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Monday 10 June 2013

Norway has flexibility in its discard scheme much over 5%.

"according to Barrie Deas (UK NFFO): 'Norway which has had a discard ban in place since 1987, and which has much less mixed fisheries than the EU, still has discards scientifically estimated in the region of 15%.
In mixed fisheries, flexibility is the key to minimising discards' quoted in http://www.fishnewseu.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=10582:fishermen-portrayed-as-pantomime-villains&catid=44:uk&Itemid=144 . I had this information for long without finding the objectives facts to prove them (links or report). Scientists from Bergen said to French fishermen they have various flexibility rates. If somebody can provide the link, I will be grateful."
Thoughts and comments welcomed. 

Education is everything - or is it?!!

For those that are not aware the nice man that runs this site,http://www.fish2fork.com/en-GB/fish-facts.aspx gives talks to chefs and groups around the UK about? Yep you guessed it what is overfished, what is sustainable, all with guidance from thehttp://www.fishonline.org/ I would be really grateful if you would debate their opnions at @fish2fork and @mcsuk for those that use twitter. It's a good way of getting questions answered - Kate p.s. keep it clean or they won't answer

Makes you wonder!

OVERFISHING OVERFISHING OVERFISHING, well thats steamed around 100 miles and not passed one UK vessel, dosent look much need for mpa's either.... chaz

Newlyn in song

Looking forward to a better recording at sometime!

Note to would-be-videographers - always shoot with the phone in landscape not portrait - or it ends up like this - try the Google app Capture.

also this hugely enjoyable musical Newlyn explanation (hence the inclusion of the word 'tuss' - seldom heard outside the bounds of the Parish of Paul) of the well known Cornish phrase 'matterdooee' - be warned this is not for those of a sensitive disposition or an aversion to more explicit lyrics.

Sign Up now for Fish Friday - support the Fishermen's Mission!

Join us now!

Sign Up now for Fish Friday

Fish Friday is the Fishermen’s Mission’s biggest national fundraising day. Fish and chip shops, fishmongers and supermarkets across the country we are asking you to show your appreciation for the nation’s unsung heroes, our fishermen and their families.
The Fishermen's Mission invite you to have fun, raise some money and help us provide our fishermen with the emergency and welfare support they need.
‘We really enjoyed fundraising for the Fishermen's Mission on Fish Friday. We run a fish processing business so fishermen are our bread and butter, we couldn't survive without them! The support on our small island was fantastic, raising over £1800 for the Orkney branch.’
‘Our Fishermen are awesome and with the weather we have here our thoughts are always with our local boat the 'Keila' trying to make a living out there! ‘
‘We hope to do it again next year. ‘ Kevin & Ann Rendall, Pieorwall Fish Ltd

Fish Friday 2012 was a huge success and raised more than £35,000. Now we need you to sign up and help in 2013.
Want to get involved?
Everyone can take part, churches, schools, office teams and individuals you can all help.
If you would like to get involved with Fish Friday 2013, or would like some more information click here and get in touch with John contact us.

Monday's market

Getting ready for the Cornish Sardine season...

the netters are all back at the end of this neap tide, with one of the biggest tides of the year due in a fortnight's time around the summer equinox...

sparkling fish as ever from the beamer Sapphire...

as you would expect from a member of the Responsible Fishing Scheme...

even the reds were red!!!...

hen's teeth, the fish formerly known as mackerel, affected by the prevailing easterly wind and unseasonal water temps...

a few rays on an otherwise dull day...

and a handful of blues...

brill don't get much bigger than this!...

first sport for a Stelissa  tally on the market...

top quality from the inshore fleet... 

plenty of cod around too...

#uoechallenges students from Falmouth up bright and early get the low down on the market and all things fishy from Andy Wheeler...

Tom keeping a weather eye on the small yacht anchored off Newlyn, #uncomfortable...

that easterly wind is piling up the fertiliser on the beach...

along with a dhan from PZ122.

Another big fishing investment arrives in Newlyn

On the good ship Karina Olsen an ex-anchor seiner from Grimsby, skipper Olsen expunds on the state of the world...

before pointing to...


one can only guess...

maybe a swimming story, to go with all the new flags in the Jubilee Pool... 

two classic buildings alongside one of the towns classic white elphatnts...

one up one down...

the harbour has been graced this weekend by yet another big investment in the future of fishing for the port inthe shape of another netter for the Carter firm, the Joy of Ladram...

two of the old guard...

oner of the newer netters and the steel crabber...

c'mon Nathan, shes looking good!...

visting scalloper Braveheart with a very low freeboard for these waters...

plenty of passing yellow-welly traffic...

pots to go...

the new netter bow on...

with her old comant colours picked out...

like many French netters, her hauler is on the port side...

with a set of sheltered net pounds back aft.