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Monday 10 September 2012

Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World - Monty Halls' debate at Plymouth University

A BBC Question Time-style debate hosted by TV marine biologist Monty Halls aims to throw a new perspective on the future of fishing next week.

The star of The Fisherman's Apprentice will be taking an in-depth look at sustainable use of the seas and inviting audience members to quiz an expert panel and share their own views.

Joining Mr Halls on stage will be The End of the Line film-maker, author and journalist Charles Clover, South East Cornwall Conservative MP Sheryll Murray and representatives from the fishing industry and the science and environment communities.

Mr Halls said there were some big questions to discuss.

"For years our waters have been an open environment where fishermen have been able to pursue their catch with relatively few restrictions," he said. "But the marine landscape is changing rapidly and significant areas are to be given over to renewable energy developments, marine conservation zones, and aqua-culture. "So how do we balance the often conflicting interests of a sustainable fishing industry, food production, research and development of new technology and the need for a healthy, biodiverse sea?" He added that these were some of the questions he would be wrestling with and given their importance to the South West hoped local people would come along and have their say.

The debate – Sustainable Fisheries in a Changing World – is being held on Tuesday in Plymouth University's graduation marquee on the Hoe. It is part of the Oceans of Potential Conference, which is a key strand of the Plymouth Marine City Festival.

Mr Halls saw for himself the issues facing the region's fishing fleets when he spent a year at Cadgwith Cove in Cornwall serving an apprenticeship and learning some of the traditional techniques associated with small boat-based operations.

Fishermen are encouraged to submit questions or topics for debate in advance of the evening - anyone who would like to pose a question for the panel is asked to email it in the first instance to Professor Martin Attrill at Plymouth University Marine Institute, before the end of today, at: M.Attrill@plymouth.ac.uk

To register for a place at the debate, send an email to: pde@plymouth.ac.uk

End-to-end with fish

Flights of fancy as the resident harbour gulls take off in search of breakfast...

those Dorys are just giving themselves up to the Elisabeth Veronique!...

line caught stone bass taken by the crew of the Newquay boat Shannon from under a floating object...

rare as hen's teeth again this weekend...

there's a few blues to be found in the deeper water...

measuring the catch, 6Kg plus hake need an additional device to get measured on the market, longer then 100cm!...

as the sample is taken of length and otoliths from the Ajax's latest landing...

enough Cornish Sardines to keep the end of summer BBQs going...

bright, blood red gills show just how fresh fish from the Ajax is this morning...

big shot of rays from the inshore boat DanMark...

just a few of the big landings from the rest of the inshore fleet on the market...

WiFi enabled scales, if only the guys had been shown how to use them...

and a silver autumn morn it is...

don't forget to check before you arrive at the now very popular seafood par excellence Tolcarne Inn - tables are being booked days ahead!

Saturday 8 September 2012

Out of the mist....

Just visible as she makes her way towards the harbour entrance...

the L'Ecume des Jours...

takes a berth at the iceworks for a top up...

there's an ever-changing display at the Picture Framer's studio opposite the fish market.

Friday 7 September 2012

Friday's Fishing News does Through the Gaps!

Page one of a four page feature in this week's Fishing nes available in your local newsagent now - better still, you can get an online or paper versions at a reduced rate on yearly subscription via their web site

Fishy Friday BBQ at Rinsey Beach - minus the sand

Laden with beach, BBQ kit and enough sardines, mackerel squid and home made burgers to feed eight including the grand kids it came as a bit of a shock to find the beach at Rinsey was minus a viat ingredient - namely the sand - strong southerly winds a few weeks ago had removed the beach! - this is what it normally looks like...

time to prepare the fish, simply gutted...

and washed, plenty of fresh water to hand...


with a little help from the sous-chef...

the fish and squid are soon on the go...

time to eat with some of Vicki's delicious bread...

time for the burgers and bananas for the kid's dessert...

when the rapidly advancing tide...

came ever higher despite the efforts of some to emulate King Canute...

time to head back up the cliff path...

leaving the bass anglers to it...

the slopes proved a heady mix for some...

the end to a perfect Cornish summer's eve...

homeward bound towards an azure sky.

MSC video - Substainable Seas


Fishy Friday feast

Bleached white and well worn granite on the prom enjoy some early sun...
as the Bay wakes...
with huge quantities of fish being landed this week all over the European ports the buyers will be looking for the best possible prices

two varieties of gurnard...

Tom's prime lemons from the Harvest Reaper...

and a message from fellow inshore trawler skipper Mark on the Elisabeth Veronique to arch rival Tom!...

Sea Spray contré jour...

there's always a way to get to the back of the van..

almost ready for sea again aboard the big scalloper, Jacoba...

L'Alpe Bleu in shadow, this year's Turner Prize entry...

the port's biggest creep...

gear safely stowed on deck aboard the Sapphire...

those harbour worms have run out of supper almost...

freshly roped pots all set for the Emma Louise...

the wagons are ready to roll...

Smart buying.