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Thursday 26 August 2010

Missed this back in June - apologies to young Gary!

 Penzance resident named South West Young Apprentice of the Year.

Gary Nicholls of Mounts Bay Engineering is celebrating today after winning the Young Apprentice of the Year Award at the South West Skills Awards, which took place on the 2nd June). The prestigious ceremony, which took place at Sandy Park conference centre in Exeter, was presented by BBC’s former chief news correspondent, Kate Adie, OBE. Kate, who is the current presenter of Radio 4’s From Our Own Correspondent, delivered a keynote speech about her own experience learning essential skills on the job. This journalistic theme was reinforced by compere Clinton Rogers, the BBC’s Chief Somerset Correspondent.

The South West Skills Awards recognise and celebrate the achievements of apprentices, learners and employers who have excelled in the region. Run by the Skills Funding Agency and the National Apprenticeship Service, the evening combined the Skills Awards with the South West regional heat of the National Apprenticeship Awards.

Gary Nicholls of Mounts Bay Engineering will go on to the national Apprenticeship Awards ceremony at Westminster Plaza in Central London on 15 July 2010 where he will be amongst the best from England. Dr John Chudley, Regional Director for the South West National Apprenticeship Service (NAS) agreed: “These awards recognize individuals at every stage of life and career, and the  contributions of employers, both large and small, spanning all sectors.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Responsible fishing.

 Not many boats put to sea last night......
 but the Pride of Cornwall did and was rewarded with a shot of Cornish Sardines taken responsibly of course......
 visitors to the market, especially kids, are always fascinated by the selection of fish up for auction.....
 with the forecast promising heavy rain, the open top bus won't have many takers clambering for a seat on top at the front like they normally do........
 some of the punt men might just try their hand at the weekend!


 Not many boats can boast a living figurehead......

but this Cornish Lass can while she's getting the paint treatment......
bet it was a good one!

Tuesday 24 August 2010

Poles apart!

 All hands turn to taking tuna poles up the quay.....
 as this year's short-lived tuna season comes to an abrupt end for the Nova Spero - with the fast moving fish hard to find in thousands of square miles of North East Atlantic ocean, Skipper Shaun has decided to play safe and not subject him and his crew to endless days of searching for the elusive fish - the French and Spanish boats have the advantage of numbers on their side and share catch information within the fleets.......
 sea trials continue for the Hollie Mae - a better chance to see her classic lines taken from Bristol pilot and Falmouth working boats.......
118118, just like on TV.

The Daily Mirror asks, "How fresh is your fish?"

In order to answer the question, Steve Myall was despatched for the Daily Mirror to Newlyn and Sam Lambourn's Lyonnese for a night's fishing. The boat was purpose built to fish small shoals of pelagic fish like sardines - and that, for a Newlyn boat, means not just any old sardines but MSC accredited Cornish Sardines! 

The article gives a good description of a night's fishing aboard the boat as they chase the elusive early season shoals and then goes on to follow the supply chain via processors Falfish and eventually the some of the catch end up on a wet fish counter of a Morrison's branch in Kidderminster.

Monday 23 August 2010

Ajax does battle.

 A suitable subject for Daisy or a watercolourist.......
 the Holly Mae is now full rigged and is ready to go......
 maybe not as far as this cat, the Burnout, though.......
 the latest punt to join the fleet......
 tuna maestro is back from his latest trip......
 worth a look, put it in your diary.......
 just what you don't need, being mopped up by someone else's lost trawl netting......
 how to keep a big boat heeled in against the quayside.......
 she must have towed into the poor weather and left gutting the last haul till being in the calmer waters of the harbour......
 well over 300 boxes from the Ajax, a big trip by any standards.....
 a big blue, keeping an eye on things
 a whirlwind trip off Land's End produced 8 boxes of bass for the Cyclone.......
 Mr Meg this morning......
 plenty of exercise for the buyers hauling fish across the market......
 a full house of beamer fish.......
 another notch on the tally board.......
for the orange team.

Saturday 21 August 2010

A voyage into the unknown for some!

 Shrouded in mist, the Scillonian III presents an air of mystery for those about to brave the crossing to the Isles of Scilly.......
 in Newlyn, the chartered Silver Star is preparing her gear trials......
 for the Cornish Sardine fishery......

 with a full set of deck gear......
 and the net pound astern......
 hopefully the fish separator won't damage the delicate sardines.....
she's big in the stern department.......
time to put the tailshaft back in the Feasible........

it's not just a rumour then!