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Thursday 16 May 2013

New look for the Ajax, TO32

 Sporting her new coat of paint in Penzance wet Dock...

she now sports a completely re-built stern net pounds...

which will make it much safer for the crew when over-ending the gear...

up forward, the beast of a new Spencer Carter N10 hauler...

completely fills the shelterdeck opening...

should make life much easier for the boys on deck hauling out in the deep water on banks like the Pistola.

Tuesday's fish

The one and only beam trawler to land was the Lisa Jacqueline...

with a box of the spottiest of place...

and a few of Roger's JDs!...

mackerel are beginning to put in an appearance...

the Govenel of Ladram saw skipper Phil put yet more top quality hake ashore...

looking bright-eyed and bushy tailed...

nothing better than a handful of these under the grill...

harbour commissioner Rob Selvedge has the Annabel J under his command...

while the Tranquility, blown in last night, heads up the harbour for ice...

classic model...

one of several on display...

in the village...

Wednesday 15 May 2013

CFP reform update - from Richard Benyon - UK Fisheries Minister

Member States have today agreed a package of reforms to implement a discards ban, make fishing more sustainable and give countries the ability to make decisions regionally.

New laws that will radically reform the broken Common Fisheries Policy are now imminent after the UK secured a crucial agreement with EU Fisheries Ministers. Today Member States have agreed a package of reforms to implement a discards ban, make fishing more sustainable and give countries the ability to make decisions regionally.

Following difficult and lengthy negotiations in Brussels, EU Fisheries Ministers have agreed their position so that a final deal can now be made with the European Parliament. Specifically the Council decided on:

  • detailed measures to ban the discarding of fish; 
  • legally binding limits to ensure fishing levels are sustainable; 
  • provisions to decentralise decision making, 
  • allowing Member States to agree the measures appropriate to their fisheries. Leading the negotiations for the UK, Fisheries Minister Richard Benyon said:

I came here to secure an agreement that would be good for the UK and to head off those who sought to water down the changes we desperately need to make to this broken policy. I am delighted that we have been able to do that today.

This was a difficult negotiation, and although it is not as ambitious as I would have liked, we have stuck to our key principles.

This package of reforms fulfils our promise to make discards a thing of the past and ensure sustainable fishing for future generations.

Negotiations have been ongoing for over three years, during which time the Government has pressed hard for a radical overhaul of the currently broken system.

The Government has fought for a commitment to firm dates to ban discards and this agreement, once finalised by the European Parliament, will see a ban introduced on 1 January 2015 for ‘Pelagic’ fisheries (such as Mackerel and Herring). A ban will also be put in place for other fisheries starting on 1 January 2016.

The changes will also allow countries to work together regionally to implement measures appropriate to their own fisheries, rather than be subject to ineffective micro-management from Brussels. This ‘regionalisation’ process has been a top negotiating priority for the UK Government which has built support for reforms to replace the over-centralised system that currently hinders progress in our fisheries.

Furthermore, the Council has agreed legally binding limits to ensure sustainable fishing. This will ensure annual quotas will be underpinned by scientific advice, to achieve healthy fish stocks and a prosperous fishing industry.

Richard Benyon added:

The next step is for the European Parliament to agree these reforms which are set to bring about real benefits for our fishermen and the marine environment for years to come. We have worked hard on these negotiations, and I hope that Parliament supports our agreement and brings negotiations to a swift conclusion. The wait is nearly over

Discussions between the European Parliament, Commission and Council will now continue to finalise the new Common Fisheries Policy, and it is hoped that the new legislation will come into force before 1 January 2014.

Tinkerbelle - the smallest ever boat to cross the Atlantic - can you help?

Both these clips were shot when the boat was met at sea by the Newlyn sidewinder trawler, Roseland.
Old hands from Newlyn will recognise the trawler in this clip - (The Roseland, is sadly no longer with us as she was broken up on Newlyn a few years ago)  - The documentary makers would love to speak to anyone who remembers the incident - especially if they have photos or accounts of what happened - or were even aboard the Roseland - who were the skipper and crew?

Here's an extract from the final entry in his log: 

Friday, Aug. 13 to Sunday, Aug. 15 Hope this isn’t an unlucky Friday the 13th. Finally got out of the grip of the Rennell current and by sailing all Saturday night, got to about N49V40′ and W7º. 

