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Friday, 20 September 2024

Thursday evening into #FishyFriday morning in Newlyn.

An hour before high-water and it's good to see active fishing vessels making use of the beach to dry out and work below the waterline over a big spring tide

she might be registered in Fleetwood but the Udra is essentially a Spanish owned trawler making a landing in Newlyn, come 2026 flagged vessels are due to make at least 70% of their landings into England instead of the current two per year...

that man Cod is off to sea in the Butts...

just astern of the fire-damaged Twilight under tow...

much too-ing and fro-ing this afternoon...

as the Udra heads out through the gaps...

while a film crew record some sage advice from skipper David Stevens and CFPO man Chris Ranford...

now its the turn of young fisherman, Will who has taken on Chris Morley's Rachel & Paul...

high water on the biggest tide of the year...

time for the Monty of Ladram to move and take on her trawl gear...

that's a fine coating of barnacles below the waterline on Plymouth University's research boat, Plymouth Quest...

just a reminder that if one of those canoes or dinghy's is yours it needs storing somewhere else to allow restoration work to be carried out on the old harbour which will start soon...

high tide doesn't get any higher than this unless there is a storm surge...

sardine boat Pelagic Marksman bound away for a night's fishing...

just gone 7am and the sun has just risen above the early morning cloud...

high-water again...

as the scalloper Southern Spirit heads for the ice works...

there are some fine fish for sale tis morning like this bass...

red mullet...

and monk...


a handful of pollack...

and some happy ray...

there are good landings of scallops at the moment over the big tide...

as there are of blue fin tuna...

not the easiest of fish to wrap...

sardine catches have been good...

Ben's big bluefin made it a good week for the Beryl M...

and mackerel were going well until yesterday when landings dropped off...

time to ice the big fish down...

as the sun moves round over the harbour...

and lumpers move in to empty the auction...

the best fed seal in the country...

time to take fuel...

and sharpen the teeth on those dredges...

it's a busy lorry park this morning...

as the boats ride high at the top of the tide...

biggest catch of his life!

Tuesday, 17 September 2024

Afternoon tow

Acionna, Flying the flag for seafarers all over...

as the Danmark makes her way to Penzance harbour...

with a yacht under tow...


a four hour round trip for tug skipper Jeremy.

Monday, 16 September 2024

Sunny Sunday, misty Monday.

A gorgeous Sunday evening and the fleet head for the fish market to land...

then into Monday when the low cloud has lifted enough to see the far side of the harbour and the south pier...

there's even a fog in the fish market...

each netter landed a few of these this tide...

and a few of these,...

seen here is the Cornish version...

along with some good shots of hake from the Silver Dawn...

Britannia V...

and Ygraine

there's no escaping these guys it seems however hard the netters try...

some big flats from the beamer...

and JDs...

plenty of lemons...

and Dovers...

and a few good sized black bream

a big 200kg bluefin...

even though they seem to be yellow...

the one boat hit hardest by the pollack ban ironically now catches them as a part of a research project to see if stocks are viable...

plenty of these beauties coming ashore this weekend...

while mackerel came from St Ives...

and bass courtesy of young Cod from Mounts Bay...

in the shallow waters of the harbour there are shoals of small fish everywhere...

its more like aq lorry park down the quay as fuel tankers and transport wait to pick up shellfish and fish.

the number of visiting yachts is slowing down...

Ocean Pride up on the slip in low cloud...

the Channel Islands based, FTV Explorer is currently contrcated to deploy seabed cameras and sampling gear off lands End on behalf of Exeter University's marine department.

a few hours after high water and both these boats are aground - at the end of the Mary Williams pier.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

'Anglers' get caught in the act in two separate but no doubt connected arrests off the north Cornish coast in one day.


In a previous life, the Lily Lola was an angling boat

A significant amount of cocaine was intercepted off the coast of Cornwall on Friday. Four men have been charged in connection with the seizure, which is believed to have been a major blow to an organised crime group. The drugs were found aboard the ex-angling boat, Lily Lola which was stopped off Newquay by NCA officers.

Later that day, three men were arrested after they ran their rib ashore on Gwynver beach near Lands End...

in an attempt to smuggle at least 240kg of cocaine ashore...

the rib was filmed in the act being pursued at speed by the NCA and then abandoned as the smugglers jumped from the rib and began running across the beach to escape - anyone who knows the beach in question would know that running up that hill at Gwynver to escape just isn't going to happen!..

on Saturday, the resident Newlyn harbour work boat, Danmark was tasked with retrieving the smuggler's rib...

which had been left stranded on the sandy beach...

the rib was successfully towed back round Lands End to Newlyn...

with a ton or more of sand on board...

the 6.7m Brig rib is powered by a 200hp Suzuki outboard - not quite enough hp it seems to outrun those guys at the NCA! One of these new would set you back over £70,000.