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Showing posts with label MMO. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MMO. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 November 2018

"Landing Obligation" 2019 - All you need to know.

There's plenty to take in with regard to the forthcoming Landing Obligation rules that will apply from January 1st 2019.

The first details the role to be played by ports, harbours and fish markets...

another with how to deal with 'choke species' - fish for which there is little quota (like haddock in ICES Area VII b-k)...

and those boats engaged in pelagic fishing - which includes ring net fishing.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Evaluation of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund


Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA) Ltd have been commissioned by Defra to carry out work on the evaluation of the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) and its implementation in England and the devolved administrations, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

The aim of this study is to evaluate grant delivery including enablers and barriers to grant funding and the initial impacts of the fund as a whole. The work shall consider why applications have or have not been made and what issues have arisen. It will focus on social impacts, complementing the mid-term evaluation of the EMFF to be commissioned by the MMO.

The approach to the evaluation will include engagement with relevant stakeholders to gather their views on the EMFF. This engagement will be undertaken over the next few months and will include focus groups and interviews. To this end, we have selected a number of locations where specific grants will be evaluated in greater depth. Agreed case study locations to date include Cornwall/Devon, East Riding and Grimsby, Norfolk/Suffolk and Northern Ireland.

RPA will be contacting a selection of grant recipients between November and February as part of our evaluation. However, we would also welcome your views of the Fund more generally. Please feel free to provide us with your opinions on the grant-making process, and how receiving a grant has helped you and your business. Equally, we would welcome views where you have chosen not to apply to the Fund.

If you would like more information about the project, or would like to tell RPA about your views on the EMFF, please contact Elizabeth Daly by email (Elizabeth.daly@rpaltd.co.uk).

Thursday, 27 September 2018

Statistics show where UK vessels fish and what is landed from our waters

Today the Marine Management Organisation has published analysis showing where fish were caught before being landed. This includes activity by UK vessels and other EU Member States’ vessels in North East Atlantic waters.
Torquay devon fishing
The landings by Economic Exclusive Zone (EEZ) document is a supplementary report released alongside the main annual Sea Fisheries Statistics publication which can be found on the MMO website. The report covers 2012 to 2017.

Where does the UK fleet catch its fish?

In 2017, UK fishing vessels landed the majority of their catch from UK waters; 80 per cent by quantity and 83 per cent by value. The waters of other EU member states were the second most important region for the UK’s fleet; accounting for 13% by quantity and 9% by value of the UK’s total landings in 2017. Landings from third country waters (such as Norway) and international waters made up the remainder.
Out of the seven other EU Member States' waters that the UK landed fish from the most valuable for the UK fleet were (avg. 2012 – 2016):
  • Ireland (65,000 tonnes, £66 million)
  • France (14,000 tonnes, £17 million)
  • Denmark (7,000 tonnes, £10 million)
The most valuable fish caught by UK vessels in other EU member state waters were: mackerel, plaice and monks/anglers.

How much do non-UK fishing boats land from the UK EEZ?

Of the fish landed by other member state vessels from North Atlantic waters, 35 per cent of the quantity and 23 per cent of the value originated in UK waters. The North Atlantic area includes all of the seas around the UK. 
The three other EU Member States landing the most value from UK waters were:
  • France (120,000 tonnes, £171 million)
  • Netherlands (177,000 tonnes, £92 million)
  • Denmark (237,000 tonnes, £90 million)
The most valuable fish for other member states in UK waters were herring, mackerel and sole.
For context the UK fleet landed approximately 581,000 tonnes with a value of £811 million from UK waters in 2017. In the same year, UK vessels landed around 94,000 tonnes (£88 million) in total from other member state waters.

How much fish is landed from quota stocks in UK waters?

