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Thursday 21 March 2013

Fresh in Penzance harbour

Wednesday 20 March 2013

If the men are at sea - how the women of Women of Europe support their fishermen husbands.

Keep informed and up to date with the latest work from the EU Fisheries Committee via their regular publication, Trawlermen. Here's an excerpt from the latest issue of that highlights the work undertaken by the wives of fishermen who being away at sea are not best placed to fight for their livelihoods - food for thought guys!

Due to these long absences at sea, it was difficult for the fishermen to gather around their cause, so the role their women play has been essential to raise awareness of precarious working conditions and safety on board.
These women have also joined fishermen's wives groups in France to share common practices, exchange information, organise workshops and trainings. The network of fishermen's wives has nowadays a clear international dimension. 
With their actions, they have contributed to humanise the work of the fishermen, dignifying it and requesting from the public authorities due respect to fishermen and their families. The role of women in fisheries deserves to be recognised in its full extent as it is an integral part of the human dimension of fisheries - fishing being a human activity.

Anyone care to point me in the direction of similar groups in the UK?

Are we missing a trick here?

Boston Seafood Show Science Forum Suggests ENGOs are Misleading Public on Sustainability

Boston Seafood Show Science Forum Suggests ENGOs are Misleading Public on Sustainability

The dominant view expressed by leading fisheries scientists at the Boston meeting was that the NGOs have a profound misunderstanding about the scientific basis of sustainability. A link to the official press release from the American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists and the Ocean Trust Foundation appears beneath this news analysis from Seafood.com News.

Just prior to the Boston Seafood show, some of the world's leading fisheries scientists gathered for a Science and Sustainability Forum organized by the American Institute of Fisheries Research Biologists and the Ocean Trust Foundation.

The contrast between the scientific message about sustainability and the actions of the three most powerful environmental organizations in fisheries (World Wildlife Foundation, the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership, and the Marine Stewardship Council) could not have been made more clear.

The World Wildlife Foundation (WWF), the Sustainable Fisheries Partnership (SFP), and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) all do important work contributing to major improvements in the seafood industry. They have highlighted poor practices, they have supported rigorous science, and they have contributed money and established valuable partnerships with many companies, including producers, processors and retail and foodservice operators.

Virtually the entire industry can agree on the benefits of improving fisheries management, research, and operations.

Yet this partnership breaks down under the surface, as both WWF and SFP firmly believe that the end result of their work is "MSC" certification of fisheries as sustainable. They are not willing to adopt scientifically determined sustainability as their goal, but insist that MSC imprimatur is somehow more critical than scientific data.

Where they mislead the industry is that their definition of 'sustainable' does not pass scientific muster.

The dominant view expressed by leading fisheries scientists at the Boston meeting was that the NGOs have a profound misunderstanding about the scientific basis of sustainability.

Participants in the forum included: - Svein Sundby, Norway Institute of Marine Research; - Ray Hilborn, University of Washington; - Bill Fox WWF and ISSF; - Steve Cadrin, University of Massachusetts; - Indroyono Soesilo, Director FAO Fisheries & Aquaculture Use & Conservation; - Grimur Valdimarsson, Iceland; - Stephen Hall, World Fish Center UK; - Michael Sissenwine, former chief scientist NOAA; - Kevin Sullivan, New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries; - Randall Brummett, World Bank, Sustainable Aquaculture; and many others.

Here are some of the conclusions, adopted at the end of the scientific forum. The actual consensus statements are italicized here.

Fisheries in developed nations are steadily rebuilding and further improvements in stock status is expected to continue. For these fisheries in aggregate, 'sustainability' is being achieved through successful application of good fishery management practices.

Information from assessed or surveyed stocks shows that fisheries for those stocks have been sustainability managed for the last few decades. Data shows that overfishing has been reduced in most developed countries and some developing countries. There have been considerable successes in rebuilding, and current fishing rates are expected to lead to further improvements in stock status over time. In comparison to other sources of nutrition, seafood is relatively environmentally- friendly.

There is a significant misunderstanding of terms like overfishing, overfished, and over-exploited. These terms refer to a rate of fishing that is not optimal, but do not refer to whether a fishery is sustainable. A sustainable fishery may experience periods of non-optimal rates of fishing but can still be sustainable under all commonly accepted definitions of that term. The key is that any overfishing is quickly corrected.

Effective management systems will include adequate responsive action to end overfishing and avoid irreversible harm.

Sustainability is the result of a process of a well-designed and implemented fishery management system. The performance of management systems is more meaningful than the status of any single stock. Fishery products from well-managed systems (e.g., many US marine fisheries) should be considered to be sustainably harvested. Fishery resources are subject to environmental change, and not all stocks respond to fishery management as expected, often because of a lack of understanding about environmental factors. Advances are needed to incorporate environmental variability, consider mixed-stock fisheries and develop an ecosystem basis for fisheries management.

