filleting a John Dory, always a challenge as the fillets are relatively small in proportion to the size of the fish and surrounded by a hard, bony frame - though the fillets themselves are free from any small bones...

haddock, the mainstay along with whiting of Scottish fish and chip shops - though these days more and more chippies are making use of hake...

in addition to the nation's favourite, cod...

responsibly fished here by the Britannia V...

one of the first vessels in the UK to sign up for the scheme and the star of this RFS promotional video from Seafish...

cod, referred to as 'green' by many fishermen contrasted with the much darker skin found on coley, coalfish or blackjack - one of the most popular fish in Germany...

by 7am the market is almost cleared...

there were a few good sized bass at the end of the auction this morning...

as the sun brought some light into the harbour...

and with a break in the weather the inshore boats took on bait and gear to make an early start...

while Alex and the crew of the port's biggest whitefish trawler, Crystal Sea...

have their work cut out on the end of the new quay...

as they repair...

two of their trawls...

a job which has kept them busy all...

through the night...

the tidy deck of the sardine boat Golden Harvest...

like the beam trawler, Cornshman waits for the crew to arrive before sailing.

Tuesday 22 November 2016

Collaborating to Develop a Management Strategy a working example in Cardigan Bay.

QUAY ISSUES is a magazine for the fishing industry. It tells stories unearthed during our annual survey of the UK Fishing Fleet. Quay Issues examines best practice and innovative solutions to challenges facing fishing businesses.

In this case study we look at the fisheries science partnership between the Welsh scallop sector and Bangor University which led to the development of a strategy for sustainable scallop management in Cardigan Bay.

To claim your free copy of Quay Issues email us at quayissues@seafish.co.uk

To learn more about Seafish go to the Seafish website: http://www.seafish.org/

Film produced by Beard Askew: http://beardaskew.tv/

Bringing the Oceans Back to Life

Fishermen and women in Belize, the Philippines and Spain along with EDF staff tell the story of our partnerships to improve livelihoods, feed more people and bring the oceans back to life

Monday 21 November 2016

Monday morning

Big seas over the weekend brought even some of the bigger boats back to port for Monday's market...

with around 600 boxes from beam trawlers and some inshore boats that braved the heavy seas on Sunday...

more than enough to keep Cefas data collection on track...

some big seasonal bass...

cracking gurnards...

the odd John dory...

and even more sinister fish on the market floor...

with plenty of mackerel for those in the right place at the right time...

the megrims...

came stacked four high for the Sapphire II...

there's two sides to every flatfish...




and mullet were all targeted by the inshore boats over the weekend...

with a handful of the bigger sizes...

the fish came from far and wide...

at this time of year it's hard not to target Brixham squid......

the rain was incessant overnight...

making the job of repairing gear all the more uncomfortable.

Sunday 20 November 2016

Penzance sailing club dinghy racing - in a heavy swell.

Although the wind had dropped from the storm force strength overnight there was a heavy swell running in Mount's Bay to be enjoyed by the dinghy racing section of Penzance Sailing Club.

The weekend in Mount's Bay and Newlyn.

Despite the poor forecast, heralding the arrival of Angus, the first named storm of the ear which promises storm for 9 and severe storm force 10 winds, the fleet are queuing up to take ice...

though the classic sailing boat, Irene is waiting to sail...

the wind is beginning to gust already...

surplus to requirements, some grown timber not used in the refit of the wooden-hulled Galilee...

boxes and ice going aboard the Lisa Jacqueline...

Sunday morning and the Filadelfia heads back into port...

looking like new, the Algrie is almost ready to get back to sea after her nine month lay-up...

Irene about to set sail...

the new wheelhouse is now in place on Rowse's new crabber...

over in Penzance the Sunday morning dinghy sailors get in some sailing following the storm...

making the most of the fresh breeze and heavy swell...

tied up for the winter, the luggers Barnabus and Happy Return...

also tied up for the winter is the Scillonian III having her winter overhaul in the wet dock...

Forever Autumn, in the dock.