Not too far to go now. Got too far south, though, and missed Bishop Rock. I’m now headed for the Lizard Hood. It’s about 50 miles away so it’ll be late tomorrow before I get there.

This is a short trailer of the intended documentary film that Steve Wystrach hopes to make - see here for further details.

Among the unique resources available at this website is a transcription of Robert’s handwritten logbook of Tinkerbelle’s famous trans-Atlantic voyage. 

A major endeavor of the Robert Manry Project is to produce a feature documentary film,Tinkerbelle Sails the Atlantic, about this fascinating man, his boats, and his voyages, which continue to stir the imaginations of adventurers today. 

Another goal is to publish Robert’s unfinished tale about his 1967 voyage in Curlew, a circumnavigation of the eastern United States. The first draft account of Manry’s second major voyage was largely complete when he abandoned the manuscript, in grief over the sudden, tragic death of his beloved wife, Virginia. RMP is very interested in locating anyone who knew Robert, in order to preserve as complete a record as possible. 

If you have a story, reminiscence, photograph, or can otherwise contribute to the fullness of Robert Manry’s story, we’d love to hear from you. 

Fair winds… Enjoy the site… And dream…

7th May 2007, Gavroche sinks off the Breton coast north of Conquet

Not all vessels capsize and sink when they are full of water - in this instance the skipper and crew were all able to make it to aonther vessel safely.
Here is a report at the time:
On Monday, May 7, 2007 to 3:50 p.m., CROSS CORSEN was alerted by the trawler "Christda II" as "Gavroche" (a 19-meter trawler registered in Guilvinec, on board  were 5 crew members), the engine compartment was flooded while they were about 70 kilometers west of Conquet.

The "Christda II" immediately went to assist the "Gavroche". Four crew members were evacuated on the "Christda II" while the skipper of the trawler "Gavroche" remained on board to try to control the waterway.

At the same time, "Latouche Treville" Commander of the Navy was contacted by order of the Marine Operations Centre (COM Brest), it then implements its Lynx helicopter on board with a plunger and a motor pump.

With the arrival of the helicopter in the area, due to the impossibility of the ingress of water, the skipper of the trawler was removed with the help of divers from the helicopter on the "Christda II" remained close.

Shortly before 21 h00 May 7, the trawler "Gavroche" sank in one hundred meters of water.

Urgent Notice to Mariners was issued to indicate the position of the wreck.

Some comments and the early hours press re;lease from th Fisheries Council meeting in Brussles

@OCEAN2012UK: BBC News - UK claims breakthrough in fish dumping talks bbc.co.uk/news/uk-225360…#CFPreform

With #cfpreform talks having continued into the small hours. The detail of the position will be key to ensure the future of our fisheries!

Council Press Release:

As regards agriculture, ministers were briefed on the state of play of the trilogues on the reform of 
the common agricultural policy (CAP) and debated more specifically the subjects of the active 
farmer requirements, the young farmers’ scheme and the small farmers’ scheme. 
In addition, a qualified majority in favour of a decision on the EU position in the framework of the
International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV) could not be reached. 
Concerning fisheries issues, the Council held a debate on the outcome of the trilogues on the 
reform of the common fisheries policy (CFP). Ministers agreed on adjustments of the negotiating 
mandate to the Presidency to finalise the discussions with the other EU institutions on the basic 
regulation of the CFP. These adjustments concerns maximum sustainable yield (MSY), landing 
obligation, regionalisation, multiannual plans and capacity management. The Presidency also 
informed the Council about a provisional agreement with the European Parliament reached at the 
end of the third trilogue on the market regulation of the CFP. 
Finally, the ministers were briefed on the consequences for agriculture of the proposal on tobacco 
products, the orth East Atlantic mackerel stock, and a global summit on oceans.

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Fresh fish from the shop - Dreckly!

The Shop You can now buy direct from the fisherman via our online shop. 

Use the sub menu to select either Lobster, Brown Crab or Spider Crab.

Orders placed on week days Monday to Thursday before 11:00am can expect next day delivery. 

Orders placed on week days Monday to Thursday after 11:00am, will be processed the following the day with delivery being the next consecutive day. Orders placed on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will be processed first thing Monday morning. 

Our standard delivery will be next day before 4pm. 

The cost of delivery is as follows: Up to 15kgs delivered before 4pm £12.50 + VAT.