As part of this report we also introduced an estimate of the landings of quota stocks from UK waters for UK, non-UK EU and Norwegian vessels. This publication expands and updated the list of quota stocks that was included in the Government’s “Sustainable fisheries for future generations” white paperreleased earlier this year.
We show that the most valuable quota species landed from the UK’s EEZ was mackerel. Approximately 72% of the total landings of mackerel stocks by UK and OMS vessels in the north east Atlantic were landed from UK waters. After the high volume widely distributed pelagic quota stocks like mackerel, West Coast Nephrops, was the most valuable quota stock landed from UK waters (~£35 million per annum). From this new analysis we were able to estimate that 99.9% of all West Coast Nephrops landings were from UK waters.

How did we estimate these statistics?

To reach our conclusions we assigned landings of fish to different EEZs using the reported statistical rectangles, a spatial division of the NE Atlantic waters established by International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) for use in fisheries statistics.
We used UK data on vessel activity to produce detailed information on where fish were caught and landed. We also made use of publicly available data from the European Commission to produce the estimates of landings made by non-UK EU Member States in NE Atlantic waters. More detail on the methods is given in the report itself.

For further information

The full report is available on the MMO website. Detailed underlying data sets covering UK fleet landings by ICES Rectangle from 2012 to 2017 by EEZ of capture and the spatial factors used to assign landings between EEZs are available for download should you wish to look in more detail at these statistics.

Open welcome to see Newlyn Harbour Development Plans for the area known as Canners Slip.

From today until Saturday 29th September fishermen, harbour users and local residents can go along to the inshore lifeboat house and see a range of detailed plans and scale models for the area known as Canners Slip.

After the public consultations held two weeks ago in the harbour office boardroom NPHC are keen to hear more input from the fishing community - from fishermen to residents.

The full range of plans and a number of models have been made to facilitate further discussion on this important development.

The scale models include one based on the outline plans submitted as detailed in the submission to the MMO...

and another that will allow visitors to the consultation to put make known their own ideas and thoughts.

The Inshore Lifeboat building can be accessed from the Canners Slip end of the harbour opposite Trelawney Fish.

Friday, 21 September 2018

Fisheries White Paper The CFPO's Response

The CFPO has now submitted its formal response to the Government's Fisheries White Paper: 'Sustainable Fisheries for Future Generations'.

The response reflects the collective views of our diverse membership and is clear about our priorities and vision for future management of UK fisheries in the post Brexit era.

What next?

This Autumn looks to be one of the most critical periods for the fishing industry in recent history.

Now the formal White Paper consultation has ended we will be looking to make sure our concerns and priorities are acknowledged and understood by Ministers, MPs, and officials at both DEFRA and DexEU.

In the coming months, we will be working to hold the Government to account and will be continuing to apply pressure to ensure fishing remains a UK priority throughout the Brexit negotiations.

The preparation, discussions and the strategising for the important December Fisheries Council, where TACs and quotas for 2019 will be agreed, have already begun and will continue in earnest until the meeting on the 13th and 14th December.

As well as Brexit and December Council, the CFPO will continue its work on the challenges presented by full implementation of the Landing Obligation from 1 January 2019, as well as a host of other issues that might impact your business such as bass management, gear conflict incidents, shellfish management and fishing industry reputation (both public and political).

In these uncertain times, one thing remains constant: the CFPO is your organisation and your views, comments and opinions are essential as we move forward. We will continue to need your valued input and we encourage you to get in touch by either coming into the office, by post, phone, email, Facebook or text. Please do not hesitate to get in contact and tell us what you think and what direction you feel the CFPO should be taking.

We will be providing updates on progress on all these issues in our next newsletter in December.

Presentation to the Cornwall FLAG

On the 21st August, our communications partner, Mindfully Wired Communications, presented at the Cornwall FLAG Board meeting. The presentation outlined why the CFPO values good communication and provided highlights on what we've been working on with MWC over the past year. Click the link to see the presentation. 

Skate is a thorny topic for many - fishermen catch skate on a regular basis throughout ICES VII f & g yet there is a zero quota for these delicious fish.

