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Monday 12 November 2018

Monday morning's fish auction in Newlyn

It's all about the fish - with fish in short supply owing to UK-wide poor weather for the last week prices were strong as buyers were kept busy bidding on Monday morning's market ...

plenty of line caught mackerel...

and a few interlopers too...

of the herring variety...

filled up one corner of the market with some stacks seven boxes high for each size grade of fish...

both of the beam trawlers that landed over the weekend had been working on the cuttlefish grounds...

thought that doesn't stop them from picking up prime fish like these turbot...

or even a few beautiful big bass...

and with so little fish and a big demand the porters are quick to set to clearing their buyer's purchases from the auction floor...

also ready to go are the owner's 'homers'...

prime fish are all machine graded, like these monk tails... 

Dover soles...

 and are kept in a separate sale area...

sometimes the labelling goes wrong...

and then right...

not that that bothers the buyers who are keen to get the best price they can for their customers, many of whom are chefs and suppliers of the best restaurants not only in Cornwall but London and beyond...

especially size Grade 2 lemons which are a perfect fit for the average diners dinner plate...

evidence that it was a black night in more ways than one with plenty of cuttlefish ink running across the quayside...

also having a long dark night was the beam trawler, St Georges which had picked something up in her propeller - necessitating a two - nearest boat being the Trevessa IN who promptly curtailed her steam to the cuttlefish grounds east of the Lizard and headed back south west to 

the Trevessa shadowed the St Georges for a few miles before picking up a warp to tow her with...

the boats use about 175 fathoms of warp so that the weight of the warp dragging in the sea helps prevent it coming tight and constantly snatching thereby increasing the chances of damge to either vessel...

first light and the two boats have just become visible on the webcam...

before the Danmark is dispatched to tow her in...

along with Stevenson's tugboat, helping to guide her stern in an awkward fresh breeze...

safely in the harbour heading for a drying out berth against the quayside.

Sunday 11 November 2018

Remembering my grandfathers, both of whom served in the Great War.

"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning, we will remember them."

Joseph William Burnett was born on the 19th November in 1900.

His Discharge Book shows his first trip was aboard the merchant ship, Inea then aged just 15 and 1 month - his first trip took him to the USA and lasted over 6 months.

For his role aboard merchant ships he was awarded the service medal and the Merchant Navy service medal.

"The bronze Mercantile MarineWar medal was awarded by the Board of Trade to members of the Merchant Navy who had served at sea for at least six months or sailed on at least one voyage through a war zone.
The front depicts George V and the back shows a merchant ship in stormy seas, an enemy submarine sinking and a sailing vessel with the words 'For War Service - Mercantile Marine - 1914-1918'.
The ribbon has two bands of green and red separated by a thin white stripe. The colours represent starboard and port lights with the masthead light in the centre. A total of 133,135 were issued."

His name is inscribed on the side of both medals.

In 1917 he was one of 3,964 merchant seaman who attended a gunnery course at Crystal Palace in London.

Sheaf Holme built in 1929.

After the war he continued to sail on different merchant ships as Chief Steward, whose role was to provision and look after the welfare of the ships crew. The longest trip was on the Sheaf Holme, saw him circumnavigate the globe, a trip that lasted for 2 years and 10 months. In those days, such were the length of the trips, the nomadic life of the ships and the lack of air travel, by the age of five he had only seen his daughter twice, both times for a matter of days..

He left the merchant Navy in 1939 to work for the Glacier Metal Company, London and died in June 1980.

RIP Grandpa Burnett.

Claude Noel Hartwell

Born in 1889, Grandpa Hartwell joined the regular army in 1914.

He was cited for bravery and given a commendation but, family legend has it that to carry out his act of bravery he disobeyed orders and which prevented him from being awarded a medal!

This is his Royal Field Artillery uniform jacket with the Mons Star ribbon bar. As a member of the British Expeditionary Force, also known as the Old Contemptibles, who landed in France soon after the outbreak of the War and who took part in the Retreat from Mons, hence the medal's nickname "Mons Star". He served for all four years of the war including the Somme and Paschendale though seldom talked about his experiences. 

Here's an transcript from a piece written by one of his sons, Bernard Hartwell:


Germany invaded Belgium on 4th.

"August 1914. Before that, there were all manner of territorial ambitions coupled with alliances and treaties between countries within Europe, the Balkans and Russia which are too complicated to go into here but suffice it to say that The Kaiser's Germany had planned for years to get at France via Belgium so, after the assassination of Austrian Archduke Ferdinand by Serbian dissidents, the whole thing blew up. 

Everyone declared war on everyone else and, because Belgium had some sort of pact with Britain, we found ourselves at war with Germany within hours of the invasion. As usual, we weren't prepared for war although we had a well trained but small Regular Army and it was this that we sent to Belgium to try to stem the German advance.

This British Expeditionary Force was described as a “contemptuous little army” by Kaiser Bill (short for Kaiser Wilhelm) but they gave such a good account of themselves in Belgium that they took pride ever after in being called “The Old Contemptibles” With stupid old Generals and ambitious politicians in charge of everything and lots of patriotic gung-ho propaganda going on in the newspapers, the general attitude in the Country was “lets get at 'em boys and it'll be all over by Christmas''. Thousands of young men believed it all and were convinced that it was their duty to King and Country to volunteer to fight, and so they did, including Claude Hartwell, a 25 year old tailor's cutter from Ilford in Essex. 

He first went to a training camp to learn the basics of how to be a soldier; marching, drilling and discipline, etc. Whilst there he expressed a preference to join the Essex Regiment (an infantry unit who were by no means considered to be amongst the elite) because he thought it might be easier to get promotion than in a more illustrious outfit. 

