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Friday 7 September 2012

Cloe T rescue video from Culdrose crew

771 Naval Air Squadron rescues the 5 crew members of the Chloe T before she sank on 1st Sept 2012.

Record distance for VesselTracker AIS

616 nautical miles from Land's End - the 116m tanker Chem Sea is picked up on the VesselTracker AIS chart.

Thursday 6 September 2012

Through the Gaps helps Cornwall's fish brand recognition

THE NEWLYN fishing industry is benefiting from a better brand recognition, according to the head of Cornwall's largest fishing co-operative, after new figures showed the sector expanded in the South West last year.

According to a comprehensive report published last week by the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), UK fishing boats landed less catch last year, but saw a massive increase in value.
In Newlyn, 10,300 tonnes with a value of just over £22 million were landed in 2011, with monkfish, sardines and crabs the three biggest catches.

The haul placed Cornwall's biggest port third in England and the South West, behind Plymouth and Brixham in terms of quantity, and second in terms of value.
The majority of Newlyn's value came from landings of demersal fish, with total catches equating to £16.4 million.

Paul Trebilcock, chief executive of the Cornish Fish Producers' Organisation, put the increased takings as being down to, in part, better recognition of the Cornish brand.

He said: "In terms of Newlyn we would be pointing at the fact that the value of the fish landed by our boats is increasing, our Newlyn boats are contributing to this. The value of fish landed by the Cornish fleet is definitely going up. That is down to a combination of things. Improving stocks, the abundance of fish we are catching, important stocks such as herring, hake, monkfish and pollack.
"There is a better brand recognition that Cornish fish is of the highest quality and wanted by quality buyers, and is likely to be sensitively caught. Chefs such as Nathan Outlaw and Rick Stein are pointing to Cornish fish as being the very best in terms of quality."

The MMO report last week showed that in the Cornish FPO territory, more than 15,000 tonnes of fish were landed with a value of £35.5 million.

Elsewhere in the South West, Brixham saw more than £26 million worth of fish landed, mainly scallops, monkfish and cuttlefish.

Plymouth saw 14,000 tonnes of mainly horse mackerel, mackerel and scallops landed.
Mr Trebilcock added the figures proved the fishing industry deserved respect: "It's time this Government recognises the impact, particularly here in Cornwall, of the fishing industry."

Story courtesy of The Cornishman

Emma's new pots

Photo courtesy of Emma Rowse

Loaded with new pots, the Rowse crabber, Emma Louise is about to deploy a few more strings to add to her fleet of pots.

Searching time

The Odyessey Explorer is undertaking a comprehensive search pattern at the moment - is there more gold on that there seabed?

Ajax long range AIS

The heavy, sultry weather sees the biggest range for AIS yet - VesselTracker aerials are picking up small Breton fishing boats working north of the Great Sole banks right on the edge of the continental shelf. Also picked up is the Newlyn netter, Ajax seen here just over 100 miles west of Land's End.

VesselTracker have introduced a new range finder feature when in the cockpit view of their AIS programme.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Mid-week market

Ian on the move...

white is good Ed...

top quality fish from three inshore trawlers, the Shiralee and his dorys...

Mark with dorys from the bigger Elisabeth Veronique...

and the 21 foot Innisfallelen's lemons...

fish flying out the market...

to a cracking morning...

shining on a tale of two wheelhouses...

two visiting scallopers wait for their crews

and a pile of pots waits to be roped.