Yet again, Newyn Harbour has made the Boardroom available for this important meeting for all those keen to add their thoughts and ideas into the mix - however controversial - the more views and ideas the better for a healthy debate.

Tuesday, 10 April 2018

MMO - English fishing vessels sought for trials which may help to reduce discards

English fishing vessels sought for trials which may help to reduce discards

The MMO is looking for English fishing vessels to take part in trials aiming to encourage more selective fishing activity

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is looking for English fishing vessels working in the North Sea to take part in three trial schemes which may help to reduce discards and encourage more selective fishing behaviour.

Vessels taking part in the trials may be fitted with remote electronic monitoring (REM) equipment or be involved in trying out new gears and may be awarded additional quota in return.

The MMO has run fully documented fisheries (FDF) schemes, sometimes referred to as catch quota trials, since 2011. As part of these schemes remote electronic monitoring (REM) equipment is fitted to vessels to encourage a reduction in discards. In addition, REM has proven to be a useful tool for gathering scientific data. The MMO has collaborated with the Centre for the Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Sciences (Cefas) on exploring this use.

The MMO is looking for English fishing vessels to apply for two fully documented fisheries schemes in 2018:

North-East Nephrops Fully Documented Fisheries
The MMO is also looking for English vessels to take part in the North East Nephrops Net Selectivity trials which is looking to trial new gears which have the potential to be more selective.

North Sea Fully Documented Fisheries
To take part the vessel must be English-registered and a member of a Producer Organisation. In return for taking part in this scheme, vessels will be able to access additional quota for North Sea cod and saithe. In addition scientific quota may be available.

Vessels must apply to take part by 16 April 2018.

The aims of the scheme in 2018 are to:

Test the use of REM as a control and enforcement tool
To monitor compliance with fisheries legislation
Test new developments in REM technologies
Trial the use of inter-species flexibility (ISF)
North-East Nephrops
This is a new scheme for 2018. To take part vessels must be English-registered and work within the North East nephrops fishery. In return for participation in this scheme, vessels will be able to access additional quota for North Sea haddock and whiting. In addition, scientific quota for nephrops may be available.

Vessels must apply to take part by 30 April 2018.

The aims of this scheme are to:

Test the use of REM as a control and enforcement tool within the nephrops fishery
To monitor compliance with fisheries legislation
Test new developments in REM technologies
North-East Nephrops Net Selectivity trials
This is a new scheme for 2018. To take part vessels must be English-registered and work within the North East nephrops fishery. When applying for this scheme vessels are asked to propose how they might improve their gear selectivity and the methods they will use to do this. In return for participation in this scheme, vessels will be able to access additional quota for North Sea haddock and whiting.

Vessels must apply to take part by 30 April 2018.

The aims of this scheme are to:

Trial the use of highly selective gear to reduce discards and catches of below Minimum Conservation Reference Size (MCRS) fish
To document the effects of using highly selective gear in this fishery

For more information on the scheme email ukcatchquota@defra.gov.uk or call 0300 123 1032.

This blog post explains more about how fully documented fisheries work in practice.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Filey salmon fishermen face extinction - why?

Filey driftnet salmon fishermen are about to be put out of business largely because the MMO do not have the staff to satisfactorily deal with their plight - instead they are simply implementing a ban devoid of any consideration for the livelihoods of generations of fishermen.

In a blog post exactly a year ago, Mike Warner write penned an in-depth look at just how far the fishermen of Filey have been prepared to go in order to comply with every regulation thrown at them

For generations, the North Yorkshire coast has been home to vibrant fishing communities. Fishing has shaped towns and coastlines, offered careers to local families, provided delicious, sustainable food, and contributed hugely to local tourism.

These coastal fisheries are small-scale, low-impact and working hard to protect the environment they depend upon.

In Filey, the fishery is down to just seven small-scale, artisanal boats. Fishermen have inherited their licenses from their fathers, and want to pass them on to their children and grandchildren. But all of this is at risk due to new proposed regulations from the Environment Agency (EA).


