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Tuesday 3 April 2012

First gale forecast for some time.

Main areas that fishermen are interested in for the waters off Cornwall
- Portland, Plymouth, Fitzroy, Sole, Fastnet, and Lundy

Shipping Forecast. Portland, Plymouth, Sole NW 3/4, increasing 5-7, phaps gale 8 later Plymouth Sole. Moderate/rough. Occasional rain or showers. Moderate/good

Shipping Forecast. Lundy, Fastnet, Irish Sea NW 4/5, veering* NE 6-gale 8, perhaps gale 9. Moderate/rough, Occasional slight at first. Rain/showers. Moderate/good* 

*A veering wind is one that changes in a clockwise direction - a backing wind moves anti-clockwise.

*Moderate/good indicates the degree of visibility

Sunday 1 April 2012

Ajax second landing of hake

 A lone angler tries his luck at high water off the promenade as the lugger Ripple sails by........
 from the depths of the chilled fishroom come the hake.......
 up to the waiting transport bound for Brixham.......
cousins Tom and Jack Hicks whose skipper fathers can be seen in action aboard the family boat, Ben My Chree when she was pair-trawling with the Keriolet.......
crew with attitude........
customer focussed crew.

Saturday 31 March 2012

I name this ship Emma Louise!

Slideshow and soundtrack of the blessing and naming ceremony.

Listen to the blessing and naming ceremony.

Bubbles shower the assembled guests during the naming ceremony!

Let party begin! Bubbles shower the guests as Emma, wife and partner in Rowse Fishing does the honours and christens the family's new crabber, Emma Louise.

How good to see a new build celebrated within the local community. After Newlyn Mission skipper Keith Dixon did the honours and blessed the ship he followed tradition and handed over a Mission Bible to skipper Mario to keep aboard the boat before Emma Rowse did the honours and christened - literally - the boat and the assembled guests.

After a few words of thanks to the designers at Macduff, Tom's of Polruan and all those involved in her build from fleet owner Mark those present were treated to a few glasses of bubbly before moving on to the buffet reception in the historic Trafalgar Room at the Union Hotel suitably entertained by local Celtic songsmiths Rig-a-Jig.

Saturday around the Bay

Chilly but dry........
and signs that the summer is underway with the first of the season's sailboats in berth.......
the AA goes through her gear.......
some words of wisdom on the subject of lifejackets from the MCA.......
after being out of action for nearly a year the Wherry Town skate ramp is being demolished......
evidence of several successive quiet days on the beach.......
bound in to Penzance wet dock.......
the beam trawler Admiral Gordon heads in through the dock gate........
watch the paintwork - the ever-cheerful Bruv has a fender at hand.......
with a few hours to go before the naming ceremony, Cyril from Squirrel Signs, ends all that speculation about the name of the new Rowse crabber........
things aren't quite ship-shape aboard the........
new crabber, Emma Louise.......
plenty of paint to hand.......
across the road the Dock Inn caters for all tastes.........
Penzance's premier gallery's latest show is on for Easter.

Friday 30 March 2012

Discards - a developing story

Discussion started by Yan Giron in LinkedIn

"I was on night work in last Feb 2012 and missed this position statement. Then came this famous discussion at the EP about discards. Again the French professionals' official view is to avoid by-catches and funny, today in Boulogne Sur Mer, it was astonishing how other European professionals support this type of measures, instead of a total ban discard. Then somebody showed me this document. Funny how it may be closed to our professionals' view regarding their reject of a total and overall ban discard. And that is what we received for that: a furious campaign from FishFight http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2012/mar/20/campaigners-eu-fish-discards-victory"
CFP Reform Discussion: Guess who said "The proposed discard ban is not a measure against discards, but an incentive to discard on land" ? That, if I am right, means "I don't support a discard ban" The discard ban is on the agenda because it is easy to relate to, even without too much knowledge about the substance. In that sense the “ban” is a good public driver for better management. If I may put the concept in a few boxes. First what do we want to obtain: “MSY-sustainability”, in a TAC/Quota management that entails setting targets – not to be exceeded but to count all catches against the quota, as WWF says: “ Fishermen must be held accountable for what they catch.” This is also the point of focus in the joint declaration: http://www.fvm.dk/Admin/Public/DWSDownload.aspx?File=%2fFiles%2fFiler%2fEnglish%2fFisheries%2fPaving_the_way_for_a_New_Common_Fisheries_Policy__revised_15__october_2009.pdf If fishermen must count all catches they will minimise discards whether done at sea or on the pier. Second a discard ban may be an add-on to full catch accountability – this will be an ethical consideration, it may put some additional pressure on “best utilization”, and it should be prudently phased in.

Thirdly you may notice that accounting fully for your outtake of our natural capital requires that the user (or fisher) documents his outtake, hence the requirement for CCTV etc (now being trialed on 70 vessels in DK, Germany, Netherlands and UK). Once all catches are accounted for quotas can be increased with the amount of calculated discards now being deducted before TAC-setting. In a phasing in model you would allow vessels with full documentation a quota without discard deduction. Vessel segments without CCTV would have to endure a “taxing” for the calculated discard. If these segments employ better practices and establish better data for science to reduce the discard estimate they benefit – eventually with full documentation the deduction is zero. A concrete target to strive for. Other efficient modalities can be considered.

Using incentivizing result based management will ensure the driver for better utilization of our stocks with the fishermen. They can and will do much better than to-day and the main challenge they must relate to is the choke species problem in certain mixed fisheries.

If I should relat to the TFC discussion: The reason the Commission wants TFC is to manage capacity - and the argument for managing capacity is that we don not manage total catches.

More on this a www.fvm.dk/yieldoffish 

NPHC meeting agenda for April 4th 2012

Minutes from the last Newlyn Harbour Commissioner's meeting and next week's agenda.


Plenty of good monk tails with the Filadelfia......
just follow the trail leading to the black gold.......
what about  a mullet or two?........
topping off the Ajax's hake with ice.......
a good shot of 70 odd boxes put ashore last night, she's due back in again for Monday's market......
last touch ashore for L'Ogien........
as she heads for the gaps.......
at the start of another trip........
planty of anti-fouling jobs to be done in the port at this time of year......
and inside the hull too.......
cold and clear start to the day.......
so the St Piran won't be bound just yet.......
those morkis make good pot bait......
the Spring is sprung........
looks like Waghorn's is about to be reincarnated......
don't believe a word.......
break through.