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Tuesday 20 November 2012

Blue Charity - in le Marin

The French journal of the sea, Le Marin has run a story on the Blue Charity paper published by Yan Giron via the Peche Development web site.

Looking for pilchard netting information

20 November 16:17
Anybody able to tell me how strong pilchard netting is and whether it would make a seine net please?

No pilchards here I am looking for a lightweight but strong net for ring netting with from my IP24.

Saturday 17 November 2012

Hedgepig spuds

Tonight's top tip!

Cutting the spuds with two flat wooden spoons like salad servers prevents the knife from going right through.

On a sunny Saturday morning

Is the German artist Christo in the process of wrapping Penzance terminus station or is the place finally geting a makeover?...

work has begun to cut up the hull of the Anthony, the shot shows just how thick her side planking is...

the frames have all been cut down to the deck level...

time for a few tonnes of ice on the Lisa, though the weather is due to blow her back in again on Monday morning...

and its all caught on film...

you can't beat that for a price on pinn hake!...

next door the art is definitely nautical...

and in the new gallery its all blue...

a big thanks to all the customers at the Swordy who have raised £1500, Pete is proud of you!...

house of cats...

over in Penzance Dock the Imogen III has a new net drum...

and winch...

anda new dual purpose set of doors...

should keep young Roger busy over the winter out in the Bay and round the Scillies...

Scillonian III tucked in the Dry Dock for her winter refit...

the show house at Ocean Blue Apartments is open for viewing.

Friday 16 November 2012

Falmouth Marine School on fish auction visit

Blue Badge Guide Andy shows off black gold to Foundation Degree Science students from Falmouth Marine School...

a tense moment as the price climbs for those monk...

running in black...

conger looking full of fat...

boxes ready to go aboard.

Eating, it's what we do

Pondering popping a few peanuts in your mouth for a quick snack to spending hours grafting over a hot stove to keep those demon hunger pangs at bay fills a good deal of our daily lives. For some, and all too many in the world, popping a few peanuts might constitute a feast while for others agonising over a whether to have a Pétrus and Romanée Conti to accompany their filet might be their greatest concern.

On a day-to-day basis most of us find ourselves in some sort of middle ground  with the occasional foray to either end of the eating spectrum depending on circumstances - from a drive in Big Mac out of desperation to blowing a little more at a recommended local eatery.

Sometimes, perhaps once in a lifetime or less, the opportunity to enter into to some sort of gastronomic Twilight Zone might come along. So when Rob and Di Coke won themselves a 'meal for two' prize, did they ever for one moment think that at some stage during said meal they would carefully investigate a small kilner jar full of ice by releasing the lid only to have live shrimp make an immediate bid for freedom - intrigued? 

Read on.

Thursday 15 November 2012

Saving the Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries!

Take Action for the Menhaden Fishery: Tell the ASMFC Not to Hurt Working Families Before the Facts are In! - so begins a plea to help save the Atlantic Menhaden Fisheries

The ASMFC is considering harvest restrictions that could threaten the future of the menhaden fishery and thousands of families who depend on it. Please let the ASMFC know that you care by sharing your concerns below. We've done the leg work for you by drafting up a form letter, so please take a moment to sign the attached letter and show the ASMFC that you stand with the menhaden fishery. 

According to Nils Stolpe, the Pew people, with the help of recreational fishermen and their billions of dollars, are campaigning to short circuit the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission's menhaden management program, and they're using their usual distortions to do it.

 This isn't just about menhaden, as important as that fishery is. It's about Pew's willingness to go outside the management system and to use political pressure that they've created when they can't get their way with the Councils, NMFS or the Commissions, and if they prevail it's going to have negative repercussions for all of us.

The Maine Lobstermen's Association, among others, is urging their members to sign the petition by the industry group Saving Menhaden Fisheries.

The petition is at http://letter.savingmenhaden.org/

If you want to take a significant step in insuring that our management system in based on solid science, not foundation induced hysteria, take the two minutes to go to the petition site and sign on, but do it before 5:00 tomorrow, which is when the comment period closes. And please forward this message to as many people as you can.

Thanks, Nils