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Monday 11 February 2013

No discards - a run down of today's conversations on Twitter

Did you know?

ENGOs invested more than 70 millions US$ in direct lobbying - in Europe!

On the surface, lobbying would appear to be a fair and necessary means to garner facts, data and opinion from the key players and stakeholders in any given arena. 

The tweets below are just a few of those relating to reactions from around Europe in the wake of the historic EU Fisheries Council ending discards following a huge media campaign in which the UK played a significant role - largely through the public interest/awareness of Hugh Fearnely-Whittingstall's TV Fish Fight campaign. 

How much weight has been given solely to environmental factors alone?

How can we be sure that the NGOs and other lobbyists - the bigger global ones funded to the tune of millions of pounds/dollars by 'blue charities' are acting in the interests of all?

Keep the question simple: Should the reformed Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) be primarily focussed upon environmental factors?

The fishmeal plants are happy it seems!

 Sorry, this is a rhetoric tool called. combined to  well known from strategists

  1.  Hands on experience shows that short soak times & light gear results in better quality & lower mortality 
  2.  Low mortality rates for discards in selective inshore fishing. Careful husbandry of the sea 
  3. Who cares more for the small fishers?  or  investigation is worrying for sustainable fishing.

get rid off lobbying !!! and do not forget latest vote on fishery in EP

  and sorry, but 'asking my MEP' is a widely used tool as for equiv new media-bashing especially with social media ;-)

  can you tell me who finances with only this lobbying needs real transparency

  if it's lobbying, it is a tool that is widely used in Brussels. Also, I do not promote my view points... 1/2

  sorry Joris, I was talking about lobbying in fisheries funded by a little hand of US foundations read report in FR ;)

  sorry Joris, I was talking about lobbying in fisheries funded by a little hand of US foundations read report in FR ;)

 great cfpreform but tell me what do we do with all the fish we catch and are forbidden to land,no quota or no licence etc..??

Committee chair & fisherman : "We have the interests of the home fisherman at the heart of everything we do."

  Stick to peeling tatties and cooking fish and don't get involved with quota issues that you know nowt about

@pechefraiche @salmoskius Discardsban is Going back to the old days of industrial Fishing = Cheap joke sustainable EU Fishing

 RT  2 new members join NFFO today in North East.Small scale inshore fishermen.Thx for yr support.More intend to join

  Chaz they will start advertising,,Norwegian and icelandic fish though,,,they pay 75% of the seafish levy not us!!

no discard, cheap supply for fishmeal, full 100% exploitation of marine protein via   IFFO welcomes EP vote

Fishmeal & fish oil industry/IFFO welcomes EP vote; Potential for use of fish  & by-products  

We can reverse overfishing & reduce  if "bold action is taken & sustained"  Looking towards  for leadership.

When I want to influence a MEP, I go to the POLL - I don't go to the poll to elect an ENGO   financed by who?

  Discardsban is Going back to the old days of industrial Fishing = Cheap joke sustainable EU Fishing

Film Festival "Fishermen World" at Sea 2013.

The International Film Festival "Fishermen World" invites the public to a new fishing films Sea 2013.
From 19 to 24 March 2013 Ploemeur and Lorient, the fifth edition of "Fishermen World" offers to the public on April 3 movies where the people of the sea unfold and tell, go to war against the rampaging elements, reflect on their future and remember. dreams pictures, images of freedom, images of fear, sensitivity and different approach, the ocean inspires filmmakers.
Moments of pure cinema.
Preview the Festival will present Tuesday, March 19 at 20:30 Cinéville Lorient feature the highly acclaimed Senegalese Moussa Touré La Pirogue on a dangerous journey of young Africans from Senegal to Europe, film selected at Cannes 2012 and won prizes at numerous international festivals.
By opening night, Wednesday, March 20 at 20h at Océanis Ploemeur and free entry, the Festival will start in a beautiful trip the seven seas with Planet Ocean Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Michel Pitiot.
Then, the Festival will anchor from March 21 to March 24 Ricoeur and dining room Gilles de Gennes at the entrance of the school Dupuy O L I Lorient with 44 films in his nets a dozen countries, including 15 films competition:
Indoors, many documentaries on fishermen around the world with beautiful testimonies such as these fishermen of Japan refusing the installation of a nuclear power plant in their bay Like the bee that makes the earth turn Japanese Hitomi Kamanaka or that these illegal immigrants Senegalese Mbëkk Mi, the breath of the ocean Sophie Bachelor or the European fishermen who compete in the Peace ofGulf of Patrice Gerard.
Sea cinema film can be as pure as the feature film avant-garde Verena Paravel and Leviathan Lucien Castaing Taylor filming the sea as a work of art or docu-fiction India Sengadal, the Dead Sea Leena Manimekala on Indian fishermen in the conflict in Sri Lanka.
The festival is also dating images with fishing communities Siberian, Thai, African and Canadian and moments of memory with Man of Aran Robert Flaherty made ​​1934 fishing west of the Ireland orSailors Croix-migration to Keroman a fascinating study conducted by the college of St. Tudy on the migration of fishermen Groix to the port of Lorient. A beautiful journey in perspective.
Festival a unique event for people of the sea
Place of meetings and discussions with directors, professional fishermen, scientists, the Festival supports quality cinema offering numerous unpublished in France and a Festival Award given by a jury of professionals and an award Young given by a jury of students. S ince its inception in 2008, more than a hundred films from all continents were screened and the Festiva received nearly 5,000 spectators and filmmakers from all continents. 
Visit our website http / / www.pecheursdumonde.org , for more details on our Festival.
Before first Cinéville: price: € 5,
Opening night room Keragan (Océanis, Ploemeur): free
Selection Reflection of the world and films in competition room 
Festival Pass: Full price: 20 €. Reduced price: 10 € day pass: Full price: 8 € Reduced price: 5 €
Session Pass: Full price: € 4 Reduced: € 2, Selection Box movies, room G de Gennes free entry.
Catherine Le Maut
Communications Officer
Mobile: 0672959076
5th edition of the International Film Festival "Fishermen World"
from 19 to 24 March 2013
1, avenue de la Marne
56100 LORIENT 

Sunday 10 February 2013

Reform of the CFP organizes the dismantling of the Breton fishing.