The EA is working to protect salmon stocks in the area, which are under pressure. Some salmon are caught by these small, commercial boats, but many more are caught by anglers - who fish the spawning grounds for the salmon along river beds. The EA is proposing to drastically reduce fishing opportunities for the remaining commerical fishermen in Filey, and along the whole North Yorkshire coast. Eventually, the plan is to remove licenses from these fishermen entirely.

All fishermen - whether at sea or in-land - want to make sure there are plenty of salmon for future generations. To protect stocks, boats in Filey have been voluntarily releasing salmon throughout the months of April and May for over a decade, and they focus their commercial operation entirely on catching sea trout. They have voluntarily captured data on all fish they catch, reduced the length of their nets, and only fish for 5 months of the year.

Per year, the average catch of salmon by this small commercial fleet is just 157 fish. In comparison, the catch of sea trout is over 4,600 fish. This valuable, sustainable sea trout fishery will be completely eliminated by the EA's proposals.

We believe the EA should work with the local fishermen to find a solution that is sustainable for the community, as well as the environment - and not put an end to generations of fishing heritage in local Yorkshire communities. Fishermen want to be part of the solution: let them be!

With a new spotlight on UK fishing due to Brexit, this government should not allow small-scale, low-impact, sustainable fishing businesses to go out of operation - with a huge impact on local families and businesses - when alternative options exist.

Please help protect the fishing heritage of the North Yorkshire coast.

News update from DEFRA:

Therese Coffey (Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs) provided a response when asked:

The North East coast net fishery, including drift nets at North Shields, operates as a coastal mixed stock fishery, catching salmon from a large number of different populations from rivers in both Scotland and England on the eastern coast of Britain.

The UK Government has international obligations as a member of the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO) to close coastal mixed stock fisheries as it is not possible to manage them in such a way as to effectively protect contributing salmon stocks. Closing fisheries is not an action that is taken without careful consideration. In reaching this position the Environment Agency (EA) has followed the NASCO guidelines and applied the Precautionary Approach to the conservation and management of salmon populations, giving priority to conserving and protecting salmon stocks.

The EA understands that these new management measures could impose a financial burden on licensed drift netsmen. It has not taken the decision to propose measures lightly, but salmon are in decline across the country. On the grounds of ensuring stocks exist at a sustainable level now and in the future, these are the measures that are being proposed.

The EA intends to formally advertise its proposals later this month and all stakeholders will have the opportunity to respond to the proposed byelaws and to request changes or modifications.

Tuesday, 20 February 2018

MMO - Three questions frequently asked about commercial fishing

BREXIT - a new dawn?

Since the UK voted to leave the EU the proportion of questions the MMO receives from the public and media about commercial fishing has increased.

The latest information from the MMO:

We previously committed to making more of this information freely available. This post answers some further general questions we’re often asked relating to commercial fishing activity in UK and English waters.

How can I get a licence to fish by boat in the UK?

Your vessel must be registered before you can get a licence.

No new fishing vessel licences are created and there are a limited number of licences in circulation. The only way you can get a licence is by transferring an existing one to your vessel. You need a licence entitlement to do this.

The MMO does not sell or provide these licence entitlements. Places they may be obtained include via trade media aimed at the commercial fishing industry.

More information about fishing vessel licensing is also on our website.

Is the MMO aware of the activities of foreign fishing vessels in UK waters?

There are areas where EU fishing vessels are currently legally entitled to fish up to 6 nautical miles off the UK coastline, as part of the EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).

The MMO currently enforces compliance with the CFP in English waters of the Exclusive Economic Zone using a combination of monitoring and surveillance assets. We monitor fishing activity and vessel movements using our satellite vessel monitoring system (VMS). One thing this shows is vessels from other countries within UK waters.

It wouldn’t be appropriate for us to comment in detail on any ongoing enforcement operations.

