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Thursday 7 March 2019

Gathering Fishery-Dependent Data in the Digital Age

There's plenty of initiatives both in the EU and across the pond in the US to further develop the integration of digital technology in order to collect, track and store catch data. Much of this work is being driven by the need for quota management accountability and stock assessment. Increasingly, fishermen are aware that the more data they have the more power and therefore potential control they have over the fisheries they target.  Arguing your case with nothing but anecdotal catch evidence together with landing data will not appease or meet the scrutiny of those who would have the industry held to account over over-fishing.

A guide for managers and scientists:

Why this guide?

Every day, more people are bringing digital data collection tools onboard fishing boats, from personal mobile phones to systems of integrated cameras and gear sensors. For managers, scientists, fishers, and anyone involved in ocean conservation, this presents opportunities to bring faster, more accurate data into management. This guide is to help you think through which tools might make sense for your fishery, and what questions to ask before adopting them.

Fisheries Innovation Fund

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), commercial and recreational fisheries had combined sales impacts of over $208 billion in the United States in 2015. However, some U.S. fisheries are struggling, both biologically and economically. As of 2017, NOAA reported that 35 stocks are categorized as overfished and 30 are categorized as subject to overfishing.

The Fisheries Innovation Fund releases two requests for proposals (RFPs) each year to work towards sustainable fisheries in the United States: a Fisheries Innovation Fund RFP and an Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Grant Program RFP.

Fisheries Innovation Fund RFP

NFWF launched the Fisheries Innovation Fund in 2010 to foster innovation in fisheries and seafood production in order to sustain livelihoods, working waterfronts and sustainable access to fisheries while rebuilding fish stocks. The fund supports the participation of fishermen and their communities in securing sustainable fisheries in the United States.

Fisheries Innovation Fund funding priorities include bycatch reduction, recreational fisheries and offshore aquaculture including activities to build community capacity and encourage sustainable use practices. Most projects have originated locally to address needs, challenges and opportunities at the community level.

Electronic Monitoring and Reporting RFP

The Electronic Monitoring and Reporting Grant Program was launched in 2015. The program seeks to advance NOAA’s sustainable fisheries goals to partner with fishermen, stakeholders, state agencies and Fishery Information Networks to systematically integrate technology into fisheries data collection and observations, and streamline data management and use for fisheries management. The program aims to improve the quality, quantity, and timeliness of fisheries-dependent data. Projects awarded under this opportunity catalyze the implementation of electronic technologies for catch and compliance monitoring, and improvements to fishery information systems.

To date, the Fisheries Innovation Fund has awarded grants totaling over $20.3 million to 127 projects across 26 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These awards have been matched by over $22.5 million dollars from the grantees, for a total conservation impact of $42.8 million.

Major funding for the Fisheries Innovation Fund is provided by NOAA, the Walton Family Foundation, the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Kingfisher Foundation. Mitigation funds received through NFWF's Recovered Oil Fund for Wildlife have also contributed to the program, with grantee organizations and additional public and private funders providing matching funds.


New Report Shows Ending EU Overfishing and Protection of Privacy Achievable With Remote Electronic MonitoringBrussels, March 7, 2019:- A report published today, Legal Opinion on Video Monitoring on Fishing Vessels with Special Focus on Other Comparable Cases, shows that the use of video monitoring, or Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM), can be used on board EU fishing vessels to ensure proper catch reporting, and to end illegal discarding of fish under the EU’s Landing Obligation, without impinging on privacy, or contradicting data protection rules.

The report, commissioned by Our Fish, demonstrates that while there are justifiable concerns around REM, these are not reason for inaction. Other sectors, such as the meat industry, are dealing with the same challenges, showing that it is possible to have effective monitoring while conforming to data protection requirements.

“Protecting privacy while ending the wasteful practice of discarding dead and dying fish at sea can be achieved by using video monitoring on board fishing vessels”, said Rebecca Hubbard, Program Director of Our Fish.

