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Thursday 27 November 2008

Being Resolute, Oceanfish score last night

One of the most modern punts in the fleet, the Porth Enys is up on the quay for some maintenance work.....
back in action away from the sardines the Little Pearl has a shot of bass on the market....
when your home port is Cadgwith, home to the Lizard Lifeboat, and you care about quality insultaed tubs are de-rigeur these days....
a lonely contrail could have been mistaken for a flare in the dull dawn light this morning....
opposite the market there's not much you can't find on the shelves of Waghorns General Stores....
cocooned and all wrapped up for Christmas, the Plymouth Explorer has the shot-blasting team aboard....

a solid night's work for the Resolute means that OceanFish factory will be kept busy later today.

Wednesday 26 November 2008

Basking shark satellite tracking device found on Padstow beach.

A lucky find for a local dog walker returns the tracking device from a programme set up to monitor the movement of basking sharks off our coast.

Twinning visit

Hi-tech electrics feed the power needs aboard the Lisa Jacqueline while she is undergoing a major refir alngside the North Quay......
after dropping off a crewman with a broken knee, Bruno, skipper of DLM's Concarneau (twinned with Penzance) registered Grand Saint Bernard eases her gently out towards the gaps under the watchful eye of Harbourmaster Andrew Munson....
his concern is that, at this state of the tide, she will only just have enough water to exit the harbour without touching the hard ground just off the gaps....
so there are an anxious few moments before he can relax as she heads towards the shallowest part of the entrance.....

safely away, she is passed up by the Dignity from St Ives bound in from a netting trip for red mullet.

Monday 24 November 2008

Over the half-way line

A 'landmark' as it were in the voyage of the Spirit of Mystery - she has made it across the equator over the weekend! Read up on the celebrations aboard the boat from their web log.

There's more to it than just the fish and quotas

Patriotic and moralistic quota activist Grimmy Mike (Mike Mahon) makes the papers with a supportive article from Telegraph journalist Christopher Booker. The article provoked plenty of support and a number of interesting comments from online readers that reflect on the wider issues of sovereignty and control with regard to our 'Island State' and Europe.

Wet, wintry wind.

With a fresh coat of white gloss given a dousing by yet another heavy shower, the Dom Bosco's new cranning pole waits on the qiuayside to be fitted.....
while the rest of the country suffers snow showers and much colder temperatures it's just plain wet 'n windy her in the far South West of the UK.....
the obligatory 'barn door' skate from the Gary M's netting trip.....
one of a very mixed bag of fish on the Monday morning market.....
with a steady supply of boxes heading to the box washing department.....
making his way aboard the Intuition for a chat with skipper Alan Nudd.....
many of the bigger vessels make use of 3D seabed ground discrimination plotters in the wheelhouse.....
back in port after her maiden voyage, the Emma Louise has plenty of water powering through her vivier tanks to aerate the water....
evidence of the fresh Northerly breeze......
with a heavy swell running even the big scallopers like this TN trwler from Troon cannot work...
late Sunday afternoon and the Carol H heads......
in Through the Gaps......
dark enough this evening as lighting up time arrives quickly under heavy skies....

and a reminder to all those who drive along the front that Ross Bridge will be closed for three months early next year.

Saturday 22 November 2008

Fish farming

Dressed for the damp conditions despite the forecast predicting a quiet day, three anglers make their way to the quay.....
the Crystal Sea II has had a week's worth of fishing with her new trawl doors.......
stood in the drizzle over-ending and cleaning the net, Saturday morning chores aboard the Boy Brax......
Through the Gaps appears to have stumbled across a new enterprise in fish farming.....
time for Gary and the old man to get the brushes out for a bottom scrub on the Achieve.....
the Twilight heads in through the gaps after towing the Billy Rowney in....
after she became 'mopped up' with what appears to be a French trawl in her prop.....
with a fresh breeze blowing down the harbour it takes three of the harbour 'tug' boats to put her safely in tier.