Where are the busiest fishing ports in the UK?

Our annual statistics publication includes a range of information about the commercial fishing industry, including number of vessels and landings of fish into the top ports in the UK. Chapters 2 and 3 of the publication are particularly relevant.

In 2016, the last year for which figures are available, Peterhead, Lerwick and Fraserburgh accounted for 49 per cent by quantity and 36 per cent by value of all landings by UK vessels into the UK.

Answer to your question not here? Try reading our previous posts for details of how fishing quotas are currently set and more statistics on fishing, including activities by EU vessels in UK waters.

Posted by: Amy Wardlaw, MMO, Posted on: 8 February 2018 - Categories: fisheries

Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Have your say - it's the MMO's consultation for the next phase of marine planning.

We would like your views and feedback on the draft Statement of Public Participation and the draft Sustainability Appraisal scoping report for the next phase of marine plans – the north east, north west, south east and south west marine areas.

The Statement of Public Participation sets out whom, when and how we will engage with stakeholders during the marine planning process. Stakeholder involvement in developing the marine plans is essential, with specialist and local knowledge being central to ensuring the marine plans are robust and meaningful.

The Sustainability Appraisal provides an independent assessment of the marine plans at each stage in their development, ensuring that economic, social and environmental sustainability is at the core of the marine plans. The scoping report is the first stage of the Sustainability Appraisal, setting out what issues the appraisal will consider.

Both consultations ask a short number of questions on the documents and are now open for comment.

Statement of Public Participation
Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report

Both consultations close on Friday 13 May at 11.59pm.

We are also hosting a number of events around the country on marine planning, what it includes and how you can get involved, with places still available at the following events:

North East:

Bamburgh: 15 April, 11am to 2pm, Bamburgh Pavillion, NE69 7DF Newcastle upon Tyne: 19 April, 11am to 2pm, Discovery Museum, NE1 4JA

South East:

London: 13 April, 9am to 12pm, Mary Sumner House, SW1P 3RB Colchester: 15 April, 9am to 12pm, Lake View Room University of Essex, CO4 3SQ

South West:

Bideford: 13 April, 1pm to 4pm Caddsdown Business Support Centre, EX39 3DX Weston-Super-Mare: 14 April, 9am to 12pm, Weston College, BS23 2AL

North West:

Liverpool: 18 April, 1pm to 4pm, University of Liverpool, L69 3GL Carlisle: 19 April, 9am to 12pm, Carlisle Business Interaction Centre (CBIC), CA3 8TT Blackpool: 20 April, 9am to 12pm, The Solaris Centre, FY4 1RW


more information on the consultation or the events please email planning@marinemanagement.org.uk

Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Gearing Up For Change: A Collaborative Approach for a Responsive Fishery

Gearing Up For Change is a film which will be publicly launched at a meeting in the European Parliament this morning, where David Stevens, skipper of the Crystal Sea II, the largest trawler left working from Newlyn will present to a round-table of policy and industry, chaired by Alain Cadec.

The film was designed to be an opportunity for David to talk in a genuinely in-depth way about how he has found the CQT process, how he has used his own knowledge to innovate within his fishery, and the challenges he sees for fishers under the demersal landing obligation.

The idea is to present a fisherman who has approached these genuine challenges with positivity and innovation, but not to ignore his blunt warnings about how policy/management needs to adapt to ensure a sustainable, profitable future for the industry under the constraints of the LO.

The film was made by Mindfully Wired Communicationsspecialists to the fishing industry for the European Defence Fund  and shown during a gathering at the European Parliament. “Gearing Up for Change: A Collaborative Approach for a Responsive Fishery” features David Stevens, skipper of the Crystal Sea II (a family-owned vessel that he runs with his brother Alec). The film highlights the innovative ways Stevens and other fishermen are working to meet the European Union’s landing obligation as set forth in the Common Fisheries Policy.