The EU’s ban on discarding dead or dying fish back into the sea, known as the Landing Obligation (LO), was part of the 2013 reform of the Common Fisheries Policy, and strongly supported by EU citizens. The aim of the Landing Obligation is to end discarding and drive change in fishing practices, e.g. avoid catching unwanted and non-valuable fish, incentivise improvements in selectivity, count everything that is caught, and promote ecosystem-based management.

However five years on, the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA) has assessed that a majority of fishing activities using active gears, e.g. trawling, are still at risk of discarding, along with increased illegal and unreported fishing. In response, the European Commission is proposing to use a review of its Control Regulation to introduce Remote Electronic Monitoring (REM) [1]; however concerns have been raised over privacy and data protection.

“This legal analysis demonstrates that privacy and data protection are not barriers to video monitoring of fishing. Programming and video technology can avoid impinging on privacy and personal data, vessel operators can own the footage, and governments and scientists can utilise the data to audit records allowing for greater knowledge of catches, fish stocks, and ultimately achieve better fisheries management”, continued Hubbard.

“It is essential that EU decision-makers take a solutions-based approach to implementing onboard video monitoring, so that we put an end to widespread illegal, unreported fishing, which undermines ocean health, consumer trust and the industry”, said Hubbard.

For video monitoring on board fishing vessels to comply with the Landing Obligation and to fully document fisheries, Legal Opinion on Video Monitoring on Fishing Vessels with Special Focus on Other Comparable Cases suggests that legislators and operators should consider:

CCTV surveillance of risk groups: When there is cause to suspect non-compliance with legal requirements, temporary monitoring of the fishing activities would be appropriate.

  • Avoiding personal data: Monitoring only the technical process without making individuals identifiable. This would also mean the GDPR would not apply [2].
  • Anonymisation: Monitoring the entire process and pixelating any recorded persons in such a way that identification is not possible.
  • Data minimisation: Limit the video monitoring to a minimum time i.e during landing, sorting and processing the catch.
  • Data ownership and review: Vessel operators may be the owners of the footage, the review conducted by a third party, and the resulting data provided to governments for auditing purposes of catches and landings. 

This audited data could also be shared with other interested or relevant parties such as scientists.


[1] Control Regulation: https://ec.europa.eu/fisheries/cfp/control_en

[2] Since May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers data protection and privacy for all individuals in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA), and covers the transfer of personal data outside the EU and EEA. It gives control of data to individuals while simplifying the legislative framework for data managers.

Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data


Dave Walsh, Our Fish Communications Advisor, dave@our.fish +34 691826764

Rebecca Hubbard, Our Fish Program Director, rebecca@our.fish +34 657669425

About Our Fish

Our Fish works to ensure European member states implement the Common Fisheries Policy and achieve sustainable fish stocks in European waters.

Our Fish works with organisations and individuals across Europe to deliver a powerful and unwavering message: overfishing must be stopped, and solutions put in place that ensure Europe’s waters are fished sustainably. Our Fish demands that the Common Fisheries Policy be properly enforced, and Europe’s fisheries effectively governed.

Our Fish calls on all EU Member States to set annual fishing limits at sustainable limits based on scientific advice, and to ensure that their fishing fleets prove that they are fishing sustainably, through monitoring and full documentation of their catch.

Website: https://our.fish

Follow Our Fish on Twitter: @our_fish

Next up:

Adding to the mix on tech in the fishing industry - just yesterday at the World Congress Summit in Dubai EDF launched its Smart Boat Initiative:

New initiative to harness digital revolution to accelerate sustainable networked fisheries

(Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates – March 6, 2019) Today at the World Ocean Summit being held in Abu Dhabi, Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) announced the launch of its Smart Boat Initiative designed to accelerate the exploration and adoption of powerful new technologies to greatly improve sustainability, efficiency and profitability in the fishing sector across the globe.

The new initiative focuses on leveraging the technological advances and plummeting costs in sensors, artificial intelligence, broadband communication and data analytics to equip and surround fishing vessels of all sizes with digital tools and infrastructure that can increase sustainability, accountability and transparency in fishing.

