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Sunday 15 May 2016


Fish-a-Tron uses advanced algorithms and image processing to calculate the size of a fish, uploading this in addition to a photograph of the fish for future examination.

Saturday 14 May 2016

Le Shambroque - classic French distant water sidewinder form 1962.

While the Grimsby sidewinder, the Ross Tiger has just taken to using Twitter - here is a chance to see another classic sidewinder in action, the trawler, Fécampois, the last classic built for the great fishing to port of Fecamp and the last in the decline of the fleet fishing for cod. The skipper was John Recher

Friday 13 May 2016

Fog-free #FishyFriday

Prawn trawler, inshore trawlers and a beam trawler for this morning's market...

here at Newlyn Harbour...

rarer than hen's teeth, well not quite but the number of bream landed are few and far bertween at the moment...

counting the boxes, all part of the auctioneer's job...

another box of mixed...

cooked with a saffron sauce, classic French fish dish for pollack...

busy busy...

seems the Scottish guys have taken up tailing some of their monk...

just the one dinner plate sized plaice...

along with a handful of JDs...

at the other end of the market, the first hake for the week put in an appearance courtesy...

of the Karen of Ladram...

while another huddle develops around some top quality inshore trawl fish from the Millennia

the view out across the harbour from the market...

as the fish get whisked away...

with most of the boats at sea there are one or two stragglers getting work done, like the Admiral Gordon...

and the Ygraine, just about to set off on her maiden netting voyage from the port after a 22 year absence...

the 'Grey Fella' as she would be known in the Clyde...

key components of a beam trawler's chain mat...

looks like the William is not far off being ready for sea after her huge refit...

sign's of a little invasion of foreigners, one of them there Falmouth boats...

calm enough this morning...

as the Little Pearl stets sail...

age-old tradition of a play on words for the name of a boat...

while £7,150 will buy you a Cornish classic - a 20' Treeve hull - Call Joe on 07801888137 to talk about the boat for sale.

Wednesday 11 May 2016

Fog is a sure sign

Fog at sea is a sure sign summer is on the way as the sea warms up and meets those chilly northerly drafts...

all in good time, the Ygraine looks set to sail soon for her maiden netting voyage...

fog brings light or no wind as a rule...

this morning's boats landing to the market...

at Newlyn Harbour...

some small hits of John Dory...

and better hauls of Dovers...

and those dinner-plate sized flats...

but with no netters there are just a few kilos of hake...

a box of eight-leggers...

common practice on the smaller landings is to pop all the odd fish in a single box...

no chance of doing that with haddock as they are everywhere...

like this big tub gurnard...

more than enough to keep all the buyers happy this morning...

with the last few days seeing an upturn in the fortunes of the guys...

catching these elusive chaps...

just a few of these guys on the grounds now...

timeless shot of the Girl Pamela bound away for another day on the pots...

the number of yachts passing through the harbour continues to rise...

another bottom scrubbed and painted...

lurking in a sizeable piece of peat trawled up...

one small langoustine lodged in a crevice...

visiting beam trawler from Brixham, Catharina...

all painted up and set for this year's scallop season to begin...

and away across the Bay, the Mount of St Michael has disappeared from view!