Given the progress in reducing overfishing and rebuilding stocks in well established management systems where the fishery resources are adequately assessed, further improvements should be promoted for unassessed stocks to achieve management objectives. Current management challenges involve modifying static single species models of fish stocks to how fisheries ecosystems behave in a changing climate.

The cumulative impact of WWF, SFP, and MSC has been a concerted campaign to convince buyers and the public that unless a fishery actually is assessed against the MSC standard it is not 'sustainable'. This is a great falsehood. Numerous fisheries are being sustainably managed today, regardless of whether they have entered into an MSC assessment process or not. These fisheries meet every scientific criteria for sustainability yet the WWF, SFP and the MSC urge their partners not to accept products from these fisheries. And some fisheries in the MSC are lumped together with others that have vastly superior management and practices.

The net result is that any approach that attempts to equate the MSC standard with "sustainability" and conflate the two does real harm to the seafood industry. It makes buyers and the public suspicious of fisheries that are fully sustainable and managed for long term ecosystem health, but which may not have an MSC logo.

Within the retail community itself, this approach promotes radically different standards for seafood products than for any other food group. It is a given that human food production modifies the environment, even at the hunter gatherer stage.

Agriculture, on the whole, is far more destructive of the original ecosystem than marine fisheries, which are the result of a managed wild ecosystem, not the wholesale replacement of a natural ecosystem with a new man-made ecosystem.

Yet the seafood industry is called an environmental villain while terrestrial agriculture is accepted as productive land use.

The environmental groups have promoted this double standard, and they have been abetted by retailers who are less interested in the science of sustainability than in not being picketed outside their store.

At the Science conference, and on the show floor, there is a sense that the battle to apply scientific understanding to fisheries sustainability has been lost, because retailers will not accept scientific arguments on their merits, but only if they meet the ideological tests of the NGOs. Bowing to greenmail and avoiding controversy trumps science every time.

This is a battle that hurts the seafood industry, and the global food industry. It totally fails to address problems such as food security for a growing population, and the role that sustainable marine protein has to play. It focuses huge time and effort in a battle over whether salmon in Alaska, which virtually all NGOs and fisheries scientists recognize as extremely well managed, is best represented by having an MSC label or not.

Meanwhile, the real issues in fisheries conservation are ignored. A true agenda for the SFP, WWF and the MSC might include advocating strongly for fisheries habitat protections. The Pebble mine is a perfect example. That mine is a true threat to sustainable salmon - yet what mileage do the NGOs get out of spending money to oppose it and educate the public. The MSC and others should be crying alarm about the potential impact of the Pebble mine to every salmon buyer on the globe.

They might also focus on improving fisheries assessment and research in Africa and Asia. There is a widespread recognition that in many less developed countries, catch reporting is little more than guess work, yet accurate understanding of catch and stock status is essential for sustainable management.

The ISSF (International Seafood Sustainability Foundation), fully supported by the WWF, has been an outstanding example of focusing resources where they are needed - in providing science to better support tuna fisheries decision making, and in lobbying managers to adopt scientifically determined management strategies.

If the NGO movement were to follow the scientists advice about fisheries sustainability, we would see more international NGO efforts like the ISSF, and less effort whose goals are simply to increase the use of the MSC label.

But instead we are caught up in a false battle over what constitute true sustainability, and until the WWF and SFP are willing to broaden their goals beyond MSC certification, this is where the sustainability movement will remain, and it will lose relevance over time.

Google shows that public interest in "sustainable seafood" based on word searches peaked in 2005, and has been declining since then. Let's rekindle that interest with a new approach that celebrates our success in terms of true scientific achievements. These include much more than just the growth in the use of the MSC label.

Story courtesy of SEAFOOD NEWS ANALYSIS:

NEWS ANALYSIS by John Sackton (SEAFOOD.COM NEWS) March 12, 2013 --

It happened in the USA - it won't happen here?

This documentary follows the plight of 2 commercial fishing families as they cope with falling fish stocks and increasing government regulation............................uuuuummmmmmmh familiar story?

The Last Frontier - Catch Share - An unnecessary and disturbing trend in reaching the goals of conservation.

Listen to the fisherman who speaks at 4' 48"
 - a salutatory warning!

This is what's going on in the Bering Sea. In 2005 roughly 75 percent of crab fishermen lost their jobs. The remainder pay 70 to 80 percent of the seasons gross profit to absentee quota holders. This project chronicles Catch Share programs and the fallout on individuals, communities and culture in Alaska.

