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Sunday 3 January 2016

Sailing day is Sunday for some.

With the weather less than pleasant most of the fleet are still tied up in port...

which means there will be precious little fish on the market in the morning for the waiting transport to take away from the first market of 2016...

out at sea three of the ports beam trawlers have all headed east for the grounds south of Start Point while the netter Govenek of Ladram - one of the stars of the recently nominated for an award TV series The Catch - has been working SE of the Lizard...

undr the iceworks, The Cornishman has just taken ice for her first trip of the year...

a short video sees her head back to a berth on the end of the quay.

Friday 1 January 2016

Out like a lion in like a lion - Happy New Year!

No sign of a let-up in the weather as one gale follows another seamlessly joined at the hips!

Thursday 31 December 2015

Langoustine. 99€ le kilo au Guilvinec !

What would you pay for live langoustine?

At that price, you have to eat it whole with the legs, head and antennas!

Translation courtesy of Dr Google!

At that price, you have to eat it whole with the legs, head, antennas up! Norway lobster reached a historic record on December 24. Up to 99 euros per kilo by auction in Guilvinec! Blame the bad weather and the strong demand of the moment. We knew the delicate lady and the less precious but at this point! The kilo of prawns flew on December 24 stalls. Fishmongers who proposed the crustacean have not even dared marger above or very little, considering the price already offered by auction. How to explain this price surge? Unfavorable weather is discarded immediately the increase in diesel prices. With the steady decline of fuel, the price of fish still not down. The reason for this outbreak of lobster is to be sought in the weather and the strong winds currently sweeping the Brittany coast. The conditions are not favorable for fishing. The boats are few out. The heavy swell blew the trawl on the bottom. The features are low productivity, limited contributions.

At Guilvinec (29), the seven boats that ventured December 23 landed 111 kilos of prawns unfortunate, between 15 and 20 kg each. A pittance next to the 150 to 200 kg usually landed with each tide and by boat. On the side of Concarneau (29), some boats have also shunned lobster for Saint-Jacques shell GlĂ©nan which did not take off beyond eight euros. Fewer prices rise to fish, the boats have little fed auction. 20 euros per kilo in December 22 fish, 23 to 40 euros and 70 euros 24 for average lobster, the law of supply and demand has done its work, with a price more than twice the lobster! 99,90 euros per kilo size 2 on the stall of a large area of ​​Brest fish! Barely more than the € 94.62 per kilo sold by auction in Guilvinec the day before, and the € 99.86 a kilo of the best offered in a box of 4.25 kg, 23 December. 

Do it again tomorrow for New Year's Eve?

Full story here: Le Telegramme

Happy New Year! and welcome to the Landing Obligation which arrives tomorrow!

Seeing out 2015.

With more bad weather on the way and a huge ground sea running only the Harvest Reaper left for the fishing grounds this morning in search of hake.

Wednesday 30 December 2015

Wednesday's wild, windy #weather.

The Alya is one of three French boats off the North Cornish coast who have been working over the Christmas break hoping to land on the first market in 2016 and take advantage of what are sure to be sky-high prices...

weather wind map courtesy of NullEarth

despite the weather which looks as though it will break later today - not before the next low blows in...

not before the air pressure drops and the wind increases... 

over in Penzance the Drydock is sporting its new corporate colours...

while there looks to be a major clean-up job in the offing judging by the actual dry dock basin...

the Rowse crab boys never stop...

a certain skipper shows off his hanging crane move...

as heavy seas pound the Bay...

and wash the prom with pebbles...

while keeping the boats in the harbour on the move.

Tuesday 29 December 2015

Lizard, Penlee and Falmouth lifeboats say farewell to RNAS Culdrose #771 Squadron's SAR Rescue 193 helicopter off Church Cove.

Click on the image above to see a gallery of photos courtesy of Richard Bauld and Larry Hartwell.

Penlee, Falmouth and the Lizard lifeboat carried out the last ever exercise with RNAS 771 Squadron's Rescue 193 off Church Cove this morning....

and was waived off...

in an emotional farewell after 41 years of amazing service to fishermen and other mariners off the coast of Cornwall and beyond.