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Saturday 1 February 2014

C'mon Jack!

The all-new back row for England with one cap between them...

Includes our boy Jack Nowell from Newyln - son of a trawlerman according to the BBC.

Saturday as the wind blows over the top of the harbour - all the fleet are in port

Nearly low water and the wind has decreased for a time...

all of the fleet are back in port - again...

even the biggest are forced to return cutting short their trips...

another anchor relic from the days of sail...

PZ100, Elizabeth N (owell) - whatever the weather the Nowell family will all be in front of the TV this afternoon to see young Jack Nowell gain his first cap for England at Paris against the French...

most of the ports small netters are huddled together.

Here she comes....#storm

Fresh enough off the west coast of Ireland.

Safety checks in Newlyn Mission - pick up YOUR free lifejacket!

NEWLYN'S fishermen will next week have the opportunity to pick up a free lifejacket and get an update about health and safety at sea.

The initiative has been devised by the Fishermen's Mission, one of whose stated duties is to promote and, whenever possible, provide safety equipment for active fishermen.

Recently the mission partnered local authorities in Northern Ireland and Scotland and was able to distribute lifejackets to fishermen in those communities.

Now, together with Seafish, the government-sponsored fisheries body, the mission has secured European funding to provide lifejackets for fishermen here in Cornwall.

"This is an ideal opportunity to keep our fishermen safe," said Keith Dickson the Superintendent at the Fishermen's Mission.

"Fishermen are working all hours and tides; their health and wellbeing is often put to one side. Therefore we are working with the local NHS to give the fishermen a health check when they pick up their lifejacket."

Fishermen wishing to attend have the opportunity to turn up at one of the two events which take place at 6pm on Tuesday and at noon on Wednesday, both at the Fishermen's Mission in Newlyn.

Read more: http://www.thisiscornwall.co.uk/Lifejackets-health-checks-fishermen/story-20527594-detail/story.html#ixzz2s3V6uPDI

Friday 31 January 2014

France’s biggest fleet will stop fishing below 800m

Some news just in from across the channel - just as in Cornwall, the tip of Brittany is on red alert for high tides and massive seas (again!).

On 10th December, the European parliament refused to adopt a complete ban on deep water fishing, but recommended new measures be taken to limit this activity, which essentially concerns the waters off Scotland and Ireland. Under pressure from various lobbies and campaign groups, such as Greenpeace and Bloom, several European supermarket chains announced recently that they would no longer stock the species under threat.

Today, a major announcement was made by ScapĂȘche, which is owned by the IntermarchĂ© chain and runs France’s biggest commercial fishing fleet. From the start of 2015, they will no longer fish below a depth of 800m. This decision was welcomed by the various NGOs, which continue to campaign against these methods of fishing. The Head of WWF France considers that even 800m is too deep and will lead to certain species disappearing, while Greenpeace greeted it as a step in the right direction, preferring to see a limit of 600m put in place. For Bloom, ScapĂȘche has been forced to listen to what the general public wants following a lot of adverse publicity in the media.

#storm Brigid is well on her way

946 is low enough for a #depression crossing the Atlantic - the west coast of Ireland and the South West of England up through the Bristol Channel will feel the full force of the latest storm to hit the UK.

The Sapphire II is making her way in from the weather.

Those few boats still at sea are expected to return to #Newlyn during today.

On the eve of Chinese New Year our #FishyFriday finds Newlyn full of fresh fish for feasting folk

The man at mission control, Lionel keeps the grading machine going full tilt grading fish from the netter Britannia...

while some of the catch gets sorted by hand...

when it comes to mackerel, they don't get much more fresh than this stiff little chap...

late season Cornish Sardines in ice...

there's a rush to buy fish this morning...

especially for these rather rare (this week) bass...

box hooks at the ready, the buyers concentrate hard as the sale get under way...

out in front of the market a stray fisher-merchant enjoys the view...

evidence Cornish Sardines have passes this way during the night...

over the weekend the tide will be one of the biggest for the year - 19 feet 9 inches - which is why all the ports will be on flood alert as winds are expected to hit 70mph plus over Saturday afternoon and evening.