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Saturday 5 April 2014

Start to the season proper as Scillonian sails on a Saturday again

Lying in state, dozens of granite blocks await their fate...

with the work on restoring the seafront between Penzance and Newlyn seemingly at a standstill...

during the storm some of the boulders heaved up the beach were huge...

interrupting the view for those that might stroll twixt Green and Prom...

promise of some summer sun sees sunshades show outside the Tolcarne Inn...

meanwhile the new iceworks begins to take shape, a little less of a ready-to-go kit than as expected...

still in eport, Dutch crewed Morgenster...

still more work to be done reclaiming lost pots...

alongside the Kastel Paol....

the low cloud persists this morning over the harbour...

showing off her twin-rig gear...

another view of the old and the new...

some heavy kit has arrived in the port...

evidence of the extreme pressures exerted on the derricks of a beam trawler when the boat has hitched a wreck on the bottom...

maybe it's May blossom...

somene smash and grabbed a Cornishman!...

local Newlyn protection racket, you can't be too careful these days

a new boat in the local fleet...

along with the stern trawler Millenia...

while the Billy Rowney gets a major refit in Penzance wet dock...

loading time for the Scillonian just before she sails...

latest inshore trawler net drum model from Spencer Carter

looks like Nick Praed has a new en-suite bathroom fitted...

as a few more Scillonia  customers get directions on where to book a ticket...

might be worth a read at the old bookshop in Chapel Street, Penzance

along with this example from the Camberwell School.

Friday 4 April 2014

#FishyFriday fun for all!

Black marks on the prom...

as the council irk local ire by making a temporary repair of the prom's flagstones...

there's a Dutch flavour to the market this morning as the...

Belgian registered Dutch crewed Morgenster lands her boxed fish...

plenty of haddock to go round this morning...

the boxes are like a league of nations...

all smiles on the market this morning as monk tail make nearly £60 per stone...

seems to be a fish identity crisis on the market...

two cracking examples of their species...

still more boxes come from the Morgenster...

as her fish heads for the market cold store...

with a helping hand from Lionel...

tallies ready to be stuck on the box ends...

before going to the store...

she is not the only visiting beamer now that the Trevose Box id open for fishing again...

nearly time for the intuition's refit to be completed - just the anti fouling and anodes to be done before she gets back to sea hunting down missing strings of pots...

White Heather sporting her Cornish Sardine ring net...

a visit from the Scillies medivac boat and a chance to refuel...

Lane's Picture & Antique auction's latest sale includes these familiar faces.



Committee on Fisheries


7 April 2014
16:00 - 18:30

European Parliament Paul Henri Spaak Brussels 5B001


Opening by Mr Gabriel MATO, Chair of the Committee on Fisheries PANEL I


  • 16:00-16:20 Mr Jacques PICHON Chair of the Producers' organisation Pêcheurs deBretagne.
  • 16:20-16:40 Mr Manuel LIRIA - Vicepresident of CEPESCA.
  • 16:40-17:00 Mr Martin PASTOORS, Researcher at the University of Wageningen ,NL
  • 17:00-17:20 Mr Bertie ARMSTRONG, Chief executive of the Scottish Fishermen's Federation 
  • 17:20-17:40 Questions and answers

Thursday 3 April 2014

The Discard Action Group is a forum for the discussion of industry-wide problems relating to discards.

Here's a chance to get some direct input to Seafish over the impending imposition of the discards ban!

The Discard Action Group (DAG) was set up by Seafish in 2009 in light of the many initiatives being adopted by the fishing industry to reduce discards. It is a prime example of an integrated, interdisciplinary, co-operative approach to the issue, and is the only UK cross-industry group addressing the discards issue from all perspectives.

The group is indicative of the whole seafood supply chain with representatives from the catching sector, environmental non-governmental organisations, legislators, regulators, technologists, scientists, retailers, foodservice and, where appropriate, the media. It is a key forum to allow individual interests to have a voice in the debate and to explore means by which discarding can be reduced to the minimum level practicable.

