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Wednesday 3 October 2012

Cornwall Food & Drink fair fares well

This year's Cornwall Food and Drink fest proved a big hit with the foodie public - over forty thousands people were reckoned to have tasted the delights of Cornwall's biggest food festival over the weekend - especially on Saturday when over 3000 people were tallied per hour!
Top Cornish chefs included Nathan Outlaw gave a continuous series of cooking demonstrations complete with top tips for making the best of Cornwall's growing list of locally produced food produce and catches.

Hake, John Dory, cod and mackerel, just some of the fish up for auction at Newlyn this morning

Trick of the light, on the prom...

one of Phil's hake was the star turn on Simon Mayo's Foodie Thursday show on Radio2 last week...

JDs from the JR...

and a stack of red gurnards too...

red gills  - the brighter the red the fresher the fish...

early Autumn mackerel make good money if you can catch them...

and here's where they end up...

off for another day on the pots, Girl Pamela leaves the quay...

once the bait is aboard the big red crabber from the Isle of Man will set sail...

the full moon provides some additional light in the harbour before sunrise...

the directory enquiries of St Ives ready for the off...

ex fishing boat MFV 74 with her numbers red lined out - on the National Historic Ships register...

rigging from the Joanna Lucretia set against the morning sky...

the netters, Sparkling Line and Govenek of Ladram wait for this month's big tide to pass before sailing again...

if you want to see Newlyn Harbours Lights turned on for Christmas this year why not form a team (of 4) and enjoy some of the piscatorial ambiance and a few beers to be found in one of Newlyn's best known fishing pubs?

Tuesday 2 October 2012

An apology from the Sunday Times - Only 100 adult cod in the North Sea

Clarification: The headline of this article over-simplifies a complex issue. It refers to a fall in the number of fully mature cod over the age of 13, indicating that this is the breeding age of cod. In fact, they can start breeding between the ages of four and six, in which case there are many more mature cod in the North Sea. CEFAS, the government fisheries laboratory, says the cod stock remains severely depleted but has been gradually improving. 

We regret the over-simplification - as recorded in the Sunday Times

Monday 1 October 2012

Fish auction panoramic view

Enjoy a 360º view of the fish auction on Newlyn market this morning.

Six tonnes of ice please

With only 3 tonnes of ice taken at the start of the trip the Mor Breiz called in to Newlyn for enough ice to last for the rest of her 15 day trip...

though, the length of the trip can be dictated to by the kind and volume of fish caught...

a few hours later and she is back at sea with the first haul aboard...

a good haul of otoliths this morning...

plenty of monk tails up for auction this morning...

and some of those grandad cod...

with three planks sprung the Excellent sits peacefully on the bottom...

the Isles of Scilly has its own maritime paramedic service...

Tom on watch over a morning promising heavy cloud cover with the occasional burst of sunshine.

It's Foody Thursday and BBC R2's Simon Mayo Show - cooking Cornish hake

Simon and the team are joined on Foodie Thursday by resident GastroGnome, Nigel Barden, who has been provided with a fillet of hake from the Newlyn netter, Govenek of Ladram, skippered by Phil Mitchell.

Sunday 30 September 2012

Sun, sand sea and songs in St Ives

Flying the national flags, but where?...

this miner should be a clue...

"have you seen the old man..."...

as I was going to St Ives I met a man with seven cats, here's four of them...

shielded from the Cornish sunshine on their big day...

as the bride and groom get in their photo shoot on the beach...

it's a local affair, grub up at the best burger joint in Cornwall.