“Just as smart phones provided a platform for a wave of innovation, we believe there is an equally unprecedented opportunity to usher in a new era of sustainability in the global fishing sector led by digital transformation,” said Katie McGinty, Senior Vice President, EDF Oceans program.

The Smart Boat Initiative builds on important work being done by a variety of other NGOs, academic institutions, businesses and governments all focused on deploying technology in the service of sustainability. EDF’s goal is to work with these stakeholders and fishermen to demonstrate the transformative power of technology with on-the-water pilot projects, scientific inquiries and policy advances across a variety of fishery types and scales.

As part of the Smart Boat Initiative, EDF Oceans released a new report on the significant opportunities of using advanced technologies to help fisheries and fishing businesses, two new guides on how to implement electronic monitoring technology, as well as the results from recent pilot projects on the U.S. West Coast and in Mexico’s Gulf of California.

With this initiative, EDF aims to address the critical problem of fishing vessels and fleets remaining isolated and disconnected when at sea. This means accurate and timely data about what is being caught and discarded rarely reaches scientists and managers. Even on vessels with human observers or new electronic monitoring systems, data can take weeks or even months to reach the end user. Meanwhile, fishermen at sea lack access to oceanographic, market and other real-time data that could inform their choices about where and how to fish.

These problems can be addressed through a combination of existing technologies that can be deployed on fishing vessels – and around them – at a variety of scales. For example, cameras on fishing vessels can be linked to pneumatic sensors and triggered only when fishing activity occurs. These data can then be highly compressed and transmitted wirelessly through broadband satellite or near-shore wireless data services. Artificial intelligence can also recognize species and help track catch. Scientists can access these data in near real time and make far better decisions about fishery health than ever before. And fishermen will have better access to supply chains and better information out at sea.

“This new initiative seeks to deploy technology to help solve one of the most urgent challenges of our time, overfishing,” said McGinty. “A critical element of the initiative is that it aims to provide fishermen with the tools to play a leading role in solving that problem.”

Even in countries with advanced management like the U.S., fishery monitoring is conducted with outdated systems, often a human observer using pen and paper. In countries with a higher proportion of small-scale fisheries, the data information gap is even more acute. As a part of the Smart Boat Initiative, EDF is bringing together learnings from pilot programs in both commercial and artisanal fisheries that put cameras and telecommunications technology on vessels in order to track and record information to inform policy, science and management.

“In far too many fisheries, a lack of timely data frustrates even the best of intentions,” said Project Director Johanna Thomas. “But most fishermen want access to more powerful tools to take control of their futures and work together to deliver both business and conservation outcomes.”

EDF is also releasing two new guides on electronic monitoring focused on a wide variety of fishing scenarios from near-shore small-scale fisheries to larger fleets. These guides will provide insights to help develop best-in-class standards. They are designed to provide information on how best to use and scale these technologies in ways that can inform good science, work financially for fishermen and governments and produce positive conservation outcomes for fisheries.

“We believe this set of technologies represents widespread benefits, not only for future conservation, but also for fishermen today,” said McGinty. “But without more work to refine these technologies, build them with fishermen’s needs in mind, increase deployment and share best practices, fisheries will remain stuck in the digital dark ages. That’s why we’ve launched the Smart Boat Initiative and why we’re optimistic about the future health of the ocean and all those who depend on it.”

Guilvinec: meeting the last of the wolves

The feeling of freedom and excitement that it provides no longer weigh enough face the risks and hardness of the job. The number of fishermen is constantly decreasing.

In Guilvinec, the second largest fishing port in France, trawler crews are half as many as 30 years ago. Julien with his trawler, and John with his artisanal fishing boat are an exception. They have embarked in recent years and have found their balance. Our reporters followed them.

This video excerpt is from the replay of Sept à Huit life, a weekly news and feature broadcast broadcast on TF1 and presented by Harry Roselmack.