The group is chaired by Mike Park, Seafish Board member and Chief Executive, Scottish White Fish Producers Association Limited. The group meets three times a year.

The Discard Action Group Terms of Reference can be read here, and below are listed the minutes from previous meetings.

The Discard Action Group last met on 12 March 2014 at Fishmongers Hall, London. The presentations are below and the minutes will follow in due course. The next meeting is likely to be early July 2014.

Download a copy of the Seafish Discards Guide here.

For more information about the Discard Action Group please contact Karen Green.

Lorient Film Festival 2014 - The winners!

Festival 2014The winners of this excellent selection 2014

Special Jury Mention young: "Give a man a fish" Palestinian Iyad Alasttal who was not present at the Festival since held at the border between Gaza and Egypt for his poignant film about a Palestinian who learns to fish with d a fishermen Ajaccio. - Special Jury Mention young: "Give a man a fish"

Professional Jury Special Mention: "Fishermen" Polish Viktoria Marinov was the Festival to present his film on the misunderstanding of Polish fishermen deal with finicky Polish and European bureaucracies. - Professional Jury Special Mention: "Fishermen"

Canadian director Thomas Szacka-Marier was present to receive the Prize of the Festival, short film category of the young and the Jury Prize Festival, short film category of the Professional Jury for "Follow the Tide", a wonderful eight maritime ended on a Senegalese canoe. - Award Festival, short film category of the Jury Jury Young and Professional: "Follow the Tide"

Award Festival feature film category of the Young Jury was awarded to "Canning Paradise" by Olivier Pollet on the struggle of the peoples of Papua New Guinea to preserve their way of life in the face of growing pressure from industry the Tuna fishing. - Award Festival feature film category of the Young Jury "Canning Paradise"

Award Festival feature film category of the Professional Jury was awarded to the Italian director Rossella Schillaci for "The Limit" the terrible working conditions of Tunisian fishermen on Italian ships. - Award Festival feature film category of the professional jury: "It limits"

For the second consecutive year, the first Prize of the Festival receive a financial allocation provided by Lorient Agglomeration and Crédit Mutuel de Bretagne. The first awards were given an array of Catherine Raoulas.

Wednesday 2 April 2014

"In the end it’s the quality of the fish we sell that’s paramount. If we can do that, there’s a good future for the Cornish fishing industry.”

Long life to the Pope!
Death to all our friends!
May the streets run in blood!

In the late-19th and early-20th centuries pilchards were so abundant in Cornish waters that such sentiments became popular toasts in the pubs of ports throughout the peninsula.

It is said that the blush of silver heralding the arrival of huge shoals in Mount’s Bay could be clearly seen from clifftops. And the annual harvest of oil-rich fish sustained entire communities as thousands of barrels of salted pilchards were shipped to Catholic countries of the Continent.

Places like Newlyn and Mevagissey were so crammed with vessels taking advantage of the good fishing that history records people walking from one side of the harbour to the other without getting their feet wet.

Even when larger East Coast boats from Lowestoft and Yarmouth joined in the annual hunt, stocks remained steady. Crews and jousters, merchants and shippers were all confident that, like night followed day, so the fish would keep on coming and the markets stay healthy.

One year, however, in the early years of the 20th century, there was a marked drop in the number of pilchards landed to Cornish ports. The following year saw fewer still, so that within a decade a fishery that had fed Cornish families for a generation was effectively a and end. Without the science to monitor fish stocks, it was impossible to work out why the silver harvest had ceased. Some blamed the weather, others the shift from sail to engines. Whatever the cause, the reality was all too clear to the fishing communities who found themselves suddenly without an income. So severe was the effect that poverty, starvation and emigration swept the ports of Cornwall.