Most fishermen in Alaska understand the need for conservation, but Catch Shares encourage fisheries dominated by large corporations and absentee owners. These programs threaten independent and family fishermen at the heart of coastal communities. In a Catch Share system rights to a percentage of the overall quota are privatized, then leased back to working fishermen at very expensive rates. Creating a new type of ownership by those who contribute nothing to the fishery and instead turn fishermen into modern day sharecroppers. An unnecessary and disturbing trend in reaching the goals of conservation. This film goes beyond the sound bite to illustrate some of the complexities in fisheries management and raises questions about the society we're creating in the process.

Keeping it local! #fishfight #eatmorefish

Fresh Cornish hake from the Ajax

Taking the fight to the people starting on the fish market - fishermen in Newlyn join a growing campaign to persuade the bigger names in fish wholesale and retail to buy local and support the home team - #fishfight #eatmorefish

See previous story as reported in the Times.

The Times covers the Real Fish Fight

There is an excellent article in today’s Times newspaper highlighting the anger among fishermen outraged by claims in Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s Fish Fight programme. The article says that trawlermen from all around the British coast are joining a Facebook campaign called the Real Fish Fight to protest about what they claim was misinformation in the three programmes.

The article continues: In Peterhead, one of the last whitefish ports in Britain, campaigners have set up shop by the harbourside market to protest against his campaign. At the weekend, trade in cod and haddock was brisk, the catch brought into port by a fishing fleet that has fallen from 120 vessels in the 1990s to only 30. As the fleet has been cut, the fishermen claim that cod stocks in the North Atlantic have reached their highest levels for almost 20 years, and ships such as the Budding Rose, skippered by Peter Bruce, require only a relatively short time at sea to fill their holds.

“We’re not happy with the way that we have been portrayed,” said Mr Bruce. “What the programme called facts were just lies. We thought there was such a misrepresentation of the situation, we had to set up on our own.”

Against the TV chef’s campaign, the trawlermen’s effort appear to be a drop in the ocean. Fearnley-Whittingstall Fish Fight Facebook page has 252,000 likes against under 4,500 achieved by the Real Fish Fight.

The trawlermen, though, are fighting back on the TV’s chef website. One contributor, Johnny Seago, wrote: “Hugh is only in this to raise his own profile and bank balance at the expense of the fishing fleet. Where I fish, we have had a trawling ban for over 40 years. We have sustainably fished for over 200 years.” Another contributor wrote: “In the 1908s there were over 1,000 large trawlers able to fish 365 days a year. Today there are less than 100 and restricted to a limited number of fishing days. You will not see trawlers fishing close to the shore as shown on Fish Fight.”

Mr Bruce said that colleagues were outraged that fishermen’s efforts to help nurture fish stocks had gone unremarked by the TV series. “We’ve been working with green groups, WWF, Marine Scotland and fisheries scientists. We innovated, changed the mesh size on nets; some of the areas closed to fishing were chosen on the advice of fishermen themselves.” Commenting on today’s article in The Times, Bertie Armstrong, chief executive of the SFF, said it underlined the huge anger on the quayside about the failure of Hugh’s Fish Fight to recognise the considerable efforts made by fishermen to conserve stocks.

According to Scottish Sea Fisheries Statistics, the amount of fishing effort by the Scottish fleet has declined by a massive 70% between 2000 and 2011. Furthermore, the latest scientific figures from the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) reveals that the spawning stock biomass of North Sea cod has increased by 250% from 2006 to 2012. Fishing mortality for cod (or the amount of fish being taken out of the sea) has declined by 43% between 2000 and 2011.

Bertie Armstrong, said: “It should not be forgotten that fishermen have made huge sacrifices over the last 10 years or so to reach this stage. The number of fishing vessels has dramatically declined and there have been strict effort controls as well. In addition, we have developed our own measures such as technical alterations to nets to significantly reduce discards and implementing real-time area closures to protect juvenile and spawning fish.

“In essence, our fishermen are by regulation taking much longer to catch much less fish, which has been achieved against a background of high operating costs. “The Fish Fight programme and subsequent online blogs and articles have also given the impression that fishermen are against Marine Protected Areas. The ironic thing is that we actually support the principle of MPAs – it is just the process of their implementation must not be rushed and pre-judged. Their needs to be careful scientific scrutiny to ensure that each proposed area is deserving of MPA status and is not designated on the basis of spurious evidence.

“It is a complex and difficult process, and a whole number of factors need to be taken into account, including the possibility of displacing fishing effort into other areas and the socio-economic impact on fragile fishing communities. It would be sheer madness to implement MPAs on the back of a sensationalist TV campaign. It is also entirely possible to meet the intertwined aims of marine protection and sustainable food production by dealing in fact rather than emotion.”