Wednesday 6 March 2019

Mid-week in Newlyn as the netters sail again.

After fishing through several days of gale force winds and heavy seas the Govenek of Ladram has berthed alongside the fish market in Newlyn ready to land...

meanwhile, the rest of the netter fleet prepare to sail for another neap tide...

as the James RH waits for the tide to drop...

Sapphire II up on the slip...

the final stages of the market refurbishment are almost complete...

three of a kind...

Irish heavy fishing goods...

crab pots, all set for deployment...

the netter Karen of Ladram sets sail into a heavy ground sea running in the bay.

Fish exporters urged to register now to use new digital exports services

Fish exporters urged to register now to use new digital exports services
A new digital catch certificate service has been launched as part of contingency planning for fish exporters in a no-deal Brexit.

Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Businesses wanting to export fish to the EU after 29 March 2019 should sign up to the new digital services to make sure they are able to continue trading fish with the EU in the event of no deal.

Leaving the EU with a deal remains the Government’s top priority. This has not changed. However, should the UK leave the EU without a deal, UK exporters will be required to obtain a validated catch certificate for most fish and fish products exported to the EU (excluding some aquaculture products, freshwater fish, some molluscs, fish fry or larvae).

Catch certificates prove that fish has been caught in line with established conservation and management measures. All non-EU countries are required to present catch certificates when trading with the EU.

To be ready for leaving the EU, fish exporters should familiarise themselves with the new services to generate the necessary export documentation, including:

  • catch certificates
  • processing statement
  • storage document
  • prior notification form
  • pre-landing declaration

To access the service you’ll need to sign in or create a new Government Gateway user ID. Make a note of your Government Gateway user ID and password so you can sign in next time. You’ll then need to create a business Defra account using your business contact details. You’ll only need to register once.

To register, visit the gov.uk guidance page on creating a UK catch certificate.

Registering early gives exporters time to test the new service before the UK leaves the EU. Any sample documents created before 29 March 2019 will not be valid for export.

To check what documents you need to export fish to the EU if there’s no Brexit deal, visit the gov.uk guidance page on exporting and importing fish if there’s no Brexit deal.

What you need

To create a processing statement, you’ll need:
  • a Government Gateway user ID and password
  • the company name and address of the exporter
  • to say what is in the consignment (and include the EU tariff commodity codes)
  • a health certificate number for the export
  • the species, catch certificate number and total weight from each catch being used in the consignment
  • the before and after processing weights of the export
  • the name, address and plant approval number of the processing plant used (and the name of the person responsible for the consignment)

Before you start
You need to get an export health certificate (EHC) for your export.
Check the EU tariff commodity codes of your fishery products in the trade tariff.
If you haven’t already, create Government Gateway sign in details for the business or organisation you represent.
Defra service registrations need you to provide some extra details about yourself and the business (for example, the Companies House registration number).
Registration should take around 5 minutes.


Published 5 March 2019

Tuesday 5 March 2019

Share your views to help develop future safety campaigns.

Safety and Training

Fishermen across the country are being encouraged to share their views on how they like to receive information in a survey being carried out by the Fishing Industry Safety Group (FISG). The group is conducting research to gather data on the best ways to communicate with fishermen, to help inform future safety campaigns and ensure that fishermen receive important messages and updates.

The research project was initially launched last December and interim results have been strong, but the FISG are now calling out for those who have not yet completed the survey to do so. They are especially keen to hear from fishermen in Wales and Northern Ireland to ensure they get a strong representation of views from across all regions.

Vessel owners, skippers and crew are invited to complete the short online survey, which is 100% anonymous, to share details of their communication preferences - what they listen to, watch and read. Any fisherman who completes the survey can then choose to provide their contact details and be entered into a prize draw to win £100 worth of vouchers.

Click here to complete the survey.

The FISG meets on a regular basis to discuss the factors affecting fishing safety and identify ways to reduce the number of deaths, injuries and vessel losses. It involves stakeholders from across the United Kingdom and brings together the fishing industry with representatives from the Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) and Seafish, with other stakeholders including RNLI and Fisherman’s Mission, to ensure that organisations are working together to support the industry in a positive and efficient way.