A similar scenario followed a couple of generations later when, during the 1970s, Cornwall enjoyed what many describe as the “mackerel bonanza”. Unprecedented catches saw young “share” fishermen earning wages previously only dreamed of. Like their forebears, they thought it would go on forever.

Mount's Bay and the mackerel handline fleet in action - 1979 - with the freezer trawler Norse in the background.
But in stark contrast to the pilchard days, the cause of the mackerel boom’s demise was clear: greed. Abiding by the rules, Cornish trawlermen worked within permitted limits, generally landing to markets in their home ports, where their catches were recorded. Not so, those who steamed into Cornish waters from Scottish and North Sea ports, hoovered up shoal after shoal of mackerel and delivered them all to Russian factory ships waiting outside the 30-mile limit.
Almost the entire Scottish pelagic fleet at anchor in Mount's Bay - New year 1980
Inevitably, it wasn’t very long before stocks of mackerel began to dwindle and communities were again faced with another period of unemployment.

Much has been learned from their experiences – but perhaps not enough. Today, Cornwall again has a healthy pilchard industry. People nowadays prefer to call them sardines, but they’re the same fish as those caught in their millions during the 1890s.

Two Cornish Sardine boats in Newlyn

Ten boats catch some 4000 tonnes of branded “Cornish Sardines” every year, contributing around £2 million to the local economy. The non-quota fishery, as it stands, is green and sustainable, has no by-catch, and does not damage the seabed. A highly-skilled operation, it requires an experienced crew of “hunters” to work the complex set of machinery involved in seine netting. It is also profitable. And for that reason crews fear a repeat of what happened to their predecessors. It is almost unheard of for a fisherman to ask for a restriction to be placed on what he catches – but that is exactly what is happening.

Stefan Glinski's sardine boat the White Heather

Newlyn sardine fisherman Stefan Glinski has been catching fish in Cornish waters all his working life. The St Ives-born skipper says he has lost count of the times he has made requests to the Marine Management Organisation, as chairman of the Cornish Sardine Association, for a limit to be placed on the fishery to ensure stocks remain healthy.

“As an association, we keep asking, year after year, to have controls put in place to keep the fishery good, abundant and sustainable,” said Stefan. “I lived through what happened to the mackerel fishery and I wouldn’t want to see the same thing happen to sardines.

“We’ve asked the MMO to restrict it to 10 or 20 boats, but every time it falls on deaf ears. It seems nothing will be done until a fishery is in trouble. But we will continue to plead with them: please do something while the fishery is healthy.”

Landing sardines at night

Looking at pictures of Stefan and his crew netting sardines, it is easy to draw a parallel with the sepia-tinted images of fishermen seining for pilchards a century ago. What’s more, it is impossible not to feel a sense of impending déja vu.

So come on, MMO, listen to those in the know and implement proper measures to ensure the survival of this important Cornish industry and way of life.Read more: 

From the Western Morning News:

Most people think of it as a barbecue treat or a tinned staple, but the humble sardine is now worth around £2 million to Cornwall’s economy.

Over-fished almost to extinction at the beginning of the 20th century and largely ignored as a serious proposition by fishermen for decades, the small and oily member of the herring family has enjoyed a surge in popularity in recent years as consumers seek out cheap and healthy alternatives to haddock.

Now officially branded as Cornish Sardines, some 4000 tonnes are landed by 10 Cornish boats each year. Netting 1500 tonnes of them is Newlyn-based boat, White Heather. Skipper Stefan Glinski has been making a living from the sea all of his life – and at 56, he’s never been more successful.

“It’s an extremely green fishery,” said Stefan. “There’s no by-catch, we’re not damaging the seabed and we’re not catching stuff and throwing it away dead. Sardines is a very, very tick-the-box fishery.”

Born in St Ives, Stefan began his working life with stints tangle-netting for crayfish, mackerel trawling, crabbing and potting. After a few years he scraped together enough money – through a combination of grants, loans and borrowing from family members – to buy his own boat.