Press the Collective Fisheries and Development 1 Avenue de la Marne 56100 Lorient 

Upon the passing of the Reform by the European Parliament, two examples of analysis have confirmed that which we constantly repeat since the launch of the project. One of the leaders of Pew says in the New York Times that takes policy reform implementation in the United States. 

Maria Damanaki, for her part, came to praise blue growth policy for aquaculture, marine energy, extractions of all kinds, which are well known for their impact on the environment. 

We know the results of American Politics: mass privatization of fishing rights, wilderness setting under the supervision of ENGOs and oil companies, such as California. If the majority of stocks are not overfished, this is due to a massive reduction in fishing effort more than privatization per se, there is no growth in landings where these policies are implemented, against by the number of fishermen has collapsed, ports have disappeared in New England especially, where this policy is totally unsuited to multispecies demersal fisheries of the same type as those on the Bretons (and many Cornish boats .ed). 

This eco-liberal policy has been prepared by the Pew Oceans Commission.

Pew and various foundations from the large U.S. multinationals, the most powerful, Walmart, well known for his outrageous social practices, have decided to promote this type of policy in Europe. Why they created a fake nose, Ocean 2012, a coalition of ENGOs and some fishermen, entirely under the control of Pew. They baited the world of small-scale with the support of Greenpeace and WWF to give masking their social liberal and socially destructive projects. They hired a huge propaganda campaign hundreds of millions of dollars, creating from scratch NGOs, funding studies, public relations agencies, journalists, film. The goal was to create a sense of urgency and disaster to the oceans empty, looted by destructive fishing unable to manage. There is a part of reality, but it was mostly mobilize the general public with shock images and movies to put pressure on elected members of Parliament, subject them to intense lobbying, who are unable to resist because of their absolute ignorance of the subject and finally, glad to give a green cheaply at the expense of fishermen totally marginalized. It worked in the United States and it worked in Europe.

This victory gained at the cost of shameless manipulation of the public and elected officials is a step towards the generalization of more stringent policies of dispossession and put under supervision of fishermen. These policies are already operating in Northern Europe, Sweden (2/3 fishermen brutally eliminated) and Denmark. This country has the luxury of appearing as a model of virtue while practicing the most destructive industrial fishing which accounts for nearly 20% of European catches, fishing for fish meal. Elected officials have managed to completely forget this practice, it is true that there is no discharge!!! 

In France, the report organizing the implementation of ITQs is ready. Cameras will be installed on ships, paid for by the fishermen, MCZ areas will be increased, the oceans delivered to new investors in the blue growth, without consultation or recognition of the rights of fishermen. We organize "humanely" massive elimination of fishers says project reporter Rodust,even if Parliament also promises that by 2020, the reform will land 15 million tonnes and create additional 30,000 jobs.

Next came the challenge of fuel tax rebates, research the maximum yield economic, beyond the maximum biological yield and therefore even fewer fishermen. We'll also research to the integrity of marine ecosystems with bans on trawling.

This reform comes as the stock situation improves in the Atlantic and Mediterranean - even for bluefin tuna. All fishermen say, the most endangered species is the fishermen burdened with a multitude of constraints more or less consistent. Fishermen have measured the impact of overfishing and proposed management measures effective when they are left in the possibility. There is still some way to go to match the fishing resources and new realities (energy, biodiversity), but a coherent reform should strengthen the adaptive capacity of fishing accompanied by scientific field and trust and respect ENGO rights of fishermen. 

Instead, reform has cleared the way for all appetites mobilized for the conquest of the new maritime border and blue growth. The defense of a small fishing necessary, but confined within 12 miles, can only serve to hide a liquidation of artisanal fisheries on the rest of the EEZ.

Collective Fisheries and DevelopmentFebruary 8, 2013

Happy Chinese New Year!

Saturday 9 February 2013

Mackerel scene and Hugh's new Fish Fight

HFW on the One Show gives the low down on the latest news from the 'mackerel war' being waged in northern waters. The clip also included out-takes from the new 3 series of Hugh's Fish Fight starting next week.

Pair teams from Scotland and France pair trawl for bass off the Isle of Wight

Bet they have more success than the rugby team.

Spotted on Twitter - and below are the AIS tracks showing the paths taken by the French and single Scottish pair teams working south of the Isle of Wight and Swanage.

It's a Cornish Sardine Saturday

Local replica pilot boat tied up outside the tug...

the sapphire II is days away from her maiden Newlyn voyage...

not so long ago this was the newest boat in the fleet, now a regular landing sardines and herring into Newlyn...

as the 25 ton haul of fish are brailed ashore 250 kilo sat a time...

under the watchful eye of skipper Peter Bullock...

and right hand man Phil...

there's always one trying to escape...

closing the brail net for another dip means these fish are caught twice...

checking the quality and any interlopers like the odd mackerel...

then its time for plenty of ice to top off the box before going aboard the waiting lorry transport...

looking like silver bars...

heading for the transport bay...

over in the harbour cafe...

trade is brisk ever since the Mission was forced  to close its doors on a Saturday morning...

open with a new show, the Bucca Gallery next to the Star...

where mein host Debbie is keeping the jokes topical.