The round table event of policy makers, industry and NGOs was hosted by the European Parliament Intergroup on Climate Change, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development in collaboration with Environmental Defense Fund and chaired by Alain Cadec MEP. The discussion focused on the challenges facing the industry in implementing the landing obligation, with specific attention paid to the economic costs of greater selectivity, and the need for greater technical adaptability and flexibility to meet the new requirements, combined with more flexibility and security needed in quota allocation. Many participants highlighted the need for more time and space to enable innovation and liberate the inherent knowledge of the industry to complement the process. Stevens commented:

“The time lag in the scientific process is a huge challenge in fisheries management – especially for erratic species like haddock. We need to be coming forward with the data so [policy makers] can see where the changes need to be made.”

During the discussion, David Stevens explained why he believes greater collaboration will be vital to unlock the gear adaptability, real-time data, and flexible quota management needed to underpin a successful ‘discard ban.’ Developing innovative fishing techniques as part of a ‘Catch Quota Trial’ over the last three years, he has significantly reduced his discards through fully documenting his catch and trialling gear modifications sparked by what he witnessed first-hand on the water. He was keen to highlight that this is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and that significant social and economic challenges remain.

“There are fishermen across Europe who are rising to the challenge the landing obligation raises. They believe, as do we, that a mix of gear technology and quota management solutions can together provide the selectivity, security and adaptability fishermen need in their business to ensure sustainable and prosperous fisheries,” commented Melanie Siggs, Senior Director, Environmental Defense Fund, EU Oceans programme. “We are delighted to have the opportunity to help showcase those fishermen when we can, and ensure policy makers have the benefit of their knowledge”.

The film – shown publicly for the first time at the event – is an in-depth exploration, from Stevens’ perspective, on his participation in the UK Catch Quota Trial (CQT). Run by fisheries agency the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), and supported by the scientific agency the Centre for Fisheries & Aquaculture Science (Cefas), the CQT provided quota incentives for fishermen willing to operate under the conditions of the landing obligation, and fully document their catches. Under the CQT, he was able to reduce the discards in his fishery to less than 2%, and reduced the catch of juvenile haddock – his primary ‘choke species’ – by nearly 90%.

As a part of the trial, Stevens used information from cameras on board to adapt his gear to changing conditions in his Celtic Sea fishing grounds – and record the success of different modifications tested. Acknowledging that not everyone is in favour of cameras, he notes that they can create significant trust in the system with just one or two vessels operating with cameras within the fleet.

“We need to see the cameras as more than just an enforcement tool, we need to see them as a scientific tool. I think we’ve only scratched the surface of what they can achieve,” Stevens said, to the group of MEPs, civil servants, industry and NGO representatives present.

“The work the Crystal Sea II has undertaken not only shows what the industry can achieve with incentive-led initiatives but also clearly demonstrates the challenges the landing obligation poses for the fishing industry.”

The flexibility provided by quota incentives under the CQT gave the security the Crystal Sea II needed in order to participate in the trial. In his discussion of the future of fishing, David reflected on the value greater security and longer-term quota management could add to his business:

“What the industry needs is greater security about their quota, so we can build longer-term plans combined with the ability to adapt gear according to the conditions, so as to maximize selectivity. Technical regulations – even those which have been a success in my fishery – won’t work as a ‘one-size fits all.’”

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Manage your fishing effort: Western Waters crabs and scallops

Western Waters (ICES Area VII) 2015 edible & Spider Crab effort annual limit

Details of the approach to managing the over 15 metre Area VII crab and scallop fishing sector to keep the fishery within EU effort limits.

Defra and MMO officials met with a number of industry representatives with an interest in the area VII crab fishery on 12 November 2014 to discuss a management approach for the fishery during 2015 in line with the Western Waters regime. At this meeting, various management options were considered to ensure that the industry does not exceed the effort limit allocated to the UK under the Western Waters regime.