“The White Fish Authority offered me a 25 per cent grant and a 50 per cent loan at a cheap rate,” he said. “I had to find the other 25 per cent. I had no money and the banks wouldn’t look at me, so I went to my brothers, my mum, my gran, my uncles and all the rest, and begged a few pounds here, a few pounds there. I bought the boat and paid them all back in 18 months.”

After a few years of successful fishing, Stefan began to notice a rise in the number of sardines moving into inshore waters.

“No one was catching them and I started to think this was an untapped resource,” he said. “There wasn’t a market for sardines at the time because whenever anybody caught a few they found there was no price available and no process for selling them. Shippams had gone, so there was only Nick Howell at the Pilchard Works who salted a few for the Italian market.

“I could see there was a mass of these fish but I knew there was no point catching them and putting them on the market if no one was going to buy them. “But we were seeing them in huge numbers and I did begin to think it was a lot of money to be steaming over the top of every trip.”

Ever-resourceful and with an eye to an opportunity, Stefan invested in a small filleting and freezing facility in Hayle and began the almost single-handed revival of the great Cornish pilchard industry. The change in consumers’ attitudes couldn’t have been simpler: change the name.

“Historically, they were known as pilchards,” said Stefan. “But 15 years ago ‘pilchards’ didn’t appeal to consumers. Sardines, on the other hand, were being enjoyed by British holidaymakers in Portuguese and Spanish restaurants and on barbecues. “They’re the same fish, so we set about getting the name ‘Cornish Sardines’ registered.”

To begin with the demand from outlets like Nick Howell’s Pilchard Works in Newlyn was no more than two tonnes a week – hardly the basis for a good living.

“I decided take a gamble, build a boat and a net, and see how we got on,” said Stefan. “It’s not like other fisheries, though. The boats are quite complex and need bow and stern thrust and an awful lot of hydraulics. It’s expensive kit and the equipment all has to be spot-on. You can’t have a bolt or screw loose or missing in this kind of fishing because we’re stalking the fish, following them, shooting round them. In other fisheries you can lash things up and still get something – but this is very precise.”

Stefan’s other great innovation was to take the process by which fish are sold and turn it on its head. Fishermen the world over go to sea and bring their catch to market in the hope of getting a good price. By contrast, Stefan approached wholesale fish suppliers and asked them what they wanted.

“Instead of saying we have five tonnes this morning, how much will you give us for them, I would ring up the supplier the day before and say: this is the price, how much do you want tomorrow? That way the fish wholesaler or restaurateur was able to set a set price for the whole year. At first they didn’t believe I could fix the price for a whole year, but as it went on everybody saw the system worked and were happy with it.”

Fishing at night, from June to March, Stefan and three crewmen aboard White Heather – a converted North Sea prawn trawler – net 1500 tonnes of sardines.

Much of it – filleted, whole and smoked – is bought by shoppers in Marks & Spencer stores. Hannah Macintyre, the company’s fisheries specialist, said: “We have a proud heritage of working with great UK suppliers and our team works closely with Stefan to ensure the Cornish sardines are fished both sustainably and responsibly. Our customers clearly love them and we expect to sell more than 36 tonnes this summer.”

With the Cornish sardine industry estimated to be worth £2 million to the economy of Cornwall, Stefan believes the future may lie in smaller, species-specific fisheries.

“There is now a core of fishermen working within the parameters they’ve been set, rather than fighting it,” he said. “They’re getting stuck in and resigned to the fact that this is the way we have to make our living these days. People are specialising more and more. We specialise in sardines. We don’t do any other fishery, we don’t chop and change. In the end it’s the quality of the fish we sell that’s paramount. If we can do that, there’s a good future for the Cornish fishing industry.”

Read more: 

Sites of interest:

Cornish Sardine web site

School of Cornish Sardines

Pilchard Works - sardine history

MSC accredited fishery

Protected Designation of Origin