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Friday 7 February 2014

Weather window sees work start on repairing Newlyn Green before the next storm hits the Bay

Sun-up sees the Gry Maritha heading back to Penzance at the end of her first supply run for over a week...

while work starts at first light making good the damage done to Newlyn Green...

all hands will be glued to the new giant TV screen in the Star and other Newlyn pubs to hoping to see Jack Nowell score his first try for England against Scotland tomorrow at Murrayfield......

that Sennen man Shannon has been busy with his brushes again...

empty pallets are the only things being loaded on the fish lorry transport this morning...

much of the path along the front from Wherry Town to Newlyn has been damaged...

and in some places the beach appears to have shifted inland a considerable distance...

the Green will need some TLC soon...

all that is visible of the lugger, Children's Friend...

thogh the view across the harbour looks tranquil enough...

surveyors surveying the scene...

there were other casualty's of the storms...

still a few hours of tide left before high water...

one of the old outfalls has been revealed by the shifting beach...

huge chunks of tarmac were shifted along the path...

and holes scoured in the sea wall...

many of the beach's bigger stones form the old causeway have been relocated even further up the beach...

along with pebbles and seaweed....

the Green has been closed off to the public...

in places complete sections of paving stones were blasted form the promenade.

Newlyn netter Ajax spots a window in the weather and heads for the fishing grounds

An approximate position for the Ajax - she is out of AIS range at the moment - when in range you can follow her here.

Only a handful of boats have ventured back to sea from Newlyn in the last 24 hours - the netter Ajax has shot her gear around 30 miles North West of the Scillies. She began hauling around 3am this morning and will steam back to Newlyn ahead of the next storm due to arrive tomorrow morning - stay safe guys.

What Newlyn looked like on Wednesday #ukstorms

Thursday 6 February 2014

Stormy supper #eatmorefish

Basting the pollack fillets for a pre- #FishyFriday fish supper!...

and ready to go!

Children's Friend sinks in her berth in Newlyn.

This is how the converted MFV to sailing lugger, Children's friend looked on a good day...

Photo courtesy of  James Roberts, Newlyn

sadly, the heavy seas and constant movement have taken their toll on the old girl.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

Newlyn flooded again as heavy seas continue to tear down the sea wall

The promenade has been closed to traffic since 4pm yesterday...

as heavy seas crash over the sea wall of the Jubilee pool filling it up...

at Wherry Town the road is littered with beach pebbles...

keeping the police busy monitoring access...

the morning brings an almost tropical tsunami look to Newlyn Green as high water sees the green itself breached constantly...

ever-watchful Tom keeps an eye on the huge wave running down the back of the quay in Newlyn...

as the seas continue to enlarge the hole that has appeared on the green...

the bridge in Newlyn gets another washing...

forcing traffic to drive slowly...

some home owners aren't so lucky as the streets surrounding the Combe river flood yet again.

Weather over the last 24 hours on the Sevenstones Lightship

As the low or depression passes and the centre approaches the south west the air pressure decreases and the wind speed on average increases...

as does the wave height which slowly builds as the weather system passes through…

the cursor placed over Newlyn on the Earth Wind Map gives a wind speed of approximately 60 km/h this morning.