However, the Army had its own ideas (as they always do) and they selected him for the Royal Field Artillery instead. Up to then he had been training in his own clothes as the manufacturers hadn't been able to keep up with demand for uniforms but he got one soon after he arrived at his new unit in (I think) Aldershot. He had never ridden a horse in his life but he had to learn quickly as the field gun used by the RFA in direct support of the infantry had to be mobile. 

So it was horses, horses all the way with teams of them being used to pull the the 18-pounder guns and ammunition wagons. Many of the men had been drivers in civvy street (everything was still horse drawn in those days) so they were naturals for the teams. Others, like Dad, were more suited to learning the techniques of gunnery and specialised in that. Well, Dad was keen to learn and he also didn't want to remain a “squaddie ” so he soon worked his way up the promotion ladder. By the time he arrived in France with his Regiment in 1915 he was a Sergeant and had his own horse and in charge of a Battery within the Regiment.

The Allies (Belgium, France and Britain) were busy playing chess with their armies and the many commanders all had their own ideas as to how they should conduct their campaigns, so it was a pretty chaotic and competitive attempt to defend France whilst the German army pushed on making ground along the front line which extended from Belgium down to the Swiss border. In the north the Belgians and the "old contemptible" had held up the German advance quite successfully while to the South the German army was pushing into France. This left a 'salient' centered on Ypres in Belgium with the most easterly point being the small town of Passchendale which was at . the end of a long ridge. The German army occupied the high ground on top of the ridge with the British
forces holding the plain below. In between was ground that had a permanent propensity to flood and did so whenever it rained so it became the 'no man's land' between the opposing forces."

After the War he attended a course run by the Tailor & Cutter magazine and took employment with a large tailors, Puddicombes in Leytonstone. He opened his own business at 636 High Road, Leytonstone in competition with Puddicombes. They subsequently gave him the goodwill of their business. 

During the Depression his business ceased. He then worked for MacLeods in Fore Street Avenue in the City of London. Both the premises and business were destroyed in the Blitz of 1940/41. At this time the family were living in Romford, East London but the house was also bombed in the Blitz and they then moved to Harrow in North West London. In 1941 he went to work for Nancarrows, Tailors in Amersham, Bucks. Unfortunately he suffered ill health (phlebitis) and retired to work from home at an unknown dat. When his wife died in 1947 he was working from home left to bring up and support four sons and a daughter. He died on 21 March 1972. It is a wonder how on earth he travelled to Amersham in those days as the line was only electrified to Moor Park after that it was a steam train. Nancarrows was still in existence in the 1960s.

100 years later, videographer Tom Hartwell, whom if Claude Noel Hartwell was still alive would have been his great great grandson created this tribute to that everlasting symbol of the Great War, the poppy.

RIP Grandpa Hartwell

Friday 9 November 2018

Fabulous start to #FishyFriday in Newlyn!

Four beam trawlers were the only boats to land for this mornings market as big tides and gales conspired to keep most of the fleet bound in port...

big tub gurnard...

turbot, scallops...

and bass made good money...

along with a few boxes of cephalopods...

a good run of brill...

and unusually for a beam trawler a dozen boxes of hake...

for one of the beamers there was only a handful of cuttles...

to go with a good shot of ray...

while two of the beamers managed to amass a few more tubs between them...

like the TwilightIII...

red mullet...


John Dory...


and Dover soles all made good money with  the prospect of bad weather reducing supplies to all fish markets in the UK for the next few days...

so buying was brisk...

there is a lull between storms this morning...

so the sardine boat Asthore sailed at 2am to take advantage and the early start paid off...

for the boat and crew...

as they were able to fill her up with well over 20 tons of fish...

much to the delight of the harbour's resident gull population...

brailing the fish ashore...

250kg at a time...

with a few stops to admire...

the stunning sunrise...

once the auction and landing is over it's time to take advantage of breakfast รก la Swordfish Inn...

with a few well-known faces holding forth.

Thursday 8 November 2018

The Fishing News Awards 2019

The Fishing News Awards 2019

Fishing News is pleased to announce that the 2019 Fishing News Awards will be held in Aberdeen on the evening of Thursday, 16th May 2019.

The event is dedicated to shining a spotlight on the achievements, expertise and innovation in the UK and Ireland’s commercial fishing industries during 2018.

The Doubletree Aberdeen Treetops hotel will once again be our venue, and it promises to be another night to remember. This year’s proceedings will be hosted by Scottish comedian Des Clarke, who will MC the awards and provide after-dinner entertainment.

The Nomination Process

We are open to receive your nominations from Friday November 2nd 2018 through to midnight of Tuesday, 12th February 2019, beyond which point we cannot accept further nominations.

To see the full list of 2019 award categories click here.
To go straight to the nomination forms, click here.


Shortlists for each category will be made available on Thursday, 7th March 2019. From that date until midnight Thursday, 18th April 2019, our secure online voting system will be available for you to vote in 10 of the 14 categories.

Winners of the remaining categories – Young Fisherman of the Year, Port of the Year, The Sustainability Award, and the Lifetime Achievement Award – will be determined by a panel of judges drawn from the fishing industry, using all supporting evidence provided through the nomination process.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Inshore fishing for Cornish sardines.

Set against a backdrop of waves crashing against the rocks off St Michael's Mount and surrounded by hundreds of screaming gulls, Serene Dawn...

is joined by the Golden Harvest looking for fish marks on which to shot her ring-net...

joined minutes later by the rest of the fleet - now all hands fishing only a few hundred metres from the causeway between Marazion and the Mount...

the Asthore had spent nearly two hours looking for fish marks along the western shore.  The images of the boats taken from screen grabs from the Newlyn webcam.