The outcome of the research will inform future campaigns so that the group can reach as many fishermen as possible and make them aware of the FISG’s safety work – from sharing information on the latest safety equipment, guidance on new safe working practices or details of training opportunities are available.

Happy fishing St Piran's Day to one and all!

Cuttlefish landed by the Newlyn beam trawler Sapphire II...

make this a proper black & white Cornish St Piran's Day!

Calling all fishermen - Cefas and the Dolphin By-catch Workshop needs your help!

"We're very excited by the possibility of forging new solutions to the issue of cetacean by-catch here in the UK. No fisherman wants to capture a dolphin or a porpoise, and we believe there may be as-yet undiscovered or un-tested ways to significantly reduce the chances of this happening - as well as lots we can do to improve the existing options. It's vital that we have the industry at the centre of this workshop: we want to understand the issues directly from their perspective, and make sure the solutions we find are genuinely practical. I'd ask any fisherman who has encountered a problem with cetacean by-catch, or has ideas to bring to this discussion, to get in touch and come along - your input is vital." - Stuart Hetherington, Senior Marine Biologist, CEFAS

Cefas, ZSL and Defra are delighted to be hosting a unique, collaborative workshop focused on the issue of cetacean bycatch in UK fisheries. Our aim is to examine existing practices, UK-wide, for cetacean monitoring and bycatch reduction, explore new ideas, and bring together voices from a wide range of stakeholders to identify concrete actions for the future.
Tuesday 12th to Wednesday 13th March 2019 | Zoological Society of London

All fishermen enjoy the spectacle of dolphins and porpoises swimming alongside or in the bow wave of their boats. The video above was shot aboard the Newlyn netter, Ajax while steaming to a set of nets. No dolphins were caught in her nets that trip.

Much has been achieved by fishermen, especially those working gill nets, to deter dolphins and porpoises from getting caught in fishing gear. This workshop would love to hear from any fisherman or skipper who feels they have something to offer by way of information, ideas, or thoughts on the subject.  

The two day worksop is looking to bring together fishermen, scientists, engineers, policy makers and NGO’s from around the world. Fishermen are the ones with the widest and best experience of by-catches and best placed to help work towards the best means of preventing such by-catches. If you have any thoughts or ideas, large or small, please make them known by email so that they can be included in the workshops - first hand evidence will help push the ability to keep reducing by-catches to a minimum in the future.

Better still, if you feel willing and able to join the event there is funding and accommodation available!

The workshops will share existing knowledge and experience of how reducing by-catches and monitoring across a range of marine species has been successful worldwide and how that could be further applied to bycatches in the UK, by:
  • Reviewing levels of cetacean bycatch in UK fisheries and methods for monitoring these;
  • Exploring examples of bycatch reduction in other species of fish and investigate whether these can be adapted for cetaceans;
  • Identifying innovative solutions to reduce cetacean bycatch and assessing whether they are practical for UK fishing fleets;
  • Envisioning the future for reducing cetacean by-catch and identify areas for further research in the UK.
Through a series of presentations, debate, and plenary discussion, the workshop will be divided into multiple sessions, including gear modifications, new technologies, real-time reporting, spatial management, industry-led research, and more.

Team Involved

  • Catherine Bell, Senior Policy Advisor, Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs
  • Stuart Hetherington - Senior Marine Biologist, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science 
  • Rob Deaville - Cetacean Strandings Investigation Programme (CSIP) Project Manager, Zoological Society of London
  • Joanna Barker -  Marine and Freshwater Conservation Programme Project Manager, Zoological Society of London
  • Milly Oakley - Event Manager, Zoological Society of London
  • Katrina Ryan - Director, Mindfully Wired Communications
  • Charlotte Tindall - Communications Consultant

You can download the agenda for the event here: https://www.cefas.co.uk/cetacean-bycatch-workshop/