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Wednesday 22 June 2016

Fishing for Leave Flotilla

Fishing for Leave Flotilla

Fishing for Leave Flotilla

Pushed to the limit?

The blue line is the 12-mile limit.

On the eve of the referendum, the UK registered Newlyn netter Ajax fishing for hake finds herself less than 30 miles south of Cork in the Republic of Ireland. What would be the outcome of negotiations between the UK - should it vote leave - and the Republic of Ireland be over access to sovereign waters?

Both states are, at present, members of the EU. As such, Cornish fishing vessels have unfettered access to within 12 and in some places 6 miles of the Irish coast - Irish vessels up to 12 miles from the coast of Cornwall. 

Access for the United Kingdom to Irish coastal waters up to 6 mile limit. 

Hung out to dry

Cormorants can often be spotted with their wings fully extended as if to dry them in the morning breeze...

just the one beam trawler and handful of inshore trawlers...

 landed to the market this morning...

giving Mr Stevens ample opportunity to extol the virtues of the finest Cornish fish...

like these lemons...

and John Dory form the Innisfallen...

more lemons...

and yet more lemons form the Shiralee and Boy Lee...

name the fish with a big mouth, not a lot rhymes with it though ;-) ...

a sprinkling of mackerel gave themselves up for change last night...

looks like the boats are readying themselves for the forthcoming Cornish sardine season ...

up on the slip for the final stages of her massive refit, with her deep draft the Twilight can only get on and off the slip over the bigger spring tides - there would be insufficient water to allow her to get in position over the slip cradle safely at other states of the tide...

a case of good timing I guess if you are going to break down anywhere...

it is that time of year again - the big wheel and fair by the Jubilee Pool means it must be Golowan Festival this week!...

on a calm and very misty morning... 

when a mysterious island appeared in the Bay...

almost as a mirror image of the Mount...

for a chance to see the creative work of Penwith College and Penwith School of Art students - check out the Babble of Life show in the car park, Penzance Harbour.

Monday 20 June 2016

@FishingforLeave - Follow the flotilla on Wednesday evening

Fishermen supporting the @FishingforLeave campaign will be sailing from Newlyn to Mousehole across to St Michaels Mount and back to Newlyn via Penzance on Wednesday evening ahead of the historic vote to remain or leave the EU. The protest will be livestreamed from one of the boats taking past starting around 6pm.