It was decided that days at sea limits will be set for vessels operating in this area for the full 2015 year. This will be enforced via a licence variation. The 150 day limit will be applicable to all over 15 metre vessels with a shellfish entitlement operating in area VII and targeting crabs under the Western Waters regime.

The MMO will actively monitor days at sea uptake by vessels and a review meeting will take place on 22 July 2015 to evaluate uptake to date and discuss the management approach for the remainder of 2015.

If the UK looks like it will exceed effort limits prior to 31 December 2015 as set by the Commission, then fisheries administrations will be required to close the area VII crab fishery to over 15 metre vessels for the remainder of the year in line with the Western Waters regime.

Crab effort uptake for 2015 (last updated 3 June 2015)

AreaEuropean limit (kilowatt days)Real-time uptake to date (kilowatt days)Percentage of effort used to date

2. Days at Sea Limits

2.1 The maximum number of days a vessel can fish for crabs in ICES Area VII is established in the vessel’s fishing licence.

2.2 Any days remaining at the end of a management period will not be transferred across management periods.

2.3 Days at sea are not transferrable between fishing vessels.

2.4 The number of days spent at sea will be monitored for enforcement purposes by MMO/Devolved Administration offices. However, it is your responsibility to monitor your uptake and be aware of how many days you have available. If you wish to check the information held by the MMO on your vessel’s activity you should contact your local MMO coastal office.

2.5 It is an offence to exceed the maximum number of days at sea established in your vessel’s fishing licence, and action may be taken in accordance the relevant fisheries administration’s compliance and enforcement strategy.

3. Recording of days at sea

3.1 Days at sea are counted in calendar days (midnight to midnight) or part thereof. For example a fishing trip leaving port at 0200h and returning to port at 0100h the following day counts as two calendar days. In comparison, a fishing trip leaving port at 1000h and returning at 1700h the following day is also counted as 2 calendar days.

3.2 Trip data must be recorded in UTC (universal time constant) with no daylight saving adjustment.

3.3 Steaming trips are not counted against a vessel’s days at sea providing that no gear is deployed or hauled, no landings are made and vessel activity is declared as ‘CRU – steaming/cruising’ on the electronic logbook.

3.4 Time at sea will not count against a vessel’s allocation where it comes to the aid of another vessel in need of emergency assistance or because it is transporting an injured person for emergency medical aid. You must advise your port of administration in such cases.

4. Once your allocation of days are used

4.1 Any vessel that has exhausted its allocation of days must cease fishing for crabs in Area VII immediately and return to port. The vessel may then undertake other activities.

See the full story from the MMO here:

Monday, 2 March 2015

Monday's fish market is full of fish!

Not so you would know from the arrivals and departures board...

but there were over 400 boxes of fish on the market this morning...

including the fish that the MMO have deemed to be in short supply in some areas...

from the Billy Rowney...

members of the shark family......

 share similar noses it seems...

this big bass seems to have had a bellyful just before being caught - or maybe he helped himself in thew cod end...

one long lingering ling...

and the reddest of red gurnard...

but which fish by contrast is this?...

thew only way to eat fresh scallops, just like an oyster, straight out of the shell alive and wriggling...

those heavy clouds look ominous...

for those about to brave the outside...

the beamers are back in the black...

as the cuttle season seems to be extending itself this year...

the new kid on the block has made her second landing...

keeping the merchants busy this morning...

and the Cefas team on data work...

outside the mornings are showing signs of light in the sky not long after the market starts at 6am...

while the big crabbers wait for their crews to muster...

the poor weather will keep all the inshore boats in port today...

as a heavy hail shower passes overhead...

the port could be anywhere inside the Arctic Circle...

there will be plenty of St Piran's flags flying on Thursday...

away across the Bay the heavy hail showers continue...

three of the ports sardine boats are berthed together...

like the crabbers...

in the chilly March air...

Tom has only a flock of gulls for company at the moment...

as the sun tries to break through the low